# A part-of-speech dictionary that's used additionally to the binary dictionary (*.dict). # This does not add words to the spell checker, see hunspell/spelling.txt for that. # File Encoding: UTF-8 # Format: three tab-separated fields: fullform baseform postags 3XL 3XL AQ0CN0 4XL 4XL AQ0CN0 5XL 5XL AQ0CN0 Browning Browning NPCNSP0 Edelvives Edelvives NPCNSP0 Rolling Rolling NPCNSP0 Tebaida Tebaida NPFSG00 Umtiti Umtiti NPCNSP0 XL XL AQ0CN0 XXL XXL AQ0CN0 XXXL XXXL AQ0CN0 fallida fallido AQ0FS0 fallidas fallido AQ0FP0 fallido fallido AQ0MS0 fallidos fallido AQ0MP0 stablecoin stablecoin NCMS000 stablecoins stablecoin NCMP000