# The opposite of added.txt: these readings will be removed. # Useful to remove incorrect readings from the binary dictionary without rebuilding it. # File Encoding: UTF-8 # Format: fullform baseform postags (tab separated) Abelian Abelian JJ abigail abigail NN abigails abigail NNS abl abl NN aboves above NNS aby aby VB aby aby VBP abye abye VB abye abye VBP abying aby VBG abying abye VBG abyeing abye VBG abies aby VBZ adhesion adhesion NN:U afterward afterward NN afterwards afterward NNS airliner airline JJR alert alert VBG als als NN ain ain JJ annulling annulling NNS anser anser NN anymore anymore JJ anyway anyway NN anyways anyway NNS anywheres anywhere NNS anywheres anywheres RB appalling appalling NNS approx approx NN assailing assailing NNS atm atm NN atomic atomic NN babysit babysit VBD bachelor bachelor VB bachelor bachelor VBP bachelors bachelor VBZ backpedalling backpedalling NNS baffling baffling NNS baselessness baselessness JJ battling battling NNS beautifuler beautiful JJR beautifulest beautiful JJS beggarly beggarly RB begone begone VB begone begone VBP begones begone VBZ billion billion NNS blows blows NN blush blush NN bottling bottling NNS bowling bowling NNS bowtie bowtie NN brambly brambly RB brave brave VBG brief brief VBG buckling buckling NNS bugs bugs JJ builded build VBD builded build VBN bundling bundling NNS bustling bustling NNS buttons buttons NN cabling cabling NNS cancelling cancelling NNS cars cars NN cen cen NN cfd cfd NN channelling channelling NNS cheque cheque VB cheque cheque VBP cheques cheque VBZ china china JJ christmas christmas VB Christmas Christmas VB christmas christmas VBP Christmas Christmas VBP Christmases Christmas VBZ chronicling chronicling NNS churn churn NN comingling comingling NNS common common NN:U community community JJ compelling compelling NNS computer computer NN:UN comradely comradely RB configuration configuration NN congee congee VB congee congee VBP congees congee VBZ congeed congee VBD congeed congee VBN congeeing congee VBG consensus consensus NN controlling controlling NNS controllership controllership NN coud coud JJ counselling counselling NNS course course JJ courser course JJR cowling cowling NNS crawling crawling NNS cris cris NN crises cris NNS cruft cruft NN culling culling NNS curling curling NNS damp damp VBG dangling dangling NNS deaf deaf VB deaf deaf VBP defuelling defuelling NNS decrescendo decrescendo VB decrescendo decrescendo VBP decrescendos decrescendo VBZ delicious delicious NN destress destress VB destress destress VBP dilly-dally dilly-dally RB divers divers DT DO DO NNP doe doe JJ doer doe JJR doest doe JJS doit doit NN doubler double JJR dumpling dumpling NNS dumplings dumplings NN earlier earlier JJ earliest earliest JJ Edward Edward RB enfranchize enfranchize VB enfranchize enfranchize VBP Englishmen Englishmen NNPS equalling equalling NNS et et CC excelling excelling NNS faces fax NNS facies facies NN:U farmer farm JJR ferrying ferrying NNS filling filling NNS fold fold JJ folder fold JJR forestalling forestalling NNS former former NN:U fort fort VB fort fort VBP forts fort VBZ fouling fouling NNS fremd fremd JJ fremd fremd NN fremdly fremdly RB fremdness fremdness NN fremds fremd NN froward froward JJ fuelling fuelling NNS fulfilling fulfilling NNS galling galling NNS galore galore DT galore galore NN galores galore NNS garbling garbling NNS gaveling gaveling NN gaveling gaveling NNS gavelling gavelling NN gavelling gavelling NNS general general VB general general VBP generals general VBZ gentle gentle VBG gift gift NN:UN gonna go VBG googling googling NN googling googling NNS graphemic graphemic NN greatest greatest NN grouper group JJR guestimated guestimated NN guestimating guestimating NN handling handling NNS hatchling hatchling NNS header head JJR high-quality high-quality NN:UN hilly hilly RB hip-hop hip-hop NN hoka hoka NN howling howling NNS hrs hrs NN hundred hundred NNS hypothesises hypothesis NNS idling idling NNS ie ie JJ impelling impelling NNS incl incl NN inkling inkling NNS installing installing NNS intens intens NN interfamily interfamily RB intimate intimate VBG iproniazid iproniazid NN irrate irrate VB irrate irrate VBP jewelling jewelling NNS journeying journeying NNS jumpstart jumpstart VB jumpstart jumpstart VBP jumpstarted jump-start VBD jumpstarted jump-start VBN jumpstarting jump-start VBN jus jus NN kneeling kneeling NNS knobbly knobbly RB Knorr Knorr NN labelling labelling NNS lame lame VBG land land JJ lander land JJR layer lay JJR leveling leveling NNS liberalisers liberalizer NNS liter lite JJR log log JJ login login VB login login VBP lower lowe JJR looksee look-see NNS mak mak NN maks mak NNS manifold manifold VBG mariner marine JJR marshall marshall NN marshalling marshalling NNS marshalls marshall NNS marvelling marvelling NNS maximiser maximizer NNS maximisers maximizer NNS metabolisable metabolizable JJ microeconomic microeconomic NN milling milling NNS million million NNS mineralisation mineralization NNS mingling mingling NNS minis minis NN mislabelling mislabelling NNS modeler model JJR muster must JJR mute mute VBG myanmar myanmar NN ne ne NN negative negative VBG negociate negociate VB negociate negociate VBP neighbourly neighbourly RB neighborly neighborly RB nerver nerver NN nervers nerver NNS numbers numbers NN obscure obscure VBG okey okey NN oiling oiling NNS oliver olive JJR oliver oliver NN olivers oliver NNS olympics olympics NN:U oner one JJR opsonised opsonize VBD opsonised opsonize VBN overlies overly NNS overly overly NN owner own JJR otoe otoe NN painterly painterly RB pally pally RB parenthesises parenthesis NNS parties parti NNS patrolling patrolling NNS per per JJ per per RP personnels personnel NNS pies pi NNS polling polling NNS pooling pooling NNS possibler possible JJR possiblest possible JJS précised précise VBD précised précise VBN précises précise VBZ précising précise VBG presenter present JJR pressurisation pressurization NNS prickly prickly RB prims prim VBG printer print JJR propelling propelling NNS psychodynamic psychodynamic NN PTSD ptsd NN PTSD PTSD NNP pulling pulling NNS pur pur JJ pushbutton push NNS quadrillion quadrillion NNS quarrelling quarrelling NNS queer queer VBG quicker quicker RB railing railing NNS rappelling rappelling NNS rebelling rebelling NNS recrystallisation recrystallization NNS reenable reenable JJ re-enable re-enable JJ refuelling refuelling NNS relabelling relabelling NNS retailer retail JJR reverser reverse JJR rife rife NN rights rights JJ rights rights NN ritalin ritalin NN robotic robotic NN rocker rock JJR rubric rubric VB rubric rubric VBP rubrics rubric VBZ runthrough run-through NNS sad sad VB sad sad VBP sailing sailing NNS sampling sampling NNS sang-froid sang-froid NN sanitizer sanitizer NN sanitiser sanitiser NN Sargent Sargent NNP sayed sayed NN scholarly scholarly RB score score NNS scraggly scraggly RB seal seal NNS sealing sealing NNS selling selling NNS servicer service JJR sess sess NN setting setting JJ settling settling NNS shackling shackling NNS shan shan NN shans shan NNS shapely shapely RB shortcut shortcut JJ should should JJ shoulder should JJR shouldest shall MD shouldest should JJS shoulds should VBZ shrivelling shrivelling NNS signalling signalling NNS single single VBG sith sith RB sizzling sizzling NNS slick slick VBG slight slight VBG smack smack NN smithereens smithereens NN snarly snarly RB sneaker sneak JJR soldierly soldierly RB someones someone NNS somewheres somewheres RB spake speak VBD sodden seethe VBN sole sole VBG spams Spam NNPS sparkling sparkling NNS species specie NNS spicer spic JJR spoke speak VBN squiggly squiggly RB stagger stag JJR standalone stand-alone JJ startling startling NNS stencilling stencilling NNS stratocruiser stratocruiser NN stratocruisers stratocruiser NNS styling styling NNS succinyl succinyl NN summerize summerize VB summerize summerize VBP sunday sunday VB sunday sunday VBP Sunday Sunday VB Sunday Sunday VBP Sundays Sunday VBZ sunscreen sunscreen NN supersize supersize NN supplier supply JJR sweatpants sweatpants NN swirly swirly RB tackling tackling NNS teeth teeth RP televize televize VB televize televize VBP telling telling NNS tender tender VBG tenfold tenfold NN thousand thousand NNS threat threat VB threat threat VBP threated threat VBD threated threat VBN threating threat VBG threats threat VBZ three-fold three-fold NN timer time JJR tingling tingling NNS tooling tooling NNS townspeople townspeople NN trader trade JJR transmutation transmutation JJ traumatisation traumatization NNS travel travel JJ traveler travel JJR traveling traveling NNS travelling travelling NNS trembly trembly RB trickling trickling NNS trillion trillion NNS TV TV NNP TVs TV NNPS twill twill VB twill twill VBG twofold twofold NN two-fold two-fold NN two-ply two-ply RB three-ply three-ply RB four-ply four-ply RB undercapitalised undercapitalize VBD undercapitalised undercapitalize VBN underling underling NNS underscript underscript NN unhumane unhumane JJ unlike unlike NN unlikes unlike NNS unless unless JJ unorderly unorderly RB unravelling unravelling NNS unselect unselect JJ unsightly unsightly RB unworldly unworldly RB utilisable utilizable JJ vapouriser vapouriser NN velcro velcro VB velcro velcro VBP velcros velcro VBZ villager village JJR virtuosity virtuosity JJ vols vols NN wat wat JJ wat wat NN wats wat NNS waterproof waterproof VBG weaselly weaselly RB weeds weeds NN went wend VBD went wend VBN wiggly wiggly RB wired wired NN wireds wired NNS word word NN:UN wordly wordly RB worker work JJR workwear workwear NN wot wit VBG wrapper wrap JJR writ writ VBN wrought work VBD wrought work VBN wus wus NN xx xx JJ xxx xxx JJ art be VBP art art VB art art VBP arts art VBZ aux aux NN kreep kreep NN kreeps kreep NNS organa organa NN sylphy sylphy JJ streetwear streetwear NN loos loos JJ knightly knightly RB gambling gambling NNS bellbottoms bellbottoms NN doo doo NN doos doo NNS los los NN losses los NNS handshake handshake NNS christian christian JJ parallelling parallelling NNS chuckling chuckling NNS wrestling wrestling NNS modeling modeling NNS modelling modelling NNS stapling stapling NNS peeling peeling NNS surveilling surveilling NNS sibling sibling NNS curdling curdling NNS whistling whistling NNS levelling levelling NNS totalling totalling NNS castling castling NNS muffling muffling NNS initialling initialling NNS enrolling enrolling NNS wheeling wheeling NNS swizzling swizzling NNS whaling whaling NNS crumbling crumbling NNS group group JJ whirling whirling NNS crackling crackling NNS flyfishing flyfishing NNS brawling brawling NNS trampling trampling NNS tunnelling tunnelling NNS pickling pickling NNS yodeling yodeling NNS cobbling cobbling NNS duckling duckling NNS wrangling wrangling NNS distilling distilling NNS quarrying quarrying NNS growling growling NNS rivaling rivaling NNS mangling mangling NNS dialling dialling NNS dispelling dispelling NNS remodelling remodelling NNS funnelling funnelling NNS shoveling shoveling NNS positioning positioning JJ sister sister JJ staff staff JJ gif gif NN gives gif NN haven have MD hasn have MD clad clothe VBN clad clothe VBD washin washin NN please please JJ dB dB NNP couldest couldest MD go go RP start start RP open open RP witting wit VBN wit wit VB wit wit VBP wist wit VBD wost wit VBZ powerwash powerwash VB powerwash powerwash VBP misc misc NN dat dat NN co-operating co-operating VBG co-operated co-operated VBD co-operated co-operated VBN supp supp NN non-fiction non-fiction NN:UN soom soom NN EMEA EMEA NN contr contr NN stater stater JJR trades trad NNS codenames code-name VBZ codenamed code-name VBD codenamed code-name VBN unemployeds unemployed NNS wasteland wasteland NNS dealmaking dealmaking NN dealmakings dealmaking NNS IDs ID NNPS ago ago NN womanly womanly RB speel speel NN fragmentary fragmentary NN AIX AIX NN photonic photonic NN stomata stomata NN enalapril enalapril NN cybersex cybersex NN feal feal JJ thou thou CD thou thou PRP thou you PRP realizing realizing JJ warranty warranty NN stubbly stubbly RB calmy calmy JJ tao tao NN taos tao NNS pakistani pakistani JJ fiddly fiddly RB cannoneering cannoneering NN manged manged NN mangeds manged NNS wounder wound JJR cauld cauld JJ cauld cauld NN caulds cauld NNS wounder wounder NN wounders wounder NNS excl excl NN excls excl NNS feer feer NN feers feer NNS sens sens NN senses sens NNS housewares housewares NN azure azure VB azure azure VBP azures azure VBZ hibachi hibachi VB hibachi hibachi VBP hibachis hibachi VBZ tues tues NN highschool highschool NN matronly matronly RB wite wite NN wud wud JJ say say JJ saith say VBZ saith saith NN saiths saith NNS sign sign JJ Ghassanids Ghassanids NNP towelling towelling NNS eyen eye NNS goes goe NNS gos go NNS blest bless VBD blest bless VBN blest blest JJ hurst hurst NN hursts hurst NNS rumbly rumbly RB yeld yeld JJ givee givee NN givees givee NNS heres heres NN:U drooly drooly RB oceanic oceanic NN bended bended JJ earliest earliest RB earlier earlier RB fleshly fleshly RB multifamily multifamily RB wobbly wobbly RB gangly gangly RB huh huh NN huhs huh NNS belive belive RB muscly muscly RB writerly writerly RB minstrel minstrel VB minstrel minstrel VBP minstrels minstrel VBZ rumpus rumpus VB rumpus rumpus VBP rumpuses rumpus VBZ handbuild handbuild VB handbuild handbuild VBP glamourise glamourise VB glamourise glamourise VBP glamourised glamourise VBD glamourised glamourise VBN glamourises glamourise VBZ glamourising glamourise VBG hydrolize hydrolize VB hydrolize hydrolize VBP geneal geneal NN subseries subseries NNS falcon falcon VB falcon falcon VBP falcons falcon VBZ innoculate innoculate VB innoculate innoculate VBP bristly bristly RB divid divid NN qq qq RB cackly cackly RB tinkly tinkly RB returner return JJR gentlemanly gentlemanly RB anti-imperialists anti-imperialists JJ squally squally RB enzyme enzyme NN:U jiggly jiggly RB staid stay VBD staid stay VBN opener open JJR jangly jangly RB recenter recent JJR wriggly wriggly RB loses los NNS 3d 3d NN html html NN trid trid NN useful useful NN pepsi pepsi NN rasta rasta NN anti-communists anti-communist NN christ christ NN whirlpool whirlpool VB whirlpool whirlpool VBP whirlpools whirlpool VBZ slats slat VBZ sices six NNS proper proper NN:U ned ned NN neds ned NNS succes succes NN brough brough NN broughs brough NNS wonna wonna NN wonnas wonna NNS creaturely creaturely RB pebbly pebbly RB jingly jingly RB pan-Arabic pan-Arabic JJ compar compar NN already already JJ often often JJ instead instead JJ wich wich NN wiches wich NNS stear stear NN stears stear NNS mae mae NN maes mae NNS holla holla NN hollas holla NNS german german NN germans german NNS unlovely unlovely RB attent attent JJ ben ben NN bens ben NNS middle middle CC times times CC atman atman NN:U abscess abscess NN:U growly growly RB foreward foreward NN forewards foreward NNS tid tid NN ead ead NN crura crura NN newses news NNS snuggly snuggly RB second-guess second-guess VBZ second-guessed second-guess VBZ tv tv NN:UN RSVP RSVP NNP rt rt NN plier plier NN musn must MD aren be VBP couldn can MD doesn do VBZ don do VBP hasn have MD hasn have VBZ haven have MD haven have VBP isn be VBZ needn need MD shouldn shall MD wouldn will MD russia russia NN russias russia NNS unique unique NN hypatia hypatia NN mhz mhz NN whistlestop whistlestop VB whistlestop whistlestop VBP gtc gtc NN cts cts NN sidetable sidetable JJ changable changable JJ chargable chargable JJ convenable convenable JJ unapplicable unapplicable JJ My My NNP babysat babysat VBD rollerskates roller-skate VBZ tens tens JJ redshift redshift NN choline choline NN dharma dharma NN prostatitis prostatitis NN competency competency NN fentanyl fentanyl NN oracy oracy NN incarnation incarnation NN frankfurt frankfurt NN frankfurts frankfurt NNS corona corona NN synthetic synthetic NN:U raising raising RP Christoper Christoper NNP madrigal madrigal VB madrigal madrigal VBP madrigals madrigal VBZ exudate exudate VB exudate exudate VBP exudates exudate VBZ offput offput NN offputs offput NNS rathe rathe JJ thankyou thankyou NN thankyous thankyou NNS calif calif NN inline inline NN certain certain NN Nonconformities Nonconformity NNPS whichever whichever NN lovely lovely RB oof oof NN oofs oof NNS sice sice NN sices sice NNS fer fer NN oversea oversea NN overseas oversea NNS overseas overseas NN evident evident NN evidents evident NNS review review JJ support support JJ pretender pretend JJR tickly tickly RB ope ope VB ope ope VBP opes ope VBZ oped ope VBD oped ope VBN oping ope VBG pu pu NN releve releve NN releves releve NNS per per NN moot moot VBG rockstar rockstar JJ feasible feasible RB upper up JJR proc proc NN flimsies flimsies JJ shott shott NN pele pele NN peles pele NNS responsible responsible NN