# English compound words that are usually not written as # separate words. # Encoding: UTF-8 # All words must contain at least one hyphen, even if the # word is usually not spelled with a hyphen # "+" at the end of the line will turn off the suggestion that # uses a hyphen # "*" at the end of the line will only suggest hyphenated words. ### The following two extensions are probably irrelevant: # "?" at the end of the line will turn off the suggestion that # uses a hyphen and offers lower-cased joined suggestions. # "$" at the end of the line will allow the hyphenated and non- # hyphenated variants, but will suggest a lower-cased non-hyphenated # variant an-other+ back-fire+ back-fired+ back-fires+ back-firing+ bee-keeping+ before-hand+ bell-hop+ bell-hops+ bottle-neck+ bottle-necks+ breech-loader+ cork-screw+ cork-screws+ Dev-Ops+ die-hards+ drop-head+ ego-centric+ eye-liner+ eye-liners+ film-strip+ film-strips+ fire-bomb+ fire-bombed+ fire-bombing+ fire-bombs+ fire-bug+ fire-bugs+ fire-guard+ fire-guards+ fire-lighter+ fire-lighters+ fire-power+ fire-storm+ fire-storms+ fire-trap+ first-born+ first-borns+ fish-bowl+ fish-bowls+ fish-hook+ fish-hooks+ fish-plate+ fish-plates+ fish-pond+ fish-ponds+ flame-proof+ flame-proofed+ flame-proofing+ #fly-paper+ # they wanted to fly paper planes fore-ground+ fountain-head+ fountain-heads+ free-born+ free-standing+ free-wheeled+ free-wheeling+ glass-blower+ glass-blowers+ glass-blowing+ glass-blowings+ glass-making+ glass-paper+ goal-mouth+ god-forsaken+ God-forsaken+ grave-stone+ grave-stones+ ground-work+ half-back+ half-backs+ half-beak+ half-tone+ half-tones+ high-falutin+ hitch-hike+ hitch-hiked+ hitch-hiker+ hitch-hikers+ hitch-hikes+ hitch-hiking+ hobby-horse+ hobby-horses+ home-grown$ honey-moon+ house-mother+ house-mothers+ house-parent+ house-parents+ house-plant+ house-plants+ hub-cap+ hub-caps+ hypo-allergenic+ ju-jitsu+ knock-downs+ loud-mouthed+ loud-mouths+ love-bird+ lunch-time+ micro-organism+ micro-organisms+ micro-wave+ micro-waves+ mid-air+ mid-airs+ mid-life+ multi-stage+ multi-staged+ multi-purpose+ never-the-less+ new-comer+ new-comers+ night-mare? night-mares? night-shade? night-shades? night-time+ night-times+ non-custodial+ non-verbal$ non-verbally$ non-plus+ note-book+ note-books+ over-whelmed+ paper-boy+ paper-boys+ pay-offs+ pigeon-holed+ pigeon-holing+ pig-sticker+ pin-wheel+ pin-wheels+ Play-Station+ pre-load+ pre-loading+ pre-loaded+ pull-backs+ pure-bred+ pure-breds+ pussy-cat+ pussy-cats+ re-fund+ roll-backs+ rot-gut+ shatter-proof+ side-band+ side-bands+ side-splitting+ side-swipe+ side-swiped+ side-swipes+ side-swiping+ snow-flake+ snow-flakes+ stable-mate+ stage-hand+ stage-hands+ step-parent+ step-parents+ story-teller+ strait-jacket+ strait-jacketed+ strait-jacketing+ strait-jackets+ strike-outs+ sub-group+ sub-groups+ sub-headings+ # sure-fire+ # Make sure fire exits exist tear-drop+ #tear-drops+ # A tear drops down tear-jerker+ teen-age+ #there-after+ # They will be in there after we ... toll-gate+ toll-gates+ water-proof+ # "*" at end of line = only offer hyphen suggestion: able-bodied* absent-minded* absent-mindedly* accident-prone* add-ons* agar-agar* age-old* aide-de-camp* aide-mémoire* aides-de-camp* air-conditioned* air-to-air* A-levels* all-inclusive* all-pervading* all-purpose* all-rounder* all-rounders* al-Qaeda* Al-Qaeda* al-Qa'ida* Al-Qa'ida* also-rans* al-Zawahiri* Al-Zawahiri* Anglo-Boer* Anglo-French* Anglo-Indian* Anglo-Irish* Anglo-Norman* Anglo-Saxon* Anglo-Saxons* anti-Americanism* anti-American* anti-Americans* anti-hunt* anti-Semitic* anti-Semitism* après-ski* après-skiing* argy-bargied* argy-bargies* argy-bargy* auto-repeat* auto-repeats* auto-repeated* auto-repeating* auto-renew* auto-renewal* auto-renewals* auto-renews* auto-renewed* auto-renewing* armour-plated* avant-garde* avant-gardism* avant-gardist* avant-gardists* award-winning* Award-winning* awe-inspiring* awe-inspiringly* # back-to-back* The two houses stand back to back. www.lexico.com/en/definition/back-to-back back-ups* bad-tempered* bad-mouthed* bad-mouthing* bandy-legged* #bare-foot* bare-footed* bargain-basement* Barrow-in-Furness* bas-relief* bas-reliefs* Basse-Terre* bed-wetting* beggar-my-neighbour* #bell-ringer* # https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bell%20ringer #bell-ringers* Berwick-upon-Tweed* best-selling* big-boned* big-hearted* bi-level* bi-weekly* bitter-sweet* bitter-sweetly* bitter-sweetness* black-hearted* bleary-eyed* blood-curdling* blood-letting* blood-lettings* blood-lust? blow-by-blow* blow-dried* blow-drier* blow-dryer* blow-drying* blue-black* blue-blooded* blue-eyed* blue-green* Bosnia-Herzegovina* bottle-fed* bottle-feed* bottle-green* bottle-nosed* bow-legged* brain-damaged* brain-dead* brain-teaser* break-ins* break-ups* breech-loaded* breech-loading* bric-a-brac* bride-elect* bright-eyed* brim-full* broad-minded* broken-hearted* brother-in-law* brothers-in-law* brush-offs* butt-end* butt-ends* # bye-bye* bye-byes* calf-length* call-boy* call-girl* candy-striped* case-harden* case-hardened* case-hardening* case-hardens* case-insensitive* case-sensitive* context-sensitive* color-sensitive* colour-sensitive* cast-offs* catch-alls* CD-ROM* #cha-cha* chain-smoke* chain-smoked* chain-smokes* chain-smoking* chairman-elect* cherry-pick* cherry-picks* cherry-picking* cherry-picked* Chester-le-Street* chicken-hearted* chicken-livered* chit-chat* chit-chats* chit-chatting* chit-chatted* chock-a-block* chock-full* class-conscious* clean-shaven* clear-headed* clear-headedly* clear-headedness* clear-sighted* clear-sightedly* clear-sightedness* clear-ups* clip-clop* close-cropped* # closed-circuit* # a closed circuit will not ... close-fisted* close-fitting* close-hauled* close-knit* close-mouthed* close-set* close-ups* cloud-cuckoo-land* club-footed* clued-up* coal-black* coal-fired* co-channel* co-chairman* co-chairmen* Co-Prince* co-prince* Co-Princes* co-princes* Co-Monarch* co-monarch* Co-Monarchs* co-monarchs* cock-a-hoop* cock-and-bull* cock-eyed* cock-eyedly* cock-eyedness* cock-of-the-rock* # cock-of-the-walk* www.lexico.com/en/definition/cock_of_the_walk cock-of-the-wood* cock-shy* cock-ups* cold-blooded* cold-hearted* cold-shouldering* color-blind* colour-blind* # color-blindness* # both allowed according to lexico and merriam # colour-blindness* computer-literate* conscience-stricken* co-occurrence* cool-headed* co-op* co-operant* co-optation* co-option* co-optive* co-ordinative* co-owners* co-ownership* cop-outs* co-produced* co-producer* co-producers* Co-Producer* Co-Producers* co-site* co-executive* co-executives* Co-Executive* Co-Executives* cost-cutting* cost-effectiveness* cost-efficient* counter-claim* counter-claimed* counter-claiming* court-martial* cover-ups* crash-land* crash-landed* Creutzfeldt-Jakob* cross-dressing* cross-eyed* cross-fertilisation* cross-fertilization* cross-grained* cross-hatching* cross-legged* cross-ply* cross-sectional* cross-sectionally* cross-training* cruel-hearted* cruelty-free* custom-built* custom-made* cut-price* daisy-cutter* daisy-cutters* daughter-in-law* daughters-in-law* # decision-making* # see DECISION_MAKING de-emphasis* de-emphasise* de-emphasised* de-emphasiser* de-emphasisers* de-emphasises* de-emphasising* de-emphasize* de-emphasized* de-emphasizer* de-emphasizers* de-emphasizes* de-emphasizing* deep-freezing* deep-fried* deep-frozen* deep-laid* deep-rooted* deep-seated* de-escalate* de-escalated* de-escalates* de-escalating* de-escalation* de-escalations* de-industrialisation* dewy-eyed* die-cast* diesel-electric* dive-bombing* dog-eared* dog-eat-dog* dog-end* dog-legged* do-gooder* do-gooders* doom-laden* double-barrelled* double-blind* double-breasted* double-quoted* double-dealing* double-edged* double-glazed* double-headed* double-jointed* double-parked* double-sided* Douglas-Home* down-hearted* drink-driving* drip-dry* drive-ins* drop-forging* dry-eyed* duck-billed* Dyfed-Powys* ear-piercing* ear-splitting* ear-stud* ear-studs* earth-shattering* east-north-east* e-book* e-books* e-cig* e-cigs* e-cigarette* e-cigarettes* e-commerce* e-zine* e-zines* e-learning* e-sport* e-sports* eco-friendly* eco-conscious* Editor-At-Large* elbow-work* empty-handed* empty-headed* ever-changing* ever-increasing* ex-boyfriend* ex-boyfriends* ex-communist* ex-communists* ex-girlfriend* ex-girlfriends* ex-husband* ex-husbands* ex-mayor* ex-partners* ex-president* ex-presidents* ex-students* ex-soldier* ex-soldiers* ex-wife* ex-wives* eye-catcher* eye-catchers* eye-opener* eye-openers* eye-opening* face-saver* face-saving* fact-checker* fact-checkers* fail-safe* faint-hearted* faint-heartedly* faint-heartedness* fair-minded* fancy-free* far-fetched* far-flung* far-reaching* far-sighted* far-sightedly* far-sightedness* far-sightednesses* fast-forward* father-in-law* fathers-in-law* fault-finder* fault-finders* fault-finding* feather-headed* feeble-minded* filter-tipped* fine-grained* fine-tuned* fine-tunes* fine-tuning* finger-plate* fire-eater* fire-eaters* first-grader* first-graders* first-rate* five-a-side* five-finger* # five-year* flare-ups* flat-footed* flat-footedly* flat-footedness* flip-flop* flip-flopped* flip-flopping* flip-flops* # floating-point* flue-cured* fly-by-wire* fly-drive* folk-ways* follow-ons* follow-ups* force-feed* force-feeding* forget-me-not* forget-me-nots* Fort-de-France* fortune-teller* fortune-tellers* forward-looking* forward-thinking* foul-mouthed* foul-ups* four-in-hand* four-leaved* four-poster* free-falling* free-handed* free-handedness* free-range* freeze-dried* freeze-frame* fresh-faced* f-stop* f-stops* full-blooded* full-blown* full-bodied* full-frontal* full-grown* full-timer* full-timers* fun-loving* gap-toothed* gas-permeable* gee-gee* gee-gees* get-outs* #get-rich-quick* ghost-write* ghost-writes* ghost-writing* ghost-written* ghost-wrote* gilt-edged* give-aways* globe-trotting* glue-sniffing* god-damn* god-damned* god-daughter* god-daughters* God-fearing* goggle-box* goggle-boxes* goggle-eyed* goings-on* go-kart* gold-plated* good-for-nothings* good-hearted* good-humoured* good-looking* good-natured* #good-oh* good-tempered* # go-slow* # they go slow grant-maintained* green-eyed* grown-ups* G-string* G-strings* g-suit* Guinea-Bissau* gutta-percha* habit-forming* # ha-ha* # ha ha ha hair-raising* half-and-half* half-baked* half-blooded* half-blues* half-breed* half-breeds* half-caste* half-castes* half-deck* half-eaten* half-hardy* half-hearted* half-heartedness* half-heartednesses* half-length* #half-life* half-marathon* half-marathons* half-mast* half-seas-over* half-term* half-terms* half-timbered* half-track* half-truth* half-truths* half-wave* # half-way* # see HALF_WAY_COMPOUND half-yearly* halter-neck* hand-me-downs* # hand-to-mouth* The refugees in that camp have been living from hand to mouth for a month. www.lexico.com/en/definition/(from)_hand_to_mouth hanky-panky* happy-go-lucky* hard-boiled* hard-earned* hard-headed* hard-headedly* hard-headedness* hard-headednesses* hard-hearted* hard-heartedly* hard-heartedness* hard-heartednesses* hard-nosed* hard-pressed* Hauts-de-Seine* have-nots* heart-rending* heart-rendingly* heart-searching* heart-to-heart* heart-warming* heat-resistant* heavy-handed* heigh-ho* hell-bent* hell-raiser* helter-skelter* Heriot-Watt* #hide-and-seek* Hi-Fi* Hi-Fis* higgledy-piggledy* high-born* high-flown* high-flying* high-handed* high-handedness* high-handednesses* high-heeled* high-minded* high-pitched* high-powered* high-sounding* high-spirited* high-stepping* high-strung* hire-purchase* hit-and-miss* hit-and-run* hocus-pocus* ho-hum* hoity-toity* hoity-toities* hold-ups* hollow-eyed* home-brewed* home-owning* homeward-bound* hook-nosed* horror-stricken* horror-struck* horse-trading* hot-blooded* hot-tempered* house-trained* human-readable* hunter-gatherer* hunter-gatherers* hurly-burly* ice-cold* ill-advised* ill-assorted* ill-behaved* ill-bred* ill-conceived* ill-considered* ill-defined* ill-disposed* ill-equipped* ill-fated* ill-favoured* ill-fitting* ill-founded* ill-gotten* ill-humoured* ill-informed* ill-judged* ill-mannered* ill-matched* ill-omened* ill-starred* ill-suited* ill-tempered* ill-treat* ill-treated* ill-treatment* index-linked* inter-modal* inter-urban* #in-tray* iron-hearted* jack-in-the-box* jerry-builder* jerry-builders* jerry-building* jerry-built* jet-lagged* jet-propelled* jet-setted* jet-setter* jet-setters* jet-setting* jiggery-pokery* johnny-come-lately* Jong-un* Jong-il* judgement-seat* jump-starting* K-factor* kick-starting* kick-starts* kind-hearted* kind-heartedly* kind-heartedness* kind-heartednesses* king-size* king-sized* knee-deep* knee-high* knee-jerk* knee-length* # knees-up* knick-knack* knick-knackery* knick-knackish* knick-knacks* knight-errantry* knocking-shop* knock-kneed* Kool-Aid* Kramp-Karrenbauer* labour-intensive* labour-saving* lace-ups* laissez-faire* lash-up* latter-day* law-abiding* lay-bys* lay-offs* lean-burn* Lee-Enfield* Lee-Metford* left-footed* left-handed* left-hander* left-handers* left-winger* left-wingers* level-headed* level-headedly* Lib-Lab* lie-ins* life-size* life-sized* lift-offs* light-fingered* light-headed* like-minded* lily-livered* lily-white* line-ups* link-ups* lip-read* lip-reader* lip-reading* lip-readings* lip-reads* # lip-sync* # lip-synch* # lip-syncs* # lip-synchs* lip-synced* lip-syncing* lip-synched* lip-synching* lip-syncer* lip-syncher* long-drawn* long-drawn-out* long-faced* long-lasting* long-legged* long-lived* long-lost* long-running* long-sighted* long-sightedly* long-standing* long-suffering* long-tailed* long-waisted* long-winded* long-windedly* loose-leaf* loss-leader* loss-leaders* low-born* low-downs* low-key* low-lying* low-pitched* low-spirited* machine-gunned* machine-gunning* machine-readable* macrosocio-economic* make-ups* mangold-wurzel* mangold-wurzels* man-hour* man-hours* man-sized* man-year* man-years* mass-produced* mass-producing* Mata-Utu* mealy-mouthed* medico-legal* medium-sized* menu-driven* merry-go-round* merry-go-rounds* mezzo-soprano* mid-afternoon$ mid-band* middle-aged* middle-sized* mid-engined* front-engined* mid-evening* mid-flight* mid-morning* mid-off* mid-on* mid-year* mild-mannered* mind-blowing* mind-expanding* mind-numbing* mind-numbingly* mischief-maker* mischief-makers* mischief-making* mistake-free* mistake-prone* mock-ups* moss-grown* moth-eaten* mother-in-law* mother-of-pearl* mothers-in-law* mouth-to-mouth* # much-needed* multi-access* multi-coupler* multi-modal* multi-stage* multi-storey* multi-user* multi-way* muscle-bound* muzzle-loaded* muzzle-loader* muzzle-loading* nail-biting* namby-pamby* name-calling* name-drop* name-dropped* name-dropper* name-droppers* name-dropping* name-drops* narrow-minded* narrow-mindedness* narrow-mindedly* navel-gazing* near-sighted* near-sightedly* near-sightedness* near-sightednesses* ne'er-do-wells* Newcastle-under-Lyme* new-found* new-laid* newly-weds* news-gathering* news-sheet* news-sheets* no-balled* no-brainer* no-brainers* noise-cancelling* noise-canceling* non-acids* non-active* non-adjustable* non-aesthetic* non-alignment* non-alignments* non-American* non-Americans* non-Asian* non-Asians* non-French* non-Frenchs* non-German* non-Germans* non-European* non-Europeans* non-African* non-Africans* non-Mexican* non-Mexicans* non-assignable* non-blocking* non-caloric* non-chargeable* non-citizen* non-citizens* non-communicable* non-competing* non-content* non-contributing* non-deferential* non-depreciating* non-determinacy* non-determinate* non-determinately* non-determinism* non-deterministically* non-disciplinary* non-divisional* non-domestic* non-enforceable* non-exchangeable* non-extensible* non-fluctuating* non-functionally* non-inclusive* non-inflected* non-ionising* non-linearly* non-moral* non-narcotic* non-narcotics* non-operationally* non-orthogonal* non-orthogonality* non-parametric* non-perturbing* non-physically* non-prejudicial* non-procedural* non-procedurally* non-profitable* non-profit-making* non-programmable* non-punishable* non-reciprocating* non-recoverable* non-redeemable* non-resistance* non-resistances* non-rhythmic* non-rural* non-salaried* non-scoring* non-secular* non-singing* non-singular* non-specializing* non-spiritual* non-spirituals* non-staining* non-striking* non-successive* non-supporting* non-supports* non-sustaining* non-sympathiser* non-tarnishable* non-technically* non-tenured* non-termination* non-transparent* non-trunk* non-veteran* non-veterans* non-virulent* non-vocationally* non-volunteer* non-volunteers* non-yielding* nuclear-free* nuclear-powered* object-oriented* Object-Oriented* off-air* off-break* off-centre* off-drive* off-drives* off-frequency* off-key* off-licence* off-licences* off-peak* off-piste* off-putting* off-road* off-roading* off-topic* # off-season* Hotels are cheaper in the off season. www.lexico.com/en/definition/off_season off-street* off-white* old-fashioned* # one-to-one* one-upmanship* only-begotten* # open-and-shut* # "let them open and shut ..." open-ended* open-eyed* open-faced* open-handed* open-handedness* open-handednesses* # open-heart* # see "OPEN_HEART_HYPHEN" open-hearted* open-heartedness* open-minded* open-mindedly* open-mouthed* # open-plan* # see "OPEN_PLAN_HYPHEN" open-top* opt-outs* orang-utan* orang-utans* out-and-out* # out-of-pocket* # see https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/out_of_pocket over-anxious* over-anxiously* over-curiosity* over-niceness* over-nicety* over-sensitiveness* over-sensitivenesses* over-sensitivity* owner-occupier* ozone-friendly* pan-European* panic-stricken* part-song* part-time* part-timer* part-timers* passenger-mile* passers-by* paste-up* pay-bed* pay-claim* pell-mell* penny-farthing* penny-pinching* pent-up* phone-ins* pick-me-ups* pick-ups* pigeon-breasted* pigeon-fancier* pigeon-fanciers* pigeon-toed* pince-nez* Ping-Pong* pit-a-pat* pitch-and-toss* plain-spoken* play-offs* po-faced* pocket-size* point-blank* point-duty* # point-to-point* # "they move from point to point" poker-faced* pooh-pooh* pooh-poohed* poor-spirited* Port-au-Prince* # Port-of-Spain* # ?? post-coital* post-coitally* post-entries* post-entry* post-feminism* post-impressionism* post-impressionist* post-impressionistic* post-millennial* post-millennialism* post-millennialist* post-nuptial* post-operative* post-operatively* post-orbit* post-production* post-structural* post-structuralism* post-structuralist* post-town* post-towns* post-traumatic* poverty-stricken* power-sharing* pre-adolescent* pre-authorisation* pre-authorisations* pre-authorization* pre-authorizations* pre-Christian* Pre-Christian* pre-Christmas* Pre-Christmas* pre-decimal* pre-defined* pre-echo* pre-echoes* pre-elect* pre-embryo* pre-embryos* pre-emphasis* pre-IPO* pre-Islamic* pre-merger* pre-preference* pre-privatisation* pre-reading* pre-readings* pre-record* pre-recording* pre-records* pre-trial* press-gang* press-ganged* press-stud* press-studs* # press-up* # Press up to ... press-ups* pressure-cook* pressure-cooking* pro-American* pro-choice* pro-democracy* pro-hunt* pro-hunting* pro-life* pro-lifer* pro-Republican* pseudo-intellectual* pseudo-science* pseudo-sciences* pseudo-scientific* public-spirited* push-bike* push-bikes* push-pull* push-ups* pull-ups* sit-ups* quarter-hour* quarter-light* quasi-synchronous* queue-jump* queue-jumping* quick-witted* rabble-rouser* rabble-rousing* radio-controlled* rat-catcher* re-adapt* re-adapts* ready-made* re-book* re-booked* re-booking* re-books* record-breaking* red-blooded* red-faced* red-handed* red-headed* red-hot* re-educate* re-educated* re-educates* re-education* re-election* re-embark* re-embarked* re-embarks* re-embodies* re-embody* re-emergence* re-emission* re-emphasise* re-emphasises* re-enable* re-enables* re-enabled* re-enabling* re-enactment* re-enforcement* re-enforcements* re-enforcer* re-enforcers* re-enumerate* re-enumerates* re-enumeration* re-estimation* re-explain* re-explains* re-export* re-exports* relative-in-law* rent-free* reply-paid* re-release* re-releases* re-route* re-routes* re-site* re-sites* reverse-charge* rheumy-eyed* right-angled* right-handed* right-hander* right-handers* right-minded* right-thinking* right-winger* right-wingers* ring-pull* rip-offs* rip-roaring* rip-roaringly* road-based* roller-coast* roller-skated* roly-poly* root-mean-square* rose-coloured* rose-red* rose-tinted* rough-hewn* round-shouldered* rub-a-dub* rubber-stamped* rubber-stamping* run-ins* # runners-up* # See RUNNER_UP_HYPHEN # runner-up* run-offs* run-of-the-mill* run-outs* run-ups* sabre-toothed* sailing-vessel* Saint-Denis* salt-cat* sang-froid* school-leaver* school-leavers* school-leaving* sci-fi* Scooby-Doo* scot-free* second-grader* second-graders* seed-cord* seed-eater* seed-eaters* self-abasement* self-absorbed* self-absorption* self-abuse* self-addressed* self-adhesive* self-analysis* self-appointed* self-approval* self-assembly* self-assertion* self-assertive* self-assurance* self-assured* self-aware* self-betrayal* self-catering* self-censorship* self-centred* self-cleaning* self-closing* self-command* self-confessed* self-confidence* self-confident* self-confidently* self-congratulation* self-congratulatory* self-conscious* self-consistency* self-consistent* self-contained* self-contradiction* self-contradictory* self-control* self-correcting* self-critical* self-criticism* self-deceit* self-deception* self-defeating* self-defence* self-defences* self-delusion* self-denial* self-denying* self-deprecating* self-destruct* self-destructed* self-destructing* self-destruction* self-destructive* self-destructs* self-determination* self-determined* self-discipline* self-disciplined* self-doubt* self-doubts* self-driven* self-driving* self-efficacy* self-effacing* self-employed* self-esteem* self-evidence* self-evident* self-evidently* self-examination* self-explanatory* self-expression* self-feeding* self-financing* self-fulfilling* self-fulfilment* self-glorification* self-governing* self-government* self-hate* self-hatred* self-help* self-image* self-immolation* self-importance* self-important* self-imposed* self-improvement* self-induced* self-indulgence* self-indulgent* self-inflicted* self-interest* self-interested* self-involved* self-justification* self-justifying* self-knowledge* self-loading* self-locking* self-love* self-lover* self-loving* self-made* self-motivated* self-named* self-opinionated* self-parody* self-perpetuating* self-pity* self-pitying* self-pityingly* self-pollination* self-portrait* self-portraits* self-possessed* self-possession* self-preservation* self-proclaimed* self-propagating* self-propelled* self-protection* self-published* self-raising* self-recording* self-referential* self-regard* self-regulating* self-regulation* self-regulatory* self-reliance* self-reliant* self-respect* self-respecting* self-restrained* self-restraint* self-revelation* self-righteous* self-righteously* self-sacrifice* self-sacrificing* self-satisfaction* self-satisfied* self-seeker* self-seekers* self-seeking* self-selecting* self-service* self-serving* self-styled* self-sufficiency* self-sufficient* self-sufficiently* self-support* self-supporting* self-surrender* self-sustained* self-sustaining* self-tapping* self-torture* self-willed* self-winding* self-worth* semi-annual* semi-annually* semi-independent* semi-infinite* semi-official* semi-officially* semi-permanently* semi-skimmed* semi-yearly* send-offs* set-ups* sheep-dip* shelf-mark* shooting-box* shooting-boxes* # shooting-range* # see https://www.lexico.com/definition/shooting_range shoot-outs* shop-soiled* short-changed* short-changing* short-circuiting* short-lived* short-sighted* short-sightedly* short-staffed* short-termism* short-winded* shoulder-high* shoulder-length* shower-bath* shower-baths* show-offs* show-place* shrink-wrapped* shut-eye* sickle-bill* sight-read* sight-reading* signal-to-noise* simon-pure* simple-minded* simple-mindedly* simple-mindedness* singer-songwriter* single-handed* single-minded* single-mindedly* single-seater* single-seaters* all-seater* all-seaters* sister-in-law* sisters-in-law* sit-ins* six-fold* six-pack* six-shooter* skew-eyed* skin-dive* sky-high* sky-rocket? sky-rockets? sky-rocketed? sky-rocketing? slap-up* slave-bangle* slave-driven* slip-ons* small-minded* small-time* smooth-tongued* snow-white* snub-nosed* so-and-so* socio-economic* socio-economically* socio-economics* socio-political* soft-boiled* soft-headed* soft-hearted* softly-softly* soft-pedalled* soft-pedalling* soft-spoken* soi-disant* sol-fa* son-in-law* sons-in-law* soul-destroying* soul-searching* Southend-on-Sea* space-saving* space-time* spatio-temporal* spatio-temporally* speed-ups* spine-chilling* spin-offs* split-level* # split-second* # webster has "split second" as noun spoon-fed* spoon-feed* spoon-feeding* spoon-feeds* spread-eagled* spring-clean* spring-cleans* spring-cleaning* spring-cleaned* spring-loaded* stage-manage* stage-managed* stage-struck* stained-glass* standard-bearer* standard-bearers* stand-ins* stand-off* stand-offish* stand-offs* star-spangled* star-studded* start-ups* steel-clad* step-brother* step-sister* stiff-necked* stir-fried* stir-fry* stock-in-trade* stock-in-trades* Stockton-on-Tees* Stoke-on-Trent* stone-cold* stop-go* storm-cock* storm-cocks* storm-finch* storm-finches* storm-sail* storm-sails* storm-signal* storm-signals* stout-hearted* stout-heartedly* stout-heartedness* straight-faced* Stratford-upon-Avon* straw-coloured* straw-worm* straw-worms* strike-breaking* strong-minded* sub-aqua* sub-clause* sub-clauses* Sub-Lt.* sub-Saharan* super-dooper* surface-active* surface-to-air* surface-to-surface* sub-target* sub-targets* sweet-talking* sweet-tempered* switch-blade* sylph-like* table-top* take-offs* tax-deductible* tax-free* tea-leaf* tear-gassed* tear-gassing* tech-savvy* tee-heed* tell-tale* tender-hearted* tender-heartedness* # ten-year* # term-time* # see https://www.lexico.com/definition/term_time terror-stricken* test-driving* tête-à-tête* tête-bêche* thick-headed* thick-skinned* third-grader* third-graders* thought-provoking* three-colour* three-cornered* three-dimensional* three-dimensionally* three-handed* three-legged* three-phase* three-piece* three-pronged* three-quarter* three-way* three-wheeler* thrice-married* # through-traffic* # He is making his way through traffic ticket-day* tickety-boo* tick-tack* tick-tocked* tick-tocking* tie-break* tight-arsed* tight-fisted* tight-fitting* tight-knit* tight-lipped* tightly-knit* time-consuming* time-honoured* time-lapse* time-outs* time-shared* time-sharing* time-wasting* time-worn* tin-tack* tip-offs* tip-top* tit-for-tat* tittle-tattle* T-junction* T-junctions* toil-worn* tom-tom* tone-deaf* tongue-tied* top-heavy* #top-level # He's on the top level top-notch* topsy-turvy* toss-ups* tough-minded* tow-coloured* track-laying* trade-ins* trade-offs* traffic-calmed* traffic-calming* trigger-happy* trumped-up* trumpet-call* try-outs* T-Mobile* T-Systems* T-Shirt* T-Shirts* T-shirt* T-shirts* tut-tuts* tu-whit* tu-whoo* twenty-twenty* twice-married* two-dimensional* two-edged* two-sided* two-step* two-stroke* two-tone* two-way* two-wheeler* two-wheelers* ultra-fast* ultra-high* ultra-left* ultra-right* ultra-thin* ultra-compact* uncalled-for* under-rehearsed* under-sheriff* # unheard-of* # see https://www.lexico.com/definition/unheard unlooked-for* up-tempo* up-to-the-minute* user-friendliness* user-friendly* remote-friendly* child-friendly* beginner-friendly* privacy-friendly* #vice-chancellor* # see https://www.lexico.com/definition/vice_chancellor #vice-Chancellor* #vice-chancellors* #vice-Chancellors* #vice-chancellorship* #vice-Chancellorship* #vice-chancellorships* #vice-Chancellorships* vis-à-vis* V-neck* voice-overs* vol-au-vent* volte-face* wage-earning* walkie-talkie* walkie-talkies* Walton-on-Thames* warm-hearted* warm-heartedly* warm-heartedness* warm-ups* wasp-waisted* water-borne* water-soluble* weak-minded* weather-bound* web-footed* Web-RTC* well-adjusted* well-balanced* well-behaved* well-being* well-beloved* well-bred* well-built* well-chosen* well-connected* well-defined* # well-deserved* # Well deserved! well-designed* well-developed* well-disciplined* well-disposed* well-dressed* well-earned* well-educated* well-endowed* well-equipped* # well-established* ...the La Tène culture was well established in the region... www.lexico.com/en/definition/well_established well-fed* well-formed* well-founded* well-informed* well-intentioned* well-kept* # well-known* That writer is well known all over the world. well-loved* well-made* well-mannered* well-marked* well-matched* well-meaning* well-meant* well-nigh* well-ordered* well-organised* # well-paid* ...not very interesting, but on the other hand it was well paid. well-placed* well-prepared* well-preserved* well-read* # well-received* # We well received your letter well-rounded* well-spoken* well-structured* well-supported* well-thought-out* well-timed* well-to-do* well-trained* well-tried* well-used* well-wisher* well-wishers* well-worn* wheel-clamped* wheel-clamping* whistle-blower* whistle-blowers* whistle-stop* white-hot* wicket-keeping* wide-eyed* wide-ranging* willy-nilly* window-shop* wishy-washy* word-perfect* work-shy* world-class* world-famous* worldly-wise* world-weary* worm-casts* worm-eaten* write-offs* write-ups* x-axis* x-ray* x-rays* x-rayed* x-raying* X-ray* X-rays* X-rayed* X-raying* X-Ray* X-Rays* X-Rayed* X-Raying* x-rays* X-rays* X-Rays* x-rayed* X-rayed* X-Rayed* x-raying* X-raying* X-Raying* y-axis* year-end* year-on-year* yellow-bellied* #yes-man* # informal slang #yo-yo* # informal slang "yo yo!" zero-rated* zero-sum* #numbers twenty-eight* twenty-eightfold* twenty-eighth* twenty-fifth* twenty-first* twenty-firsts* twenty-five* twenty-fivefold* twenty-four* twenty-fourfold* twenty-fourth* twenty-nine* twenty-ninefold* twenty-ninth* twenty-one* twenty-onefold* twenty-second* twenty-seven* twenty-sevenfold* twenty-six* twenty-sixfold* twenty-sixth* twenty-something* twenty-third* twenty-three* twenty-threefold* twenty-two* twenty-twofold* thirty-eight* thirty-eightfold* thirty-eighth* thirty-fifth* thirty-first* thirty-firsts* thirty-five* thirty-fivefold* thirty-four* thirty-fourfold* thirty-fourth* thirty-nine* thirty-ninefold* thirty-ninth* thirty-one* thirty-onefold* thirty-second* thirty-seven* thirty-sevenfold* thirty-six* thirty-sixfold* thirty-sixth* thirty-something* thirty-third* thirty-three* thirty-threefold* thirty-two* thirty-twofold* forty-eight* forty-eightfold* forty-eighth* forty-fifth* forty-first* forty-firsts* forty-five* forty-fivefold* forty-four* forty-fourfold* forty-fourth* forty-nine* forty-ninefold* forty-ninth* forty-one* forty-onefold* forty-second* forty-seven* forty-sevenfold* forty-six* forty-sixfold* forty-sixth* forty-something* forty-third* forty-three* forty-threefold* forty-two* forty-twofold* fifty-eight* fifty-eightfold* fifty-eighth* fifty-fifth* fifty-first* fifty-firsts* fifty-five* fifty-fivefold* fifty-four* fifty-fourfold* fifty-fourth* fifty-nine* fifty-ninefold* fifty-ninth* fifty-one* fifty-onefold* fifty-second* fifty-seven* fifty-sevenfold* fifty-six* fifty-sixfold* fifty-sixth* fifty-something* fifty-third* fifty-three* fifty-threefold* fifty-two* fifty-twofold* sixty-eight* sixty-eightfold* sixty-eighth* sixty-fifth* sixty-first* sixty-firsts* sixty-five* sixty-fivefold* sixty-four* sixty-fourfold* sixty-fourth* sixty-nine* sixty-ninefold* sixty-ninth* sixty-one* sixty-onefold* sixty-second* sixty-seven* sixty-sevenfold* sixty-six* sixty-sixfold* sixty-sixth* sixty-something* sixty-third* sixty-three* sixty-threefold* sixty-two* sixty-twofold* seventy-eight* seventy-eightfold* seventy-eighth* seventy-fifth* seventy-first* seventy-firsts* seventy-five* seventy-fivefold* seventy-four* seventy-fourfold* seventy-fourth* seventy-nine* seventy-ninefold* seventy-ninth* seventy-one* seventy-onefold* seventy-second* seventy-seven* seventy-sevenfold* seventy-six* seventy-sixfold* seventy-sixth* seventy-something* seventy-third* seventy-three* seventy-threefold* seventy-two* seventy-twofold* eighty-eight* eighty-eightfold* eighty-eighth* eighty-fifth* eighty-first* eighty-firsts* eighty-five* eighty-fivefold* eighty-four* eighty-fourfold* eighty-fourth* eighty-nine* eighty-ninefold* eighty-ninth* eighty-one* eighty-onefold* eighty-second* eighty-seven* eighty-sevenfold* eighty-six* eighty-sixfold* eighty-sixth* eighty-something* eighty-third* eighty-three* eighty-threefold* eighty-two* eighty-twofold* ninety-eight* ninety-eightfold* ninety-eighth* ninety-fifth* ninety-first* ninety-firsts* ninety-five* ninety-fivefold* ninety-four* ninety-fourfold* ninety-fourth* ninety-nine* ninety-ninefold* ninety-ninth* ninety-one* ninety-onefold* ninety-second* ninety-seven* ninety-sevenfold* ninety-six* ninety-sixfold* ninety-sixth* ninety-something* ninety-third* ninety-three* ninety-threefold* ninety-two* ninety-twofold* #words written with hyphens or together after-taste after-tastes anti-abortion anti-abortionist anti-abortionists anti-aircraft anti-apartheid anti-establishment anti-hero anti-heroes anti-hunting anti-nuclear anti-personnel auto-suggestibility auto-suggestion bear-baiting blood-red blood-wort build-ups bye-law bye-laws carry-alls chin-wag chin-wagged chin-wagging clean-ups cock-fightings co-invest co-invests co-investing co-invested co-located colour-fast colour-fastness colour-fastnesses co-operate co-operated co-operates co-operating co-operation co-operative co-operatively co-operativeness co-operatives co-operator co-operators co-opt co-opting co-pilot co-pilots co-religionist co-respondent co-respondents co-star co-starred co-starring co-stars counter-attack counter-attacks counter-attacked counter-attacker counter-offensives counter-revolutionaries cow-lick cow-licks cow-pat cow-pats co-writer co-written criss-cross criss-crossed criss-crosses criss-crossing cross-bred cross-breds cross-breed cross-breeding cross-breeds cross-cut cross-cuts cross-cutting cross-hair cross-hairs cross-hatch cross-hatched cross-hatches cut-offs cut-outs cut-throat de-ice de-iced de-icer de-icers de-ices de-icing de-industrialization demi-mondaine demi-mondaines demi-monde demi-mondes dilly-dallied dilly-dallies dilly-dally dilly-dallying ding-dong #dog-leg dog-tooth drop-kick drop-kicks drop-outs e-mail e-mailed e-mailing e-mails even-handed even-handedly feather-bedded feather-brain feather-brained feather-edge feather-head feather-light feather-stitch fold-outs # folk-singer https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/folk_singer # folk-singers # folk-tale https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/folk_tale # folk-tales # free-form # FP: A free form of ... fund-raiser fund-raisers fund-raising glow-worm glow-worms goose-stepping hair-splitter hair-splitters hair-splitting hand-picked hand-picking hand-picks hara-kiri hard-wire hard-wired hard-wires hard-wiring # hard-working # See HARD_WORKING_COMPOUND head-hunt head-hunted head-hunting head-hunts hell-cat hell-cats high-faluting high-flier high-fliers high-flyer high-flyers house-proud house-warming$ house-warmings$ infra-red jib-boom jib-booms ju-ju kick-offs let-downs lock-ups mah-jong mah-jongg mark-ups multi-ethnic multi-site multi-track newly-wed night-life non-abrasive non-absorbent non-academic non-acceptance non-acceptances non-acid non-adaptive non-addictive non-adhesive non-adjacent non-administrative non-aggression non-aggressions non-agricultural non-alcoholic non-alcoholics non-aligned non-allergic non-appearance non-appearances non-athletic non-attendance non-attendances non-automotive non-availabilities non-availability non-basic non-believer non-believers non-belligerency non-belligerent non-belligerents non-breakable non-burnable non-business non-cancerous non-carbohydrate non-clerical non-clericals non-clinical non-collectable non-com non-combatant non-combatants non-combustible non-combustibles non-commercial non-commercials non-commissioned non-committal non-committally non-competitive non-compliance non-compliances non-complying non-comprehending non-coms non-conducting non-conductor non-conductors non-consecutive non-conservative non-constructive non-contagious non-contiguous non-continuous non-contributory non-controversial non-convertible non-cooperation non-cooperations non-corroding non-corrodings non-corrosive non-credit non-criminal non-criminals non-critical non-crystalline non-cumulative non-cyclic non-dairy non-decreasing non-deductible non-deliveries non-delivery non-democratic non-denominational non-denominationally non-departmental non-destructive non-destructively non-detachable non-deterministic non-disclosure non-disclosures non-discrimination non-discriminations non-discriminatory non-dramatic non-drinker non-drinkers non-driver non-drying non-durable non-economic non-educational non-educationally non-effective non-effectives non-elastic non-electric non-electrical non-electrics non-emergency non-empty non-equivalence non-equivalent non-equivalents non-essential non-essentials non-event non-events non-exclusive non-executive non-exempt non-existence non-existences non-explosive non-explosives non-factual non-fading non-fat non-fatal non-fattening non-ferrous non-fiction non-fictional non-fictionally non-fictions non-flammable non-flowering non-flying non-food non-freezing non-functional non-governmental non-granular non-hazardous non-hereditary non-identical non-independent non-industrial non-infectious non-inflammatory non-inflationary non-intellectual non-intellectuals non-interacting non-interchangeable non-interference non-intervention non-interventionist non-interventions non-intoxicating non-intuitive non-invasive non-ionic non-irritating non-judgemental non-judicial non-legal non-lethal non-linear non-linearities non-linearity non-linguistic non-literary non-living non-local non-logical non-magical non-magnetic non-malignant non-member non-members non-metal non-metallic non-metals non-metropolitan non-migratory non-militant non-militants non-military non-native non-natives non-natural non-negative non-negotiable non-nuclear non-numerical non-numericals non-objective non-obligatory non-observance non-observances non-observant non-occupational non-occupationally non-operational non-operative non-parallel non-parallels non-participant non-participants non-participating non-partisan non-partisans non-party non-paying non-payment non-payments non-peak non-performance non-performances non-performing non-perishable non-perishables non-person non-persons non-physical non-poisonous non-political non-polluting non-porous non-prescription non-productive non-professional non-professionally non-professionals non-profit non-profits non-programmer non-proliferation non-proliferations non-public non-racial non-radioactive non-random non-reactive non-reciprocal non-reciprocals non-recognition non-recognitions non-recurring non-reducing non-refillable non-refundable non-refundables non-religious non-renewable non-renewables non-representational non-representationally non-resident non-residential non-residents non-residual non-resistant non-resistants non-respondent non-respondents non-response non-restrictive non-returnable non-returnables non-rigid non-scheduled non-scientific non-scientist non-scientists non-seasonal non-sectarian non-segregated non-sexist non-sexual non-skid non-slip non-smoker non-smokers non-smoking non-social non-speaking non-specialist non-specialists non-specific non-standard non-starter non-starters non-stick non-stop non-strategic non-structural non-supervisory non-support non-surgical non-swimmer non-taxable non-taxables non-technical non-terminal non-terminals non-terminating non-theatrical non-thinking non-thinkings non-threatening non-toxic non-traditional non-traditionally non-transferable non-trivial non-tropical non-uniform non-union non-unions non-user non-users non-venomous non-viable non-violence non-violences non-violent non-violently non-vocal non-vocational non-volatile non-voter non-voters non-voting non-white non-whites non-words non-working non-zero north-east north-easterly north-eastern north-eastward north-eastwards north-south north-west north-westerly north-western north-westward north-westwards off-line off-stage oft-times orang-outang orang-outangs over-abundance over-abundances over-represented over-ridden over-rides over-riding pall-bearers passer-by pen-friend pin-ups play-acting play-actings pole-axed pole-axes post-colonial post-doctoral post-feminist post-haste post-industrial post-modern post-modernism post-modernist post-mortem post-mortems post-natal post-partum post-war pot-bellied pot-bellies pot-belly pot-boiler pot-hunter pot-pourri pot-pourris pre-amplifier pre-book pre-books pre-booked pre-booking pre-authorize pre-authorizes pre-authorized pre-authorizing pre-configure pre-configured pre-configures pre-configuring pre-eclampsia pre-eclamptic pre-election pre-eminence pre-eminent pre-eminently pre-employment pre-employments pre-empt pre-empted pre-empting pre-emption pre-emptions pre-emptive pre-emptively pre-emptor pre-empts pre-ignition pre-implementation pre-paid pre-print pre-programmed pre-pubescent pre-recorded pre-tax pre-war pull-outs quarter-final quarter-finals radio-telegraph radio-telegraphs radio-telegraphy radio-telephone radio-telephones raw-boned re-allocated re-deploy re-deploys re-deploying re-deployed re-echo re-echoed re-echoes re-echoing re-edit re-edition re-edits re-elect re-elects re-emphasis re-emphasize re-emphasizes re-employ re-employment re-employs re-enact re-enacts re-enforce re-enforces re-engage re-engagement re-engages re-enlist re-enlister re-enlistment re-enlists re-enter re-enters re-entrant re-entries re-entry re-equip re-equips re-erect re-establish re-establishes re-establishment re-estimate re-estimates re-evaluate re-evaluates re-evaluation re-examination re-examine re-examines re-form re-formation ridge-pole ridge-poles riff-raff ring-fence ring-fenced ring-fencing roll-overs saw-horse # school-day # "school day" and "school days" are both valid (https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/school-day) # school-days # school-time # does not exist in lexico scrum-half sea-girt seed-bed seed-beds see-saw see-sawed see-sawing see-saws semi-automatic$ semi-automatically$ semi-conscious semi-detached semi-duplex semi-final semi-finals semi-flexible semi-monthly semi-permanent semi-permeable semi-precious semi-professional semi-professionally semi-professionals semi-rigid semi-skilled semi-solid semi-tone semi-tones semi-trailer semi-vowel semi-weekly shin-bone shin-bones shop-worn short-handed short-listed shuffle-board shut-downs side-car side-cars side-saddle side-slip side-stroke side-stroked side-strokes side-stroking sing-song sky-writing sky-writings slap-happy smarty-pants smash-ups south-east south-easterly south-eastern south-eastward south-eastwards south-west south-western south-westerlies south-westerly stove-pipe stove-pipes strait-laced sub-basement sub-basements sub-branch sub-branches sub-editor sub-editorial sub-editors sub-head sub-lieutenant sub-lieutenants sub-plot sub-plots sub-sequence sub-sequences sub-zero sure-footed sure-footedly tail-ender tail-enders tally-ho tally-hos teeny-bopper teeny-boppers thigh-bone thigh-bones three-fold tick-tock time-server time-servers time-serving time-servings time-share time-shares # time-work # lexico also knows "time work", also: "let the time work for us" tin-plate toll-house torch-bearer torch-bearers tow-bar tow-bars tow-head tow-headed tow-heads tow-line tow-lines tow-path tow-paths tow-rope tow-ropes train-bearer train-bearers trellis-work turn-buckle turn-buckles turn-offs turn-ups turtle-dove turtle-doves turtle-neck turtle-necked turtle-necks # under-age # children under age 14 under-investment under-representation under-secretaries under-secretary upper-cased upper-casing vice-like wall-eye wall-eyed wall-eyes wash-outs waste-basket weather-worn # week-long # all week long well-born well-head well-heads whipper-snapper whipper-snappers white-out white-outs wind-ups wire-haired wire-tapper wire-tapping wool-gathering wrong-footed wrong-headed bi-sexual? homo-sexual? homo-sexually? homo-sexuality? homo-sex? hetero-sexual? hetero-sexually? hetero-sexuality? hetero-sex? Monte-Negro? Monte-negro? good-bye? good-byes? Good-bye? Good-byes? Good-Bye? Good-Byes? re-brand$ # changed ? -> $ re-brands$ # changed ? -> $ re-branded$ # changed ? -> $ re-branding$ # changed ? -> $ re-connect$ # changed ? -> $ re-connects$ # changed ? -> $ re-connected$ # changed ? -> $ re-connecting$ # changed ? -> $ re-connection$ # changed ? -> $ re-attend$ # changed ? -> $ re-attends$ # changed ? -> $ re-attended$ # changed ? -> $ re-attending$ # changed ? -> $ re-open$ # changed ? -> $ re-opens$ # changed ? -> $ re-opened$ # changed ? -> $ re-opening$ # changed ? -> $ re-schedule$ # changed ? -> $ re-schedules$ # changed ? -> $ re-scheduled$ # changed ? -> $ re-scheduling$ # changed ? -> $ re-submit$ # changed ? -> $ re-submits$ # changed ? -> $ re-submitted$ # changed ? -> $ re-submitting$ # changed ? -> $ re-submission$ # changed ? -> $ re-submissions$ # changed ? -> $ re-write$ # changed ? -> $ re-writes$ # changed ? -> $ re-wrote$ # changed ? -> $ re-written$ # changed ? -> $ re-writing$ # changed ? -> $ screen-shot? screen-shots? eco-system? eco-systems? ultra-sonic? ultra-sound? ultra-violet? land-lord? land-lords? eye-witness? eye-witnesses? eye-witnessed? auto-pilot? auto-pilots? auto-play? auto-plays? auto-played? auto-playing? re-insert$ re-inserts$ re-inserted$ re-inserting$ rail-road$ rail-roads$ rail-roaded$ rail-roading$ multi-access$ sub-task$ sub-tasks$ pre-install$ pre-installs$ pre-installing$ pre-installed$ pre-revolutionary$ pre-revolutionaries$ pre-revolution$ five-seater* five-seaters* four-seater* four-seaters* single-seater* single-seaters* two-seater* two-seaters* one-seater* one-seaters* Air-Pods+ Home-Pod+ Home-Pods+ home-schooled? # heart-breaking? # I felt my heart breaking heart-breakingly? USB-C* lovey-doveyness* lovey-dovey* Wal-Mart? Wal-mart? wild-fire? wild-fires? pre-soak$ # changed ? -> $ pre-soaks$ # changed ? -> $ pre-soaked$ # changed ? -> $ pre-soaking$ # changed ? -> $ jet-liner? mid-day? manu-script? manu-scripts? binge-watch* binge-watches* binge-watching* binge-watched* waist-coat? waist-coats? web-cam? web-cams? audio-book? audio-books? nit-picky? nit-pick? nit-picks? nit-picking$ nit-picked? nit-picker? idiot-proof$ extra-ordinary? extra-ordinarily? anti-trust? pre-position$ # changed ? -> $ pre-positions$ # changed ? -> $ anti-virus? multi-modal? bumble-bee? bumble-bees? inter-communal? nano-technology? nano-technologies? nano-second? nano-seconds? nano-bot? nano-bots? nano-composite? nano-composites? extra-curricular? extra-curriculars? best-seller? best-sellers? inter-sectionality? inter-sectionalities? Exxon-Mobil+ pre-determined$ # changed ? -> $ pre-season$ pre-seasons$ bio-fuel? bio-fuels? bio-gas? bio-gases? bio-ethanol? bio-ethanols? re-post$ # changed ? -> $ re-posted$ # changed ? -> $ re-posts$ # changed ? -> $ re-posting$ # changed ? -> $ exo-skeleton? exo-skeletons? far-fetched? re-challenge$ # changed ? -> $ re-challenged$ # changed ? -> $ re-challenges$ # changed ? -> $ re-challenging$ # changed ? -> $ electro-chemistry? micro-tubule? micro-tubules? geo-chemical? geo-chemically? multi-lingual? ham-burger? ham-burgers? cheese-burger? cheese-burgers? re-invent$ # changed ? -> $ re-invents$ # changed ? -> $ re-invented$ # changed ? -> $ re-inventing$ # changed ? -> $ re-invention$ # changed ? -> $ re-inventions$ # changed ? -> $ hypno-birth? hypno-birthing? mis-information? home-ownership? home-ownerships? re-authorization$ # changed ? -> $ inter-ocular? inter-subjective? door-bell? door-bells? live-streamed$ live-streaming$ pre-writing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-writings$ # changed ? -> $ pseudo-stratified? pre-installation$ # changed ? -> $ pre-installations$ # changed ? -> $ re-point$ # changed ? -> $ re-points$ # changed ? -> $ re-pointed$ # changed ? -> $ re-pointing$ # changed ? -> $ auto-fill? auto-fills? auto-filled? auto-filling? re-target$ # changed ? -> $ re-targets$ # changed ? -> $ re-targeted$ # changed ? -> $ re-targeting$ # changed ? -> $ pre-production$ # changed ? -> $ pre-productions$ # changed ? -> $ re-market$ # changed ? -> $ re-markets$ # changed ? -> $ re-marketed$ # changed ? -> $ re-marketing$ # changed ? -> $ tele-screen? tele-screens? re-transmission$ # changed ? -> $ re-transmissions$ # changed ? -> $ sub-test? sub-tests? inter-phase? inter-phases? bio-metric? bio-metrics? bio-metrical? bio-metrically? sub-unit? sub-units? micro-structure? micro-structures? sub-type? sub-types? bed-sheet? bed-sheets? inter-generational? Pricewaterhouse-Coopers+ # Spider-Man* # see rule SPIDERMAN re-determination$ # changed ? -> $ re-determinations$ # changed ? -> $ pre-clinical$ # changed ? -> $ micro-flora? micro-floral? sub-net? sub-nets? sub-network? sub-networks? orang-utan? Orang-Utan? anti-static$ anti-fungal? anti-fungals? sub-sequence? sub-sequences? click-bait? click-baits? sub-optimally? sub-optimal? inter-modal? hydro-electric? hydro-electricity? echo-cardiogram? echo-cardiograms? tele-fax? tele-faxes? sub-woofer? sub-woofers? re-verification$ # changed ? -> $ re-verifications$ # changed ? -> $ re-circulation$ # changed ? -> $ re-circulations$ # changed ? -> $ sub-tropical? re-seat$ # changed ? -> $ re-seats$ # changed ? -> $ re-seating$ # changed ? -> $ re-seated$ # changed ? -> $ bio-psychosocial? nano-composite? nano-composites? bio-geography? bio-geographies? bio-geographic? bio-geographical? bio-geographically? auto-configuration? auto-configure? auto-configures? auto-configured? auto-configuring? auto-correction? auto-correct? auto-corrects? auto-corrected? auto-correcting? sub-region$ sub-regions$ sub-regional$ sub-field$ sub-fields$ pre-image$ # changed ? -> $ pre-images$ # changed ? -> $ neuro-science? neuro-sciences? neuro-muscular? sub-project? sub-projects? re-investigation$ # changed ? -> $ re-investigations$ # changed ? -> $ re-creationally$ # changed ? -> $ Wrestle-Mania+ Shang-Hai? horse-car? horse-cars? re-deposition$ # changed ? -> $ re-depositions$ # changed ? -> $ anti-terrorist$ bio-hazard? bio-hazards? bio-weapon? bio-weapons? bio-phobia? bio-phobic? multi-factorial? co-processor? co-processors? bio-pharmaceutical? bio-pharmaceuticals? anti-pyretic? sub-directory? sub-directories? physio-graphic? physio-graphical? physio-graphically? sand-stone? sand-stones? re-actively$ # changed ? -> $ multi-sensory? multi-sensorial? hypo-glossal? foot-board? foot-boards? electro-convulsive? wheat-grass? wheat-grasses? high-waisted* rota-virus? rota-viruses? psycho-therapeutic? psycho-therapeutical? psycho-therapeutist? psycho-therapeutists? psycho-therapeutics? pre-cess$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cesses$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cessed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cessing$ # changed ? -> $ poly-valence? poly-valences? poly-hydroxy? poly-hydroxyl? mono-layer? mono-layers? inter-sectional? half-heartedly* cold-heartedly* full-heartedly* good-heartedly* anti-fog? anti-fogging? pre-medication$ # changed ? -> $ pre-medications$ # changed ? -> $ neuro-protective? micro-evolution? micro-evolutions? micro-evolutionary? mega-fauna? mega-faunal? mega-faunas? inter-bank? Astra-Zeneca+ cholecystokinin-pancreozymin* bio-geochemical? bio-geochemically? anti-gravity? anti-gravities? ware-house? ware-houses? ultra-fast$ re-circulation$ # changed ? -> $ re-circulations$ # changed ? -> $ photo-chemical? photo-chemically? inter-textuality? inter-textualities? mis-deliver? mis-delivers? mis-delivered? mis-delivering? mis-delivery? mis-deliveries? scaredy-cat* scaredy-cats* neuro-endocrine* jet-pack? jet-packs? inter-group? hyper-trophic? hyper-thermia? hyper-thermias? hyper-thermic? hydro-gel? hydro-gels? fore-brain? fore-brains? bio-statistics? bio-molecular? auto-antibody? auto-antibodies? victim-hood? victim-hoods? anti-government* pre-fund$ # changed ? -> $ pre-funded$ # changed ? -> $ pre-funding$ # changed ? -> $ pre-funds$ # changed ? -> $ pre-market$ Winston-Salem* un-install? un-installs? un-installed? un-installing? self-promotion* self-promoting* self-promoter* self-promoters* deep-fry* deep-fried* deep-frying* deep-fries* micro-plastic? micro-plastics? sarco-plasmic? pre-train$ pre-trains$ pre-trained$ pre-training$ multi-cast? multi-casts? multi-casted? multi-casting? sub-component? sub-components? sub-chapter? sub-chapters? non-disjunction$ non-disjunctions$ non-disjunctional$ gastro-oesophageal* gastro-esophageal? de-stress* de-stresses* de-stressing* de-stressed* Pan-Slavism* pan-Slavism* Pan-Slavisms* pan-Slavisms* re-toucher$ # changed ? -> $ re-touchers$ # changed ? -> $ re-shoot$ # changed ? -> $ re-shoots$ # changed ? -> $ re-shot$ # changed ? -> $ re-shooting$ # changed ? -> $ re-scale$ # changed ? -> $ re-scaled$ # changed ? -> $ re-scales$ # changed ? -> $ re-scaling$ # changed ? -> $ pre-scribe$ # changed ? -> $ pre-scribes$ # changed ? -> $ pre-scribed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-scribing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-scriber$ # changed ? -> $ pre-scribers$ # changed ? -> $ pre-medicate$ # changed ? -> $ pre-medicates$ # changed ? -> $ pre-medicated$ # changed ? -> $ pre-medicating$ # changed ? -> $ pre-medication$ # changed ? -> $ pre-medications$ # changed ? -> $ poly-morphism? poly-morphisms? polio-virus? polio-viruses? photo-chemistry? photo-chemistries? inter-layer? inter-layers? inter-layered? inter-layering? inter-cellular? re-match$ # changed ? -> $ re-matched$ # changed ? -> $ re-matching$ # changed ? -> $ re-matches$ # changed ? -> $ mono-hybrid? mono-hybrids? pre-college$ pre-operational$ trans-disciplinary? single-handedly* inter-costal? inter-costally? pre-filter$ # changed ? -> $ pre-filters$ # changed ? -> $ pre-filtered$ # changed ? -> $ pre-filtering$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cum* Saint-Étienne* # Covid-19* # see rule COVID_19 micro-plastic? micro-plastics? gender-specific* genre-specific* non-specific* bio-indicator? pre-approve$ # changed ? -> $ pre-approved$ # changed ? -> $ pre-approves$ # changed ? -> $ pre-approving$ # changed ? -> $ pre-eminent$ # changed ? -> $ pre-law$ # changed ? -> $ cross-link* cross-linked* cross-linking* cross-links* inter-personal? inter-personally? half-marathon* half-marathons* pre-lab$ # changed ? -> $ pre-labial$ # changed ? -> $ pre-approval$ # changed ? -> $ pre-approvals$ # changed ? -> $ inter-relatedness? inter-relatednesses? inter-regional? inter-relationship? inter-relationships? inter-relation? inter-relations? inter-membrane? inter-core? inter-disciplinary? inter-dimensional? inter-connect? inter-connects? inter-connecting? inter-connected? inter-connectivity? inter-connectivities? inter-troop? inter-tropical? inter-poser? inter-posers? inter-space? inter-spaced? inter-spaces? inter-spacing? inter-media? inter-neuron? inter-neurons? inter-neuronal? inter-pleader? inter-pleaders? inter-mediation? inter-mediations? inter-dependency? inter-dependencies? inter-dental? inter-dentally? inter-course? inter-courses? inter-cooler? inter-coolers? inter-actional? inter-actionism? inter-specific? inter-religious? inter-pellation? inter-pellations? inter-pellate? inter-pellated? inter-pellates? inter-pellating? inter-operation? inter-operative? inter-operate? inter-operated? inter-operates? inter-operating? inter-language? inter-languages? inter-glacial? inter-glacials? inter-fertile? inter-fertility? inter-conversion? inter-conversions? inter-convert? inter-converted? inter-converts? inter-converting? inter-convertible? inter-convertibility? inter-convertibilities? inter-actionist? inter-actionists? re-institute$ # changed ? -> $ re-instituted$ # changed ? -> $ re-institutes$ # changed ? -> $ re-instituting$ # changed ? -> $ re-institution$ # changed ? -> $ re-institutions$ # changed ? -> $ re-distribution$ # changed ? -> $ re-distributions$ # changed ? -> $ re-distributionist$ # changed ? -> $ re-distributionists$ # changed ? -> $ re-model$ # changed ? -> $ re-models$ # changed ? -> $ re-modeled$ # changed ? -> $ re-modelled$ # changed ? -> $ re-modeling$ # changed ? -> $ re-modelling$ # changed ? -> $ re-inforcer$ # changed ? -> $ re-inforcers$ # changed ? -> $ re-composition$ # changed ? -> $ re-compositions$ # changed ? -> $ re-compose$ # changed ? -> $ re-composes$ # changed ? -> $ re-composed$ # changed ? -> $ re-composing$ # changed ? -> $ re-calibrate$ # changed ? -> $ re-calibrates$ # changed ? -> $ re-calibrated$ # changed ? -> $ re-calibrating$ # changed ? -> $ re-calibration$ # changed ? -> $ re-validate$ # changed ? -> $ re-validated$ # changed ? -> $ re-validating$ # changed ? -> $ re-validates$ # changed ? -> $ re-validation$ # changed ? -> $ re-validations$ # changed ? -> $ re-send$ # changed ? -> $ re-sends$ # changed ? -> $ re-sent$ # changed ? -> $ re-sending$ # changed ? -> $ re-occur$ # changed ? -> $ re-occurs$ # changed ? -> $ re-occurred$ # changed ? -> $ re-occurring$ # changed ? -> $ re-occurrence$ # changed ? -> $ re-occurrences$ # changed ? -> $ re-hydrate$ # changed ? -> $ re-hydrates$ # changed ? -> $ re-hydrating$ # changed ? -> $ re-hydrated$ # changed ? -> $ re-hydration$ # changed ? -> $ re-hydrations$ # changed ? -> $ re-hydratable$ # changed ? -> $ radio-graph? radio-graphs? radio-graphing? radio-graphed? radio-grapher? radio-graphers? radio-graphic? radio-graphically? re-charger$ # changed ? -> $ re-chargers$ # changed ? -> $ re-translation$ # changed ? -> $ re-translations$ # changed ? -> $ re-synchronize$ # changed ? -> $ re-synchronized$ # changed ? -> $ re-synchronizes$ # changed ? -> $ re-synchronizing$ # changed ? -> $ re-synchronization$ # changed ? -> $ re-suspend$ # changed ? -> $ re-suspends$ # changed ? -> $ re-suspended$ # changed ? -> $ re-suspending$ # changed ? -> $ re-suspension$ # changed ? -> $ re-suspensions$ # changed ? -> $ re-couple$ # changed ? -> $ re-couples$ # changed ? -> $ re-coupled$ # changed ? -> $ re-coupling$ # changed ? -> $ re-conversion$ # changed ? -> $ re-conversions$ # changed ? -> $ re-compression$ # changed ? -> $ re-compressions$ # changed ? -> $ re-compress$ # changed ? -> $ re-compressed$ # changed ? -> $ re-compresses$ # changed ? -> $ re-compressing$ # changed ? -> $ re-absorption$ # changed ? -> $ re-absorptions$ # changed ? -> $ pre-amplifier$ # changed ? -> $ pre-amplifiers$ # changed ? -> $ pre-parative$ # changed ? -> $ pre-paratives$ # changed ? -> $ pre-paratively$ # changed ? -> $ pre-maturity$ # changed ? -> $ auto-rotation? auto-rotations? auto-focus? auto-focusses? auto-focussed? auto-focussing? auto-focuses? auto-focused? auto-focusing? auto-regressive? rear-view? socio-linguistic? socio-linguistics? socio-linguistically? front-runner* front-runners* multi-factorial? multi-factorially? epi-center? epi-centers? trans-genderism? trans-gender? sub-domain? sub-domains? inter-party? re-new$ # changed ? -> $ re-newed$ # changed ? -> $ re-news$ # changed ? -> $ re-newing$ # changed ? -> $ re-newable$ # changed ? -> $ Austro-Hungarian* hand-written? re-shipment$ # changed ? -> $ thermo-dynamically? photo-emission? photo-emissions? photo-detector? photo-detectors? omni-directional? omni-directionally? omni-directionality? omni-directionalities? geo-politically? geo-political? geo-politics? geo-chronological? geo-chronologically? geo-chronology? geo-chronologies? geo-strategic? geo-morphology? geo-morphologic? geo-morphologies? geo-morphologist? geo-morphological? geo-morphologists? geo-morphogeny? geo-morphic? geo-morphies? geo-morphist? geo-morphists? geo-morphy? geo-morphogenic? crypto-currency? crypto-currencies? crypto-graphically? crypto-graphical? custom-builds* custom-building* flat-bottomed* self-defense* self-defenses* self-defensive* inter-organizational? inter-organisational? pre-dinner$ pre-dinners$ inter-professional? inter-cessional? pre-professional$ pre-cursor$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cursors$ # changed ? -> $ inter-state? Inter-state? inter-states? re-insure$ # changed ? -> $ re-insures$ # changed ? -> $ re-insured$ # changed ? -> $ re-insuring$ # changed ? -> $ re-insurer$ # changed ? -> $ re-insurers$ # changed ? -> $ al-Assad* Pimpri-Chinchwad* Kalyan-Dombivli* Vasai-Virar* Hubli-Dharwad* Mira-Bhayandar* Sangli-Miraj* Greco-Roman* wishy-washy* neo-pagan$ neo-pagans$ neo-paganism$ non-vascular$ pre-state$ # changed ? -> $ pre-stated$ # changed ? -> $ pre-states$ # changed ? -> $ pre-stating$ # changed ? -> $ anti-bigamy* fancy-schmancy* fancy-shmancy* sub-round? sub-rounded? sub-angular? pre-dominantly$ # changed ? -> $ pre-dominant$ # changed ? -> $ semi-monthly* geo-fence? geo-fences? geo-fenced? geo-fencing? geo-code? geo-codes? geo-coded? geo-coding? eco-sensitive* pre-serve$ # changed ? -> $ pre-serves$ # changed ? -> $ pre-served$ # changed ? -> $ pre-serving$ # changed ? -> $ pre-test$ # changed ? -> $ pre-tested$ # changed ? -> $ pre-testing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-tests$ # changed ? -> $ mis-function? mis-functions? mis-functioned? mis-functioning? bi-functional? astro-biology? astro-biologies? pre-calculus$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculuses$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculate$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculates$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculated$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculating$ # changed ? -> $ brow-beat? brow-beaten? brow-beating? ethno-linguistics? ethno-linguistic? pre-Columbian* strato-volcano? strato-volcanoes? Frito-Lay* sub-linear? sub-space? sub-space? sub-scale* sub-scales* sub-population? sub-populations? sub-segment$ sub-segments$ sub-adult? sub-adults? sub-paragraph$ sub-paragraphs$ sub-national$ sub-kingdom? sub-kingdoms? sub-genre$ sub-genres$ sub-clavian? sub-clavians? sub-cultural? sub-cortical? sub-clinical? sub-arachnoid? sub-arachnoidal? pre-colonial$ pre-negotiate$ # changed ? -> $ pre-negotiated$ # changed ? -> $ pre-negotiates$ # changed ? -> $ pre-negotiating$ # changed ? -> $ pre-negotiation$ # changed ? -> $ pre-negotiations$ # changed ? -> $ semi-aquatic? semi-metal? semi-metals? semi-metallic? semi-formal? anti-fouling? anti-parallel? anti-neoplastic? anti-spam$ anti-symmetric? anti-parasitic? anti-derivative? anti-convulsant? semi-desert? semi-deserts? geo-tag? geo-tags? geo-tagged? geo-tagging? micro-vascular? micro-filament? micro-filaments? micro-graph? micro-graphs? micro-pore? micro-pores? micro-manipulation? micro-gravity? micro-climatic? micro-climate? micro-climates? micro-cephaly? micro-cephalies? micro-analysis? micro-analyst? micro-analysts? micro-analytical? micro-analytic? micro-structural? micro-porous? micro-teaching? mid-term? mid-terms? un-safe? meadow-land? meadow-lands? macro-molecular? macro-evolution? macro-economist? macro-economists? macro-economics? macro-economic? macro-economy? macro-economies? macro-structure? macro-structures? macro-photography? macro-cycle? pre-estimate* pre-estimates* pre-estimated* pre-estimating* pre-kindergarten$ # changed ? -> $ pre-kindergartens$ # changed ? -> $ pre-coordinate* pre-coordinates* pre-coordinating* pre-coordinated* ice-skated* win-win* inter-agency$ thank-ful? grate-ful? power-ful? success-ful? care-ful? whole-hearted? whole-heartedly? anti-bacterial? re-flow$ # changed ? -> $ re-flows$ # changed ? -> $ re-flowed$ # changed ? -> $ re-flowing$ # changed ? -> $ super-glued? super-gluing? re-word$ # changed ? -> $ re-words$ # changed ? -> $ re-worded$ # changed ? -> $ re-wording$ # changed ? -> $ drop-kick* drop-kicks* drop-kicked* drop-kicking* pre-owned* pre-tax* self-hood? self-hoods? bio-terrorism? bio-synthetic? bio-synthetically? thermo-electric? thermo-electrical? thermo-electrically? thermo-regulation? thermo-regulations? bio-electric? bio-electrical? bio-electrically? bio-mechanical? bio-mechanically? bio-degradation? thermo-chemical? thermo-chemistry? false-hood? false-hoods? A-Team* pre-emptive$ # changed ? -> $ pre-emptively$ # changed ? -> $ # now-a-days? # already caught by NOW_A_DAYS post-pone? post-poning? post-poned? post-pones? self-quarantine* self-quarantined* self-quarantining* self-quarantines* self-isolate* self-isolated* self-isolating* self-isolates* self-isolation* self-isolations* inter-office? pre-accelerator$ # changed ? -> $ pre-accelerators$ # changed ? -> $ pre-workout$ # changed ? -> $ semi-circular? semi-circle? semi-circles? pre-symptomatic$ pre-print$ # changed ? -> $ pre-prints$ # changed ? -> $ pre-printed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-printing$ # changed ? -> $ anti-competitive? noro-virus? noro-viruses? micro-balance? micro-balances? pre-open* anti-constitutional* anti-conventional* tele-medicine? bas-relief* bas-reliefs* tele-health? tele-conference? tele-conferences? tele-conferencing? re-purchase$ # changed ? -> $ re-purchases$ # changed ? -> $ re-purchased$ # changed ? -> $ re-purchasing$ # changed ? -> $ re-arrange$ # changed ? -> $ re-arranges$ # changed ? -> $ re-arranged$ # changed ? -> $ re-arranging$ # changed ? -> $ re-unite$ # changed ? -> $ re-unites$ # changed ? -> $ re-united$ # changed ? -> $ re-uniting$ # changed ? -> $ non-rhotic* multi-nationally? sub-family? sub-families? non-distended? non-sustained? anti-reflux$ echo-cardiography? electro-physiology? electro-physiologist? electro-physiologists? un-twist? un-twists? un-twisted? un-twisting? pre-assessment$ # changed ? -> $ zig-zag? zig-zags? pro-tip* pro-tips* anti-choicer$ pre-cautional$ # changed ? -> $ pre-caution$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cautions$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cautionary$ # changed ? -> $ pre-cautious$ # changed ? -> $ willy-nilly* self-conscious* self-consciously* mRNA-based* cul-de-sac* cul-de-sacs* inter-body? natural-born* pre-recorded$ screen-cast? screen-casts? screen-casting? self-guided* strong-willed* pre-puberty$ # changed ? -> $ pre-publication$ inter-school? anti-emetic$ pre-operative$ # changed ? -> $ pre-operatively$ # changed ? -> $ non-invasive$ non-invasively$ self-medicate* self-medicates* self-medicated* self-medicating* self-medication* anti-platelet? non-compliant$ pre-medical$ # changed ? -> $ re-emerge$ re-emerges$ re-emerged$ re-emerging$ grand-kid? grand-kids? grand-daughter? grand-daughters? grand-son? grand-sons? grand-dad? grand-dads? grand-daddy? grand-father? grand-fathers? grand-mother? grand-mothers? grand-parent? grand-parents? grand-parenthood? grand-parenthoods? grand-nephew? grand-nephews? grand-niece? grand-nieces? cross-color* cross-colour* Austro-Hungarian* pre-write* pre-writes* pre-wrote* pre-written* un-muted? un-mute? un-mutes? un-muting? lap-top? lap-tops? self-promotional* self-publish* self-published* self-publishes* self-publishing* MERS-CoV* SARS-CoV* pre-assemble$ pre-assembles$ pre-assembling$ pre-assembled$ pre-assembly$ pre-assemblies$ pre-cut$ pre-charge$ # changed ? -> $ pre-charges$ # changed ? -> $ pre-charged$ # changed ? -> $ pre-charging$ # changed ? -> $ pre-fetch$ # changed ? -> $ pre-fetches$ # changed ? -> $ pre-fetching$ # changed ? -> $ pre-fetched$ # changed ? -> $ pre-colonial$ pre-contract$ pre-contracts$ pre-contracted$ pre-contracting$ pre-payable$ # changed ? -> $ pre-med$ pre-meds$ pre-made$ pre-bid$ # changed ? -> $ pre-bids$ # changed ? -> $ pre-bidding$ # changed ? -> $ pre-textual$ # changed ? -> $ pre-mix$ # changed ? -> $ pre-mixed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-mixes$ # changed ? -> $ pre-mixing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-tell$ # changed ? -> $ pre-tells$ # changed ? -> $ pre-telling$ # changed ? -> $ pre-told$ # changed ? -> $ pre-development$ # changed ? -> $ pre-prep* self-centered* Rees-Mogg* # straight-forward? # "straight forward" has a different meaning than "straightforward" pre-delivery$ pre-fill$ pre-filled$ pre-fills$ pre-filling$ tele-therapy? tele-therapies? tele-communication? tele-communications? Indo-Aryan* Indo-Aryans* pre-capitalist$ pre-audit$ # changed ? -> $ pre-audits$ # changed ? -> $ pre-evolutionary* co-morbidity* co-morbidities* intra-articular* pre-qualify* pre-qualified* pre-qualifies* pre-qualifying* pre-amble$ # changed ? -> $ pre-ambles$ # changed ? -> $ pre-ambling$ # changed ? -> $ e-signature* e-signatures* Rhine-Westphalia* Baden-Württemberg* Schleswig-Holstein* Saxony-Anhalt* Rhineland-Palatinate* Mecklenburg-Vorpommern* Bern-Mittelland* geo-therm? geo-therms? pre-format$ pre-formats$ pre-formatted$ pre-formatting$ pre-motor$ # changed ? -> $ pre-build$ pre-build$ pre-built$ pre-built$ pre-builds$ pre-building$ pre-chat* pre-qualification$ pre-teen$ pre-teens$ Pac-Man* web-toon? web-toons? car-toon? car-toons? anti-coagulate? anti-coagulates? anti-coagulated? anti-coagulating? anti-coagulation? self-care* co-ordinate$ co-ordinated$ co-ordinates$ co-ordinating$ co-ordination$ co-ordinator$ co-ordinators$ extra-curricular? extra-polate? extra-polates? extra-polated? extra-polating? church-goer? church-goers? anti-hypertensive? anti-hypertensives? thin-skinned* pre-university$ pre-mature$ # changed ? -> $ pre-check$ # changed ? -> $ pre-checked$ # changed ? -> $ pre-checks$ # changed ? -> $ pre-checking$ # changed ? -> $ omni-channel? omni-bus? omni-active? omni-potent? two-ply* three-ply* four-ply* self-assigned* self-killed* self-signed* self-given* Baden-Wurttemberg* alpha-numeric? alpha-numerics? alpha-numerical? socio-economic* socio-economical* socio-economically* pod-cast? pod-casting? pod-casts? eco-mode* eco-modes* pre-computing* inter-colonial? cater-pillar? cater-pillars? inter-city$ Inter-City$ touchy-feely* pre-departure$ pre-wrap$ pre-wraps$ pre-wrapped$ pre-wrapping$ auto-detect* auto-detected* auto-detecting* auto-detects* auto-detection* re-watch$ # changed ? -> $ re-watches$ # changed ? -> $ re-watched$ # changed ? -> $ re-watching$ # changed ? -> $ un-zip? un-zips? un-zipped? un-zipping? micro-organism? micro-organisms? re-engine* re-engines* re-engined* re-engining* dish-washer? dish-washers? re-direct$ # changed ? -> $ re-directs$ # changed ? -> $ re-directing$ # changed ? -> $ re-directed$ # changed ? -> $ Pre-Paid? co-locate$ co-located$ co-locates$ co-locating$ co-location$ co-locations$ pre-order$ pre-orders$ pre-ordered$ pre-ordering$ nitty-gritty* co-evolve$ co-evolved$ co-evolves$ co-evolving$ co-evolutionary$ co-evolution$ pre-dawn$ # changed ? -> $ pre-defined$ # changed ? -> $ pre-sale$ # changed ? -> $ pre-sales$ # changed ? -> $ pre-select$ # changed ? -> $ pre-selects$ # changed ? -> $ pre-selected$ # changed ? -> $ pre-selecting$ # changed ? -> $ pre-selection$ # changed ? -> $ pre-diabetes$ # changed ? -> $ pre-diabetic$ # changed ? -> $ pre-set$ # changed ? -> $ pre-sets$ # changed ? -> $ pre-setting$ # changed ? -> $ pre-launch$ pre-synaptic$ # changed ? -> $ pre-service$ pre-planned$ pre-plan$ pre-planned$ pre-planning$ pre-release$ pre-classical* pre-classic* pre-treat$ pre-treated$ pre-treating$ pre-treats$ pre-treatment$ pre-treatments$ micro-controller? micro-controllers? micro-manage? micro-manager? micro-managers? micro-manages? micro-managed? micro-managing? micro-management? micro-machine? micro-machines? micro-economics? micro-earthquakes? micro-earthquake? micro-manipulation? micro-manipulations? micro-organism? micro-organisms? micro-phone? micro-phones? micro-technology? micro-technologies? micro-wave? micro-waves? self-governance* sub-antarctic? pre-register$ # changed ? -> $ pre-registers$ # changed ? -> $ pre-registered$ # changed ? -> $ pre-registering$ # changed ? -> $ pre-registration$ # changed ? -> $ pre-registrations$ # changed ? -> $ pre-work$ pre-works$ pre-requisite$ # changed ? -> $ pre-requisites$ # changed ? -> $ pre-crisis$ inter-company? inter-quartile? pre-screen$ # changed ? -> $ pre-screens$ # changed ? -> $ pre-screened$ # changed ? -> $ pre-screening$ # changed ? -> $ pre-process$ # changed ? -> $ pre-processed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-processes$ # changed ? -> $ pre-processing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-processor$ # changed ? -> $ pre-processors$ # changed ? -> $ pre-biotic$ # changed ? -> $ pre-biotics$ # changed ? -> $ pre-K* pre-Ks* pre-prepared$ pre-prepare$ pre-prepares$ pre-preparing$ pre-pandemic* pre-roll* pre-rolls* inter-crop? inter-crops? inter-cropped? inter-cropping? pre-industrial$ pre-modern$ pre-surgical$ pre-surgery$ pre-purchase$ pre-purchased$ pre-purchases$ pre-purchasing$ pre-vertebral$ # changed ? -> $ pre-seed* pre-employment$ pre-constructed$ pre-construction$ pre-constructions$ pre-design$ # changed ? -> $ pre-designs$ # changed ? -> $ pre-designed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-designing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-Hispanic* inter-species? pre-package$ # changed ? -> $ pre-packaged$ # changed ? -> $ pre-packages$ # changed ? -> $ pre-packaging$ # changed ? -> $ pre-program$ pre-programmed$ pre-programs$ pre-programming$ pre-loader$ # changed ? -> $ pre-loaders$ # changed ? -> $ pre-schedule$ pre-schedules$ pre-scheduled$ pre-scheduling$ pre-biotically$ # changed ? -> $ pre-populated$ # changed ? -> $ low-carb* re-balance$ # changed ? -> $ re-balanced$ # changed ? -> $ re-balances$ # changed ? -> $ re-balancing$ # changed ? -> $ re-build$ # changed ? -> $ re-built$ # changed ? -> $ re-builds$ # changed ? -> $ re-building$ # changed ? -> $ pre-speech* pre-specify* pre-specified* pre-specifies* pre-specifying* aero-space? tele-processing? tele-type? tele-types? tele-typewriter? tele-typewriters? tele-kinetic? tele-kinetically? tele-graphically? tele-conferences? tele-conference? tele-portation? tele-portations? tele-metrically? tele-ologically? tele-marketing? tele-marketings? tele-marketer? tele-marketers? tele-shopping? tele-printer? tele-printers? tax-payer? tax-payers? non-polar$ Alcatel-Lucent* micro-greens? hitch-hiker? hitch-hikers? hitch-hike? hitch-hikes? hitch-hiked? hitch-hiking? inter-comprehensible? inter-comprehension? inter-comprehensions? pre-op* pre-ops* pre-contact$ # changed ? -> $ pre-flop* pre-flops* pre-corona* pre-coronavirus* inter-node? inter-nodes? pre-VIP* inter-linkage? inter-linkages? anti-pattern? anti-patterns? intra-day? hyper-link? hyper-links? whistle-blower? whistle-blowers? whistle-blowing? kid-napper? kid-nappers? line-backer? line-backers? kinder-garten? eco-sensitive* pre-Islamic* on-slaught? anti-body? anti-bodies? hyper-mutation? hyper-mutations? hyper-inflation? hyper-inflations? hyper-inflationary? hyper-salivation? hyper-function? hyper-functional? hyper-ventilation? mid-night? mid-way$ hedge-hog? hedge-hogs? ground-hog? ground-hogs? trans-national? multi-national? re-paint$ # changed ? -> $ re-paints$ # changed ? -> $ re-painted$ # changed ? -> $ re-painting$ # changed ? -> $ re-fuel$ # changed ? -> $ re-fuels$ # changed ? -> $ re-fueling$ # changed ? -> $ re-fueled$ # changed ? -> $ co-write$ co-writes$ co-wrote$ co-written$ co-writing$ co-writer$ co-writers$ re-subscribe$ # changed ? -> $ re-subscribes$ # changed ? -> $ re-subscribed$ # changed ? -> $ re-subscribing$ # changed ? -> $ re-install$ # changed ? -> $ re-installed$ # changed ? -> $ re-installs$ # changed ? -> $ re-installing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-condition$ # changed ? -> $ pre-conditions$ # changed ? -> $ pre-conditioned$ # changed ? -> $ pre-conditioning$ # changed ? -> $ pre-primary$ pre-Confederation* re-configure$ # changed ? -> $ re-configures$ # changed ? -> $ re-configured$ # changed ? -> $ re-configuring$ # changed ? -> $ re-configuration$ # changed ? -> $ re-configurations$ # changed ? -> $ pre-service$ pre-drill$ pre-drills$ pre-drilled$ pre-drilling$ pre-date$ # changed ? -> $ pre-dated$ # changed ? -> $ pre-dates$ # changed ? -> $ pre-dating$ # changed ? -> $ pre-flight$ # changed ? -> $ pre-flights$ # changed ? -> $ pre-flighted$ # changed ? -> $ pre-flighting$ # changed ? -> $ inter-ethnic? pre-check$ # changed ? -> $ pre-checks$ # changed ? -> $ pre-checked$ # changed ? -> $ pre-checking$ # changed ? -> $ inter-textual? pre-marketing* pre-store$ pre-stored$ pre-stores$ pre-storing$ re-store$ # changed ? -> $ re-stores$ # changed ? -> $ re-stored$ # changed ? -> $ re-storing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-show$ pre-opening$ pre-evaluation* pre-devaluation* pre-pregnancy$ # changed ? -> $ inter-polar? pre-split$ pre-exponential* pre-shrink* pre-shrinks* pre-shrank* pre-shrunk$ pre-shrunken$ pre-shrinking$ pre-eminence$ pre-dynastic$ pre-bookable* co-infection? co-infections? co-infect? co-infects? co-infected? co-infecting? inter-title? inter-titles? sub-costal? pre-Roman* inter-sexual? inter-sexuality? meer-kat? meer-kats? bi-cycle? bi-cycles? multi-page? multi-part? bio-tech? bio-techs? mal-function? micro-service? micro-services? dip-shit? dip-shits? brat-wurst? brat-wursts? milli-second? milli-seconds? neighbor-hood? neighbor-hoods? neighbour-hood? neighbour-hoods? Ibero-Romance* Ibero-American* Ibero-Maurusian* multi-ethnic$ co-exist$ co-exists$ co-existed$ co-existing$ co-existence$ co-existences$ co-existent$ pre-exist* pre-existed* pre-existence* pre-existences* pre-existent* pre-existing* pre-exists* multi-trillion$ multi-trillions$ multi-trillionaire$ multi-trillionaires$ multi-billion$ multi-billionaire$ multi-billionaires$ multi-billions$ multi-million$ multi-millions$ multi-millionaire$ multi-millionaires$ mid-town? turtle-neck? turtle-necks? cliff-hanger? cliff-hangers? un-employment? mis-leading? co-working$ co-worker$ co-workers$ pre-occupy$ # changed ? -> $ pre-occupies$ # changed ? -> $ pre-occupied$ # changed ? -> $ pre-occupying$ # changed ? -> $ road-runner? road-runners? re-appear$ # changed ? -> $ re-appeared$ # changed ? -> $ re-appears$ # changed ? -> $ re-appearing$ # changed ? -> $ re-appearance$ # changed ? -> $ re-appearances$ # changed ? -> $ co-maker? co-makers? neck-lace? pre-arrival$ # changed ? -> $ pre-assign$ pre-assigns$ pre-assigned$ pre-assigning$ pre-teen$ pre-teens$ pre-teenager$ pre-teenagers$ pre-incorporation$ pre-close* pre-closing* pre-travel$ pre-trade* pre-translation* pre-compute$ pre-computes$ pre-computed$ pre-computing$ pre-pubertal$ # changed ? -> $ pre-arrange$ # changed ? -> $ pre-arranges$ # changed ? -> $ pre-arranged$ # changed ? -> $ pre-arranging$ # changed ? -> $ pre-implantation$ # changed ? -> $ pre-review$ pre-reviews$ pre-reviewed$ pre-reviewing$ non-fluent* non-smoker$ non-smokers$ non-smoking$ ex-dividend* pan-Arab* pan-Arabist* pan-Arabists* blood-bath? blood-baths? death-bed? new-comer? new-comers? sun-roof? sun-roofs? inter-bed? inter-beds? inter-bedding? inter-bedded? book-seller? book-sellers? non-existent$ pre-schooler$ # changed ? -> $ pre-schoolers$ # changed ? -> $ re-assure$ # changed ? -> $ re-assures$ # changed ? -> $ re-assured$ # changed ? -> $ re-assuring$ # changed ? -> $ like-minded* like-mindedly* liberal-minded* king-sized* queen-sized* drip-dry* drip-dried* drip-dries* drip-drying* ghost-buster? ghost-busters? re-share$ # changed ? -> $ re-shares$ # changed ? -> $ re-shared$ # changed ? -> $ re-sharing$ # changed ? -> $ re-tweet$ # changed ? -> $ re-tweets$ # changed ? -> $ re-tweeted$ # changed ? -> $ re-tweeting$ # changed ? -> $ sub-prefecture$ sub-prefectures$ sub-prefectorial$ sub-prefect$ sub-prefects$ Hapag-Lloyd* rowdy-sheeter* rowdy-sheeters* sub-inspector* sub-inspectors* pan-Indian* pan-African* one-pagers* one-shots* one-timers* re-supply$ # changed ? -> $ re-supplies$ # changed ? -> $ re-supplied$ # changed ? -> $ re-supplying$ # changed ? -> $ re-suppress$ # changed ? -> $ re-suppresses$ # changed ? -> $ re-suppressed$ # changed ? -> $ re-suppressing$ # changed ? -> $ sub-title? sub-titles? self-employment* inter-club? shit-load? shit-loads? co-CEO* co-author$ co-authored$ co-authoring$ co-authors$ co-host$ co-hosts$ co-hosted$ co-hosting$ re-start$ # changed ? -> $ re-starts$ # changed ? -> $ re-started$ # changed ? -> $ re-starting$ # changed ? -> $ multi-channel? re-think$ # changed ? -> $ re-thinks$ # changed ? -> $ re-thinking$ # changed ? -> $ re-thought$ # changed ? -> $ re-format$ # changed ? -> $ re-formats$ # changed ? -> $ re-formatted$ # changed ? -> $ re-formatting$ # changed ? -> $ re-program$ # changed ? -> $ re-programmed$ # changed ? -> $ re-programs$ # changed ? -> $ re-programming$ # changed ? -> $ auto-mobile? auto-mobiles? re-order$ # changed ? -> $ re-orders$ # changed ? -> $ re-ordered$ # changed ? -> $ re-ordering$ # changed ? -> $ sub-contractor? sub-contractors? self-checkout* self-checkouts* store-front? store-fronts? shop-front? shop-fronts? bed-time? travel-friendly* re-export* re-exports* re-exported* re-exporting* re-import* re-imports* re-imported* re-importing* re-generate$ # changed ? -> $ re-generates$ # changed ? -> $ re-generated$ # changed ? -> $ re-generating$ # changed ? -> $ re-claim$ # changed ? -> $ re-claims$ # changed ? -> $ re-claimed$ # changed ? -> $ re-claiming$ # changed ? -> $ mini-series? micro-chip? micro-chips? micro-chipped? micro-chipping? battle-field? battle-fields? battle-ground? battle-grounds? multi-core? multi-word* WSB-TV* broad-cast? broad-casts? broad-casted? broad-caster? broad-casters? broad-casting? book-keeping? self-declared* earth-quake? earth-quakes? re-formulate$ # changed ? -> $ re-formulates$ # changed ? -> $ re-formulated$ # changed ? -> $ re-formulating$ # changed ? -> $ double-speak? barb-wire? barb-wires? re-run$ # changed ? -> $ re-runs$ # changed ? -> $ re-running$ # changed ? -> $ re-ran$ # changed ? -> $ fore-play? fore-plays? fore-part? fore-parts? fore-head? fore-heads? fore-hand? fore-hands? boot-loader? boot-loaders? go-arounds* board-walk? board-walks? sweet-heart? sweet-hearts? sub-ordinator? sub-ordinators? sub-ordinate? sub-ordinated? sub-ordinating? sub-ordinates? proof-read? proof-reads? proof-reading? proof-reader? proof-readers? re-usable$ # changed ? -> $ re-use$ # changed ? -> $ re-uses$ # changed ? -> $ re-used$ # changed ? -> $ re-using$ # changed ? -> $ re-usage$ # changed ? -> $ sur-name? sur-names? nick-name? nick-names? fore-name? fore-names? card-board? card-boards? witch-craft? witch-crafts? war-lord? war-lords? bat-shit? non-sense? non-sensible? non-sensical? re-mark$ # changed ? -> $ re-marks$ # changed ? -> $ re-marked$ # changed ? -> $ re-marking$ # changed ? -> $ re-markable$ # changed ? -> $ semi-colon? semi-colons? off-shore? sun-downer? sun-downers? anti-racism$ anti-racist$ anti-racists$ new-born? new-borns? para-military? para-militaries? re-initiate$ # changed ? -> $ re-initiates$ # changed ? -> $ re-initiated$ # changed ? -> $ re-initiating$ # changed ? -> $ re-initialize$ # changed ? -> $ re-initialized$ # changed ? -> $ re-initializes$ # changed ? -> $ re-initializing$ # changed ? -> $ camp-ground? camp-grounds? Google-Plex? Google-plex? re-inforcement$ # changed ? -> $ re-inforce$ # changed ? -> $ re-inforces$ # changed ? -> $ re-inforced$ # changed ? -> $ re-inforcing$ # changed ? -> $ book-shelf? book-shelves? night-mare? night-mares? rick-shaw? rick-shaws? inter-set? data-base? data-bases? northern-most? southern-most? western-most? eastern-most? inner-most? outer-most? crowd-sourcing? crowd-funding? snap-shot? snap-shots? light-hearted$ light-heartedly$ sound-track? sound-tracks? whirl-pool? whirl-pools? trouble-shooter? trouble-shooters? trouble-shooting? trouble-shootings? multi-pack? multi-packs? ear-worm? ear-worms? double-decker* double-deckers* catch-phrase? catch-phrases? bull-horn? bull-horns? loud-speaker? loud-speakers? hand-cuff? hand-cuffs? video-telephony? radio-telephony? tele-commuting? narrow-band? wide-band? ultra-wideband* hash-tag? hash-tags? hash-tagged? hash-tagging? round-robin* re-present$ # changed ? -> $ re-presents$ # changed ? -> $ re-presented$ # changed ? -> $ re-presenting$ # changed ? -> $ screw-driver? screw-drivers? # force-fully? "It came into force fully on ..." pass-port? pass-ports? east-bound? west-bound? song-writing? hi-res* high-res* pro-noun? pro-nouns? re-learn$ # changed ? -> $ re-learnt$ # changed ? -> $ re-learned$ # changed ? -> $ re-learning$ # changed ? -> $ time-table? time-tables? de-regulate? de-regulates? de-regulating? de-regulated? de-regulation? de-regulations? Ali-Express+ re-surface$ # changed ? -> $ re-surfaces$ # changed ? -> $ re-surfaced$ # changed ? -> $ re-surfacing$ # changed ? -> $ spokes-person? spokes-persons? re-construct$ # changed ? -> $ re-constructing$ # changed ? -> $ re-constructs$ # changed ? -> $ re-constructed$ # changed ? -> $ re-construction$ # changed ? -> $ re-constructions$ # changed ? -> $ re-consider$ # changed ? -> $ re-considers$ # changed ? -> $ re-considered$ # changed ? -> $ re-considering$ # changed ? -> $ re-consideration$ # changed ? -> $ Ville-Marie* re-imburse$ # changed ? -> $ re-imburses$ # changed ? -> $ re-imbursed$ # changed ? -> $ re-imbursing$ # changed ? -> $ re-imbursment$ # changed ? -> $ book-worm? book-worms? pain-staking? pain-stakingly? pan-cake? pan-cakes? peace-fully? know-ledge? sub-grouping? spread-sheet? spread-sheets? non-assertive* un-stable? un-happy? neo-noir* uni-body? uni-bodies? auto-biography? auto-biographies? key-board? key-boards? sub-total$ sub-totals$ sub-totaled$ sub-totalled$ sub-totaling$ sub-totalling$ block-chain? block-chains? dash-board? dash-boards? snow-flake? snow-flakes? path-finder? path-finders? with-drawal? with-drawals? air-plane? air-planes? sky-jacking? sky-jacks? sky-jacked? sky-jacker? sky-jackers? bio-degradable? inter-play? Lucas-Film? trans-atlantic? court-house? court-houses? re-bound$ # changed ? -> $ re-bounds$ # changed ? -> $ re-bounded$ # changed ? -> $ re-bounding$ # changed ? -> $ ultra-wide$ ultra-thin$ multi-player? multi-players? holo-phrase? holo-phrases? holo-phrasis? cis-gender? re-assign$ # changed ? -> $ re-assigns$ # changed ? -> $ re-assigned$ # changed ? -> $ re-assigning$ # changed ? -> $ re-assignment$ # changed ? -> $ re-assignments$ # changed ? -> $ inter-communicate? inter-communicates? inter-communicated? inter-communicating? inter-communication? inter-communications? hexa-decimal? re-activate$ # changed ? -> $ re-activated$ # changed ? -> $ re-activates$ # changed ? -> $ re-activating$ # changed ? -> $ re-activation$ # changed ? -> $ re-activations$ # changed ? -> $ pay-slip? pay-slips? Grub-Hub? pre-place$ # changed ? -> $ pre-places$ # changed ? -> $ pre-placed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-placing$ # changed ? -> $ pre-placental$ # changed ? -> $ mother-land? tooth-paste? tooth-pastes? co-official* non-official$ fore-cast? fore-casts? fore-casted? fore-casting? sys-admin? sys-admins? sub-sequent? sub-sequently? co-lead$ co-leads$ co-led$ co-leading$ co-leader$ co-leaders$ pine-apple? pine-apples? huckle-berry? huckle-berries? blue-berries? blue-berry? goose-berry? goose-berries? straw-berry? straw-berries? rasp-berry? rasp-berries? grape-fruit? grape-fruits? egg-fruit? egg-fruits? egg-plant? egg-plants? elder-berry? elder-berries? bumble-bee? bumble-bees? sun-flower? sun-flowers? snake-bird? snake-birds? spring-tail? spring-tails? inter-mediate? hind-sight? hind-sights? pre-empt$ pre-empts$ pre-empted$ pre-empting$ cock-suck? cock-sucks? # cock-sucked? cock-sucking? cock-sucker? cock-suckers? sun-glass? sun-glasses? hazel-nut? hazel-nuts? stereo-type? stereo-types? eye-witness? eye-witnesses? eye-ball? eye-balls? mile-stone? mile-stones? mile-post? mile-posts? pick-axe? pick-axes? hyper-tension? hyper-tensions? cluster-fuck? cluster-fucks? super-sonically? super-sonic? super-sonics? dumb-bell$ dumb-bells$ tax-payer? tax-payers? chop-stick? chop-sticks? roof-top? roof-tops? bi-polar? re-finish$ # changed ? -> $ re-finishes$ # changed ? -> $ re-finished$ # changed ? -> $ re-finishing$ # changed ? -> $ re-finisher$ # changed ? -> $ re-finishers$ # changed ? -> $ a-rouse? frame-work? far-sightedness* old-sightedness* long-sightedness* short-sightedness* clear-sightedness* dim-sightedness* quick-sightedness* sharp-sightedness* inter-cut? inter-cuts? inter-cutting? foot-step? foot-steps? head-butt? head-butts? head-butting? head-butted? nano-tech? human-kind? eye-ball? eye-balls? re-arm$ # changed ? -> $ re-arms$ # changed ? -> $ re-armed$ # changed ? -> $ re-arming$ # changed ? -> $ finger-tip? finger-tips? terra-form? terra-forms? terra-formed? terra-forming? poly-glot? poly-glots? co-brand* co-brands* co-branded* co-branding* anti-bug* down-ward? down-wards? up-ward? up-wards? time-scale? honey-eater? honey-eaters? mid-ocean* mid-sea* Knorr-Bremse* micro-blogging? micro-blog? micro-blogs? Berners-Lee* wake-boarding? wake-boarder? wake-boarders? body-boarding? body-boarder? body-boarders? surf-boarding? surf-boarder? surf-boarders? paddle-boarding? paddle-boarder? paddle-boarders? skate-boarding? skate-boarder? skate-boarders? snow-boarding? snow-boarder? snow-boarders? pre-board$ # changed ? -> $ pre-boards$ # changed ? -> $ pre-boarded$ # changed ? -> $ pre-boarding$ # changed ? -> $ birth-date? birth-dates? birth-day? birth-days? brief-case? brief-cases? pre-engagement$ pre-engagements$ # changed ? -> $ pre-engage$ pre-engages$ pre-engaged$ pre-engaging$ geo-locate? geo-locates? geo-located? geo-locating? geo-location? geo-locations? light-house? light-houses? re-read$ # changed ? -> $ re-reads$ # changed ? -> $ re-reading$ # changed ? -> $ re-organize$ # changed ? -> $ re-organise$ # changed ? -> $ re-organizes$ # changed ? -> $ re-organises$ # changed ? -> $ re-organized$ # changed ? -> $ re-organised$ # changed ? -> $ re-organizing$ # changed ? -> $ re-organising$ # changed ? -> $ re-organization$ # changed ? -> $ re-organizer$ # changed ? -> $ re-organizers$ # changed ? -> $ re-organisation$ # changed ? -> $ re-organiser$ # changed ? -> $ re-organisers$ # changed ? -> $ gerry-mandering? ex-con* ex-cons* green-wash? green-washes? green-washed? green-washing? green-washer? green-washers? brain-wash? brain-washes? brain-washed? brain-washing? brain-washer? brain-washers? eco-tourism? eco-tourisms? Ocasio-Cortez* cock-pit? cock-pits? country-side? sub-side? sub-sides? sub-sided? sub-siding? brain-storming? brain-storm? brain-storms? brain-stormed? D-Day* chat-bot? chat-bots? re-map$ # changed ? -> $ re-maps$ # changed ? -> $ re-mapped$ # changed ? -> $ re-mapping$ # changed ? -> $ re-train$ # changed ? -> $ re-trains$ # changed ? -> $ re-trained$ # changed ? -> $ re-training$ # changed ? -> $ war-time? war-times? jail-break? jail-breaks? jail-broke? jail-broken? jail-breaking? fin-tech? fin-techs? nano-tech? nano-techs? semi-conducting? semi-conductor? semi-conductors? upper-most? lower-most? feather-light? flash-lamp? flash-lamps? flood-lighted? flood-lighting? pin-point? pin-points? pin-pointed? pin-pointing? re-invest$ # changed ? -> $ re-invests$ # changed ? -> $ re-invested$ # changed ? -> $ re-investing$ # changed ? -> $ re-investment$ # changed ? -> $ re-investments$ # changed ? -> $ re-light$ # changed ? -> $ re-lights$ # changed ? -> $ re-lighted$ # changed ? -> $ re-lighting$ # changed ? -> $ re-lit$ # changed ? -> $ grass-roots? mix-tape? counter-accusation$ counter-accusations$ alpha-keratin* beta-keratin* alpha-helix* alpha-helical* smoke-free* tinder-box? tinder-boxes? Citi-Group? Citi-Bank? pre-molar$ # changed ? -> $ pre-molars$ # changed ? -> $ Yo-jong pre-compose$ # changed ? -> $ pre-composes$ # changed ? -> $ pre-composed$ # changed ? -> $ pre-composing$ # changed ? -> $ baby-sitter? baby-sitters? wind-screen? wind-screens? wind-shield? wind-shields? mega-bit? mega-bits? mega-byte? mega-bytes? mega-watt? mega-watts? mega-hertz? mega-hertzes? kilo-bit? kilo-bits? kilo-byte? kilo-bytes? kilo-watt? kilo-watts? kilo-hertz? kilo-hertzes? giga-bit? giga-bits? giga-byte? giga-bytes? giga-watt? giga-watts? giga-hertz? giga-hertzes? tera-bit? tera-bits? tera-byte? tera-bytes? tera-watt? tera-watts? tera-hertz? tera-hertzes? bio-weapon? bio-weapons? geo-biology? pre-orderable* solar-powered* stand-point? stand-points? multi-platform$ multi-featured? multi-feature$ night-club? night-clubs? kick-flip? kick-flips? inter-sex? inter-sexual? inter-sexually? inter-condylar? pre-session$ # changed ? -> $ user-centric* non-returnable$ Knik-Fairview* re-adopt$ # changed ? -> $ re-adopts$ # changed ? -> $ re-adopted$ # changed ? -> $ re-adopting$ # changed ? -> $ re-adoption$ # changed ? -> $ re-adoptions$ # changed ? -> $ re-ward$ # changed ? -> $ re-wards$ # changed ? -> $ re-warded$ # changed ? -> $ re-warding$ # changed ? -> $ name-sake? name-sakes? mono-culture? mono-cultures? de-escalation* de-escalations* de-escalate* de-escalated* de-escalates* de-escalating* sub-continent? sub-continents? cow-boy? cow-boys? cow-girls? cow-girl? trans-shipment$ trans-ship$ trans-ships$ trans-shipped$ trans-shipping$ shuttle-cock? shuttle-cocks? pea-cock? pea-cocks? Sint-Jans-Molenbeek* Sint-Niklaas* Woluwe-Saint-Lambert* Heist-op-den-Berg* Woluwe-Saint-Pierre* Sint-Truiden* Sint-Pieters-Leeuw* Heusden-Zolder* Knokke-Heist* Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve* Houthalen-Helchteren* Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes* Île-de-France* Hauts-de-France* Nouvelle-Aquitaine* Bourgogne-Franche-Comté* Bouches-du-Rhône* Haute-Garonne* Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes* Alpes-Maritimes* Loire-Atlantique* Bas-Rhin* Ille-et-Vilaine* Saint-Étienne* Maine-et-Loire* Saint-Denis* Clermont-Ferrand* Aix-en-Provence* Indre-et-Loire* Haute-Vienne* Haute-Savoie* Pyrénées-Orientales* Boulogne-Billancourt* Bourgogne-Franche-Comté* Seine-Maritime* Haut-Rhin* Meurthe-et-Moselle* Vitry-sur-Seine* Aulnay-sous-Bois* Asnières-sur-Seine* Cherbourg-en-Cotentin* Fort-de-France* Rueil-Malmaison* Champigny-sur-Marne* Val-de-Marne* Pyrénées-Atlantiques* Saint-Maur-des-Fossés* Pas-de-Calais* Saint-Nazaire* Issy-les-Moulineaux* Évry-Courcouronnes* Levallois-Perret* Seyne-sur-Mer* Neuilly-sur-Seine* Deux-Sèvres* Maine-et-Loire* tic-tac-toe* pit-fall? pit-falls? proto-type? proto-types? Congo-Brazzaville* track-pad? track-pads? touch-pad? touch-pads? ultra-portable? mid-fielder? mid-fielders? base-plate? base-plates? six-pack* Disney-Land? Disney-land? saddle-bag? saddle-bags? foot-wear? tumble-weed? tumble-weeds? out-skirts? New-Foundland? electro-meter? electro-meters? electro-chemical? apple-wood? apple-woods? bud-tender? bud-tenders? craw-fish? craw-fishes? pre-hypertension$ # changed ? -> $ rain-storm? rain-storms? cloud-burst? cloud-bursts? gender-neutral* mah-jongg* sub-standard? mine-field? mine-fields? multi-task? multi-tasks? multi-tasked? multi-tasking? sand-piper? sand-pipers? band-wagon? band-wagons? band-width? bio-mechanic? bio-mechanics? socio-technical? mis-type? mis-types? mis-typed? mis-typing? mis-spell? mis-spells? mis-spelled? mis-spelling? mis-read? mis-reads? mis-reading? pig-tail? pig-tails? Security-Widefield* Saint-Jérôme* Saint-Hyacinthe* hard-boil* hard-boils* hard-boiled* hard-boiling* soft-boil* soft-boils* soft-boiled* soft-boiling* Parsippany-Troy* pre-engineered* multi-dimensional? multi-dimensionally? multi-dimensionality? multi-dimensionalities? papilloma-virus? papilloma-viruses? re-upload* re-uploads* re-uploaded* re-uploading* race-track? race-tracks? co-signer$ co-signers$ co-sign$ co-signs$ co-signed$ co-signing$ short-hand? short-hands? butter-fly? wind-shield? wind-shields? multi-cultural? multi-culturally? K-pop* Indo-Pacific* anti-septic? audio-visual? blob-fish? blob-fishes? wood-chuck? wood-chucks? re-look$ # changed ? -> $ re-looks$ # changed ? -> $ re-looked$ # changed ? -> $ re-looking$ # changed ? -> $ cross-bar? cross-bars? cross-origin* bell-bottoms* bell-bottomed* sub-page? re-baptize$ # changed ? -> $ re-baptizes$ # changed ? -> $ re-baptized$ # changed ? -> $ re-baptizing$ # changed ? -> $ bush-ranger? bush-rangers? hyper-pigmentation? hyper-pigmented? pitter-patter* pitter-patters* pitter-pattered* pitter-pattering* sub-division? sub-divisions? weight-bearing* three-dimensional* two-dimensional* three-dimensionality* two-dimensionality* spear-head? spear-heads? spear-headed? spear-heading? shit-head? shit-heads? war-head? war-heads? self-host* self-hosts* self-hosted* self-hosting* multi-mode? multi-module? sand-pit? sand-pits? high-fived* high-fives* high-fiving* over-nighted? re-link$ # changed ? -> $ re-links$ # changed ? -> $ re-linked$ # changed ? -> $ re-linking$ # changed ? -> $ Champs-Élysées* co-efficient? great-great-grandson* great-great-grandsons* great-great-granddaughter* great-great-granddaughters* great-great-grandchild* great-great-grandchildren* great-great-grandfather* great-great-grandfathers* great-great-grandmother* great-great-grandmothers* great-great-grandparent* great-great-grandparents* great-great-grandniece* great-great-grandnieces* great-great-grandnephew* great-great-grandnephews* great-grandson* great-grandsons* great-granddaughter* great-granddaughters* great-grandchild* great-grandchildren* great-grandfather* great-grandfathers* great-grandmother* great-grandmothers* great-grandparent* great-grandparents* great-grandniece* great-grandnieces* great-grandnephew* great-grandnephews* bull-doze? bull-dozes? bull-dozer? bull-dozers? bull-dozed? bull-dozing? head-lock? head-locks? inter-section? inter-sections? Books-A-Million* self-teach* self-teaches* self-taught* self-teaching* self-murder* self-murders* self-slaughter* self-slaughters* tippy-toe* tippy-toes* tippy-toed* tippy-toeing* mis-match? double-helical* double-jointed* double-spaced* double-talk* double-talks* double-talked* double-talking* double-talker* double-talkers* ice-berg? ice-bergs? poly-math? bat-shit? germ-plasm? germ-plasms? alpha-linolenic* neuro-oncology* pro-active? pro-actively? fore-front? mid-size$ mid-sized$ cross-platform* marsh-mallow? marsh-mallows? ass-clown? ass-clowns? trust-buster? trust-busters? bio-region? bio-regions? bio-regional? bio-regionalism? bio-regionalist? bio-regionalists? dark-colored* bright-colored* dark-coloured* bright-coloured* light-saber? light-sabre? light-sabers? light-sabres? stair-case? stair-cases? auto-loader? auto-loaders? turbo-jet? turbo-jets? turbo-boost? turbo-boosts? turbo-charger? turbo-chargers? turbo-charge? turbo-charges? turbo-charged? turbo-charging? turbo-fan? turbo-fans? turbo-generator? turbo-generators? turbo-car? turbo-cars? turbo-prop? turbo-props? Anheuser-Busch* key-stroke? key-strokes? fore-most? bella-donna? bella-donnas? re-taker$ # changed ? -> $ re-takers$ # changed ? -> $ jaw-dropper* jaw-droppers* jaw-droppingly* ex-cop* ex-cops* ex-marine* ex-marines* double-deck* double-decked* non-intrusive* ring-tone? ring-tones? trans-border? breath-taking? breath-takingly? trail-blazer? trail-blazers? trail-blazing? care-giver? care-givers? sledge-hammer? sledge-hammered? sledge-hammering? sledge-hammers? jail-house? jail-houses? sun-grazer? sun-grazers? re-address$ # changed ? -> $ re-addresses$ # changed ? -> $ re-addressed$ # changed ? -> $ re-addressing$ # changed ? -> $ cobble-stone? cobble-stones? cobble-stoned? egg-corn? egg-corns? hand-written? stock-pile? stock-piles? stock-piler? stock-pilers? re-design$ # changed ? -> $ re-designs$ # changed ? -> $ re-designed$ # changed ? -> $ re-designing$ # changed ? -> $ re-charge$ # changed ? -> $ re-charges$ # changed ? -> $ re-charged$ # changed ? -> $ re-charging$ # changed ? -> $ re-chargeable$ # changed ? -> $ air-tight? hair-styling? co-pay* co-pays* co-paid* co-paying* cone-flower? cone-flowers? re-breathe$ # changed ? -> $ re-breathes$ # changed ? -> $ re-breathed$ # changed ? -> $ re-breathing$ # changed ? -> $ sub-class? sub-classes? ex-felon* ex-felons* ex-convict* ex-convicts* sub-marine* sub-marines* anti-privacy* anti-piracy* anti-pesticide* blind-fold? blind-folds? blind-folding? blind-folded? mid-priced* bi-directional? re-try$ # changed ? -> $ re-tries$ # changed ? -> $ re-tried$ # changed ? -> $ re-trying$ # changed ? -> $ weather-proof? slaughter-house? slaughter-houses? mega-millionaire* mega-millionaires* mega-billionaire* mega-billionaires* mega-million* mega-billion* fore-word? fore-words? tele-prompter? tele-prompters? sub-machine? block-buster? block-busters? god-father? god-fathers? fan-boy? fan-boys? ball-park? ball-parks? rain-proof? sun-proof? co-payment* co-payments* hyper-mobile? radio-tracer? radio-tracers? re-consultation$ # changed ? -> $ re-consultations$ # changed ? -> $ re-manufacture$ # changed ? -> $ re-manufactures$ # changed ? -> $ re-manufactured$ # changed ? -> $ re-manufacturing$ # changed ? -> $ re-manufacturer$ # changed ? -> $ re-manufacturers$ # changed ? -> $ sub-fraction? sub-fractions? crank-case? crank-cases? under-neath? horse-drawn* left-winger* left-wingy* left-wingers* right-winger* right-wingy* right-wingers* scum-bag? scum-bags? sleep-deprived* fuck-ups$ mid-sentence* re-animate$ # changed ? -> $ re-animated$ # changed ? -> $ re-animating$ # changed ? -> $ re-animates$ # changed ? -> $ fast-paced* double-edged* battle-axe? battle-ax$ battle-axes$ multi-year$ bio-pic? bio-pics? dry-clean* dry-cleans* dry-cleaned* # dry-cleaning* https://www.lexico.com/definition/dry_cleaning short-listing? short-listed? re-sign$ re-signs$ re-signed$ re-signing$ non-fiction$ non-fictional$ bio-dynamic? bio-dynamics? bio-dynamical? bio-dynamically? socio-dynamic? arch-conservative$ arch-conservatives$ super-conservative? WMUR-TV* sub-urban? co-develop$ co-developer$ co-developers$ co-develops$ co-developed$ co-developing$ co-found$ co-founds$ co-founded$ co-founder$ Co-Founder$ co-founders$ Co-Founders$ co-founding$ Idar-Oberstein* Frankfurt-Hahn* Frankfurt-Hahn* industrial-sized* war-fare? war-fares? inter-collegiate? sun-drenched* double-digit* hay-stack? one-sided* one-sidedly* one-sidedness* tender-hearted* tender-heartedly* inter-racially? inter-racial? inter-active? inter-actively? hassle-free* neo-Nazi* neo-Nazis* warm-blooded* beach-front? bio-medical? pigeon-berry$ pigeon-berries$ pre-fabricate$ # changed ? -> $ pre-fabricates$ # changed ? -> $ pre-fabricating$ # changed ? -> $ pre-fabricated$ # changed ? -> $ waste-land? waste-lands? red-tailed* red-tabbed* super-duper* re-hire$ # changed ? -> $ re-hires$ # changed ? -> $ re-hired$ # changed ? -> $ re-hiring$ # changed ? -> $ high-priced* low-priced* lip-stick? lip-sticks? cup-cake? cup-cakes? pea-nut? pea-nuts? foot-path? foot-paths? white-wash? white-washes? white-washing? white-washed? white-washer? white-washers? safe-guard? safe-guards? safe-guarder? safe-guarders? war-plane? war-planes? gut-wrenching* self-reconstruction* self-recording* self-obsession* self-obsessions* ring-tailed* ring-tail? ring-tails? cock-roach? cock-roaches? nano-wire? nano-wires? child-birth? child-births? ever-growing* pre-auth* pre-talk* micro-needle? micro-needles? auto-pay* auto-pays* auto-paid* auto-paying* re-sync* re-synced* re-syncing* re-syncs* antibody-negative* antibody-positive* tax-exempt* ride-share* ride-shares* ride-shared* ride-sharing* self-oriented* sub-prime$ stock-brokerage? stock-broker? stock-brokers? stock-broking? shop-lifter? shop-lifters? Bed-Stuy* Bedford-Stuyvesant* co-extensive? self-dealing* pre-hospital$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculus$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculable pre-calculation$ # changed ? -> $ pre-calculations$ # changed ? -> $ pre-acution* top-soil? top-soils? life-saving* multi-chain? key-chain? key-chains? inter-chain? anti-inflammatory* census-designated* cob-web? cob-webs? cob-webbed? inter-lobar? bio-chemical? bio-chemically? bio-chemic? re-fold$ # changed ? -> $ re-folds$ # changed ? -> $ re-folded$ # changed ? -> $ re-folding$ # changed ? -> $ Franco-American* Franco-Americans* Anglo-American* Anglo-Americans* Afro-American* Afro-Americans* Afro-Asiatic* Indo-Chinese* Ibero-American* Ibero-Americans* Italo-American* Italo-Americans* multi-specialty* multi-specialties* bio-similar? bio-similars? bio-similar? bio-similarity? jitter-bug? jitter-bugs? jitter-bugged? jitter-bugging? Greco-Egyptian* Indo-European* Indo-Europeans* Afro-Indian* Afro-Indians* Indo-Asian* Indo-Asians* shadow-ban$ shadow-bans$ shadow-banned$ shadow-banning$ # shadow-box$ # https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/shadow_box # shadow-boxes$ shadow-boxing$ shadow-boxed$ long-armed* good-sized* super-visor? super-visors? dead-lock? dead-locks? dead-locked? dead-locking? cone-shaped* ball-shaped* self-described* self-description* self-descriptions* self-descriptive* self-destroying* self-destroyer* self-destroyers* auto-renew* auto-renews* auto-renewed* auto-renewing* auto-renewal* auto-renewals* non-linearity$ non-linearity$ non-linear$ non-binary$ sub-market? sub-markets? ultra-microscopic? ultra-microscopical? ultra-microscopically? short-dated* speed-balling? speed-balled? semi-documentary? semi-documentaries? non-documentary? non-documentaries? mini-documentary* mini-documentaries* mono-type? mono-types? foot-baller? foot-ballers? hell-hound? hell-hounds? potty-train* potty-trains* potty-trained* # potty-training* # https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/potty%20training cat-fish? cat-fishes? cat-fished? cat-fishing? couch-surf* couch-surfs* couch-surfing* couch-surfed* couch-surfer* couch-surfers* piggy-back? piggy-backed? piggy-backing? piggy-backs? auto-injector? auto-injectors? re-bill$ # changed ? -> $ re-bills$ # changed ? -> $ re-billed$ # changed ? -> $ re-billing$ # changed ? -> $ non-work? WBAL-TV* WMAR-TV* hyper-physical? hyper-physically? pitch-fork? pitch-forks? pitch-forked? pitch-forking? inter-operable? bio-defense? bio-defenses? micro-site? micro-sites? micro-surgery? micro-surgeries? wind-mill? wind-mills? head-scarf? head-scarves? wise-cracker? wise-crackers? fear-monger? fear-mongers? fear-mongering? fish-monger? fish-mongers? war-monger? war-mongers? war-mongering? poly-graph? poly-graphs? crowd-surf* crowd-surfs* crowd-surfed* crowd-surfing* Waffen-SS* non-medical? bio-hacking? bio-hacker? bio-hackers? bio-ethical? bio-capacity? bio-capacities? mess-ups* boot-strap? # boot-straps? "our boot straps" boot-strapped? boot-strapping? multi-room? hyper-charge? hyper-charges? micro-mobility? boot-strapper? boot-strappers? pump-kin? pump-kins? C-SPAN* non-musical? ground-water? oat-meal? oat-meals? oat-cake? oat-cakes? side-walk? sketch-book? car-jacker? car-jackers? car-jack? car-jacks? car-jacked? car-jacking? bio-safety? hyper-tonicity? hyper-tonicities? non-renewability* bio-pharma? bio-pharmaceutic? bio-pharmaceutical? bio-pharmaceutics? book-shop? book-shops? change-overs? click-jacking? bio-technology? bio-technical? bio-technological? bio-technics? bio-technologies? bio-technologist? bio-technologists? long-dated* auto-corrector? auto-correctors? mega-trend? mega-trends? re-usability$ # changed ? -> $ fuck-tard? fuck-tards? craw-fish? craw-fishes? craw-fished? craw-fishing? mother-fucker? mother-fuckers? re-spawn$ # changed ? -> $ re-spawns$ # changed ? -> $ re-spawned$ # changed ? -> $ re-spawning$ # changed ? -> $ duo-tone? duo-tones? inter-polator? inter-polators? mini-game* mini-games* mono-spaced? re-base$ # changed ? -> $ re-bases$ # changed ? -> $ re-based$ # changed ? -> $ re-basing$ # changed ? -> $ re-buy$ # changed ? -> $ re-buys$ # changed ? -> $ re-bought$ # changed ? -> $ re-buying$ # changed ? -> $ re-playability$ # changed ? -> $ re-playabilities$ # changed ? -> $ re-play$ # changed ? -> $ re-plays$ # changed ? -> $ re-played$ # changed ? -> $ re-playing$ # changed ? -> $ re-skin$ # changed ? -> $ re-skinned$ # changed ? -> $ re-skins$ # changed ? -> $ re-skinning$ # changed ? -> $ sub-licence? sub-license? sub-licences? sub-licenses? sub-licenced? sub-licensed? sub-licencing? sub-licensing? sub-module? sub-modules? break-dance$ break-dances$ break-danced$ break-dancind$ break-dancer$ break-dancers$ neo-classical? multi-media? mouse-trap? mouse-traps? pre-central$ # changed ? -> $ pre-frontal$ # changed ? -> $ pre-frontals$ # changed ? -> $ sub-contract? sub-contracts? sub-contracted? sub-contracting? co-discover$ co-discovers$ co-discovered$ co-discovering$ co-discoverer$ co-discoverers$ anti-arrhythmic$ re-negotiate$ # changed ? -> $ re-negotiates$ # changed ? -> $ re-negotiated$ # changed ? -> $ re-negotiating$ # changed ? -> $ Ryan-Air? anti-police* anti-political* inter-mountain? semi-elliptical* re-group$ # changed ? -> $ re-groups$ # changed ? -> $ re-grouped$ # changed ? -> $ re-grouping$ # changed ? -> $ side-bar? side-bars? tool-bar? tool-bars? long-established* thumb-nail? thumb-nails? bi-conditional? bi-conditionals? non-dominant$ non-terminating$ pre-sell$ pre-sells$ pre-selling$ pre-sold$ non-collinear$ tail-wind? tail-winds? out-rageous? out-rageously? sun-screen? sun-screens? sub-screening? pre-configuration* pre-configurations* multi-lateral? multi-lateralism? multi-lateralist? multi-laterally? sub-case? sub-cases? sub-clause? sub-clauses? b-day* b-days* sub-section? sub-sections? re-capture$ # changed ? -> $ re-captures$ # changed ? -> $ re-captured$ # changed ? -> $ re-capturing$ # changed ? -> $ beat-box? beat-boxes? beat-boxed? beat-boxing? self-centeredness* self-centredness* ultra-sophisticated? bio-equivalence? hard-liner? hard-liners? fish-tail? fish-tails? fish-tailed? fish-tailing? gun-powder? mind-boggling* race-course? race-courses? rubber-banded* sand-bar? sand-bars? sand-bank? sand-banks? robo-adviser* robo-advisers* robo-advisor* robo-advisors* robo-call? robo-calls? robo-caller? robo-callers? robo-called robo-calling robo-cop? robo-cops? micro-processor? micro-processors? re-click* re-clicks* re-clicked* re-clicking* multi-phase? roller-blade? roller-blades? roller-bladed? roller-blading? daisy-chainable* inter-lock? inter-locks? inter-locked? inter-locking? inter-locker? inter-lockers? re-distributional$ # changed ? -> $ re-distributive$ # changed ? -> $ hyper-ventilation? hyper-ventilations? hyper-ventilate? hyper-ventilates? hyper-ventilated? hyper-ventilating? re-create$ # changed ? -> $ re-creates$ # changed ? -> $ re-created$ # changed ? -> $ re-creating$ # changed ? -> $ re-creation$ # changed ? -> $ re-creational$ # changed ? -> $ re-creationally$ # changed ? -> $ re-creationalist$ # changed ? -> $ bull-finch? bull-finches? gold-finch? gold-finches? gold-fish? gold-fishes? power-lifter? power-lifters? non-consecutive$ non-consecutively$ stress-free* click-clack* click-clacks* click-clacked* click-clacking* hog-wash? easy-peasy* sub-derivative? sub-derivatives? skin-head? skin-heads? butter-cup? re-save$ # changed ? -> $ re-saves$ # changed ? -> $ re-saved$ # changed ? -> $ re-saving$ # changed ? -> $ multi-column* multi-colour? multi-color? multi-coloured? multi-colored? checker-berry? checker-berries? chequer-board? chequer-boards? checker-board? checker-boards? pre-class* anti-epileptic$ re-measurement$ # changed ? -> $ re-measurements$ # changed ? -> $ sub-divide? sub-divides? sub-divided? sub-dividing? sub-due? sub-dues? sub-dued? sub-duing? dual-band* mega-dose? mega-doses? pre-algebra* pre-read* Judeo-Christian* sub-sume? sub-sumed? sub-suming? sub-sumes? multi-step? honey-bunch? honey-bunches? honey-bun? honey-buns? tread-mill? tread-mills? top-selling* non-popular* club-house? club-houses? sub-dividable? sub-divider? sub-dividers? low-fi* lo-fi* major-leaguer* major-leaguers* foot-hill? foot-hills? anti-masker* anti-maskers* mind-fuck? mind-fucks? mind-fucked? mind-fucking? shop-lifting? super-fast? cheese-cake? cheese-cakes? good-humoured* good-humored* good-humouredly* good-humoredly* para-sail? para-sails? para-sailed? para-sailing? self-congratulating* self-gratulation* self-gratulations* hill-billy? hill-billies? short-sleeved* short-acting* anti-christ? anti-christs? fly-fishing* chin-wag$ chin-wags$ chin-wagged$ chin-wagging$ true-born$ she-wolf* she-wolfs* super-intendent? super-intendents? rubber-banded* self-directed* full-fledged* top-rated* pre-instruction* pre-instructions* pre-instructional* tuition-free* Italo-Austrian* Italo-Austrians* non-materialistic$ non-material$ woo-hoo* self-park* self-parks* self-parked* self-parking* self-seeking* lap-dog? lap-dogs? tie-dye* tie-dyes* tie-dyed* tie-dying* boiler-plate? boiler-plates? auto-fit$ auto-fits$ auto-fitted$ auto-fitting$ self-righteousness* bio-accumulation? bio-accumulate? bio-accumulates? bio-accumulated? bio-accumulating? bio-magnification? bio-magnify? bio-magnifies? bio-magnified? bio-magnifying? inter-textual? inter-textually? micro-pipette? micro-pipettes? micro-pipet? micro-pipets? kick-flip? kick-flips? kick-flipped? kick-flipping? short-tempered* long-necked* anti-slavery* jail-breaker? jail-breakers? jail-break? jail-breaks? jail-breaking? jail-broke? jail-broken? sub-rule$ sub-rules$ sub-race$ sub-races$ knuckle-head? knuckle-heads? knuckle-headed? gunk-holing? gunk-holed? pain-killer? pain-killers? lady-killer? lady-killers? inter-regional? bio-bank? bio-banks? bio-banking? bio-acoustic? bio-acoustical? bio-accumulate? bio-accumulates? bio-accumulated? bio-accumulating? bio-accumulative? bio-based* bio-product? bio-products? bio-system? bio-systems? bio-systematic? auto-scale$ auto-scales$ auto-scaled$ auto-scaling$ contra-position? contra-positions? contra-positive? contra-positives? non-steroidal* big-headed* mule-headed* mud-headed* multi-headed$ never-smoker* never-smokers* silk-screened* silk-screening* anti-Muslim* non-importation$ auto-load? auto-loads? auto-loaded? auto-loading? auto-loader? auto-loaders? bio-cultural? bio-psychology? bio-psychologies? auto-detect$ auto-detects$ auto-detected$ auto-detecting$ co-sponsor$ co-sponsors$ co-sponsored$ co-sponsoring$ binge-worthy? binge-drink* binge-drinks* binge-drank* binge-drunk* binge-drinking* spray-painted* spray-painting* god-for-saken? god-forsaken? inter-continental? inter-continentally? life-threatening* eye-popping* spring-board? spring-boards? spring-boarded? spring-boarding? leather-bound* post-processing* self-paced* self-titled* bio-engineering? bio-engineer? bio-engineers? bio-engineered? bio-engineering? non-human$ non-humans$ crypto-fascist* crypto-fascists* multi-site$ non-famous$ air-braked* multi-language$ Jean-Claude* anti-war$ fore-wing? fore-wings? pseudo-sexual? pseudo-sexually? mind-altering* hyper-real? hyper-realistic? hyper-realistic? hyper-realism? hyper-realist? hyper-realists? hyper-reality? hyper-realities? bower-bird? bower-birds? sub-species? joy-ride? joy-rode? joy-ridden? joy-rides? joy-riding? joy-rider? joy-riders? binge-eat* binge-eats* binge-ate* binge-eaten* binge-eating* peek-a-boo* Minister-President* Minister-Presidents* minister-president* minister-presidents* slow-going* johnny-come-lately* johnny-come-latelies* multi-cellular? multi-cellularity? multi-family? micro-finance? micro-finances? cost-effective* anti-democratic* anti-federalist* anti-federalists* ore-body? ore-bodies? snot-nosed* finger-printing? finger-printed? finger-prints? doggy-paddle* doggy-paddles* doggy-paddling* doggy-paddled* doodly-squat* pole-vaulting* rubby-dubby* policy-making? non-consumable* non-renewing* multi-directional$ multi-directionally$ mind-bendingly* mind-bending* self-formed* self-abandonment* table-spoon? table-spoons? tea-spoon? tea-spoons? Winn-Dixie* heli-ski* heli-skis* heli-skied* heli-skiing* rage-quit* rage-quit* rage-quits* rage-quitted* rage-quitting* Indo-Germanic* Indo-Germanics* self-educated* horse-power? dry-waxed* dry-handed* dry-shod* dry-aged* dry-cleanable* 8-ball* eight-ball* neo-liberal? ass-hat? ass-hats? mound-building* mound-builder* mound-builders* Nagorno-Karabakh* birch-wood? birch-woods? tele-film? tele-films? sub-level? sub-levels? multi-genre$ anti-parallel? bio-security? bio-securities? micro-biology? micro-biologies? inter-tribal? run-ons* sub-claim? sub-claims? tonic-clonic* ultra-pure? pro-government* radio-teletype? radio-teletypes? pre-determine$ # changed ? -> $ pre-determines$ # changed ? -> $ pre-determined$ # changed ? -> $ pre-determining$ # changed ? -> $ pre-determinable$ # changed ? -> $ geo-target? geo-targets? geo-tactic? geo-tactical? pre-migration* un-healthy? pre-historically$ # changed ? -> $ pre-historical$ # changed ? -> $ pre-historic$ # changed ? -> $ pre-reproductive$ proto-history* geo-taxis? geo-taxes? geo-technic? geo-technics? geo-technical? geo-tectonic? geo-tectonics? geo-tectonically? non-literal$ bio-economy? bio-economic? bio-economics? bio-mimicry? non-protein$ re-title$ # changed ? -> $ re-titles$ # changed ? -> $ re-titled$ # changed ? -> $ re-titling$ # changed ? -> $ sub-team? sub-teams? geo-spatial? spin-offs$ inter-temporal? matter-of-factly* neo-imperial* neo-imperialist* neo-imperialists* neo-imperialism* neo-impressionist* neo-impressionists* neo-impressionism* anti-imperialism* anti-imperialist* anti-imperialists* anti-immigrant* anti-immigration* anti-imperial* anti-bug* multi-lane$ multi-port$ pre-earnings* neo-Darwinian* neo-Darwinians* neo-Darwinism* micro-budget? micro-budgets? micro-target? micro-targets? micro-targeted? micro-targeting? bio-analyst? bio-analysts? bio-analytical? bio-analytic? hyper-extension? hyper-extensions? hyper-extend? hyper-extends? hyper-extended? hyper-extending? hyper-active? hyper-actively? hyper-activity? sling-shot? sling-shots? sling-shotted? sling-shotting? hyper-drive? hyper-drives? hyper-development? hyper-developed? hyper-efficient? hyper-efficiency? hyper-efficiently? hyper-emotional? hyper-emotionality? hyper-fastidious? hyper-hidrosis? hyper-hidroses? hyper-immune? hyper-immunize? hyper-immunizes? hyper-immunized? hyper-immunizing? hyper-inflated? hyper-intellectual? hyper-kinetic? auto-immune? inter-planetary? sub-tree? sub-trees? dog-tired* ride-sharing$ anti-natalist* anti-natalists* anti-leishmanial? auto-reactive? bio-printer? bio-printers? sub-series? shit-faced* shit-face? shit-faces? closed-minded* sub-page$ sub-pages$ ash-tray? ash-trays? cray-fish? cray-fishes? co-management$ co-manager$ co-managers$ co-manage$ co-manages$ co-managed$ co-managing$ hyper-intensive? tittle-tattle* tittle-tattler* tittle-tattlers* tittle-tattles* tittle-tattled* tittle-tattling* eco-socialist* eco-socialists* eco-socialism* bio-socially? bio-social? info-sec? trans-cultural? risk-taker* risk-takers* money-lender? money-lenders? co-dependent$ hyper-vigilance? dub-step? non-intercourse$ non-intercourses$ hyper-masculine? hyper-masculinity? non-biological$ non-biologically$ sub-cellular? hetero-sexism? multi-ethnicity$ tear-jerker* tear-jerkers* tear-jerking* Hartsfield-Jackson* non-candidate$ non-manual$ non-mandatory$ blind-sided? customer-centric* user-centric* geo-centric? geo-centrical? geo-centrically? geo-centricity? non-contact$ non-contacts$ sub-stack? sub-stacks? sub-stage? sub-stages? gender-nonconforming* gender-normative* sub-Saharan* inter-provincial? neo-capitalism? neo-capitalist? neo-capitalists? co-create$ co-creates$ co-created$ co-creating$ co-creator$ co-creators$ quad-core* dual-core* #scuba-diving* short-circuited* topsy-turvy* topsy-turvydom* non-canonical$ self-timer* self-timers* mid-cap* mid-caps* free-soiler* free-soilers* free-soilism* non-baryonic$ pre-consolidated* pre-image* self-manage* self-manages* self-managed* self-managing* self-management* inter-bank? bio-concentration? auto-populate? auto-populates? auto-populated? auto-populating? sex-neutral* self-opinion* self-opinions* self-opinioned* self-opinionative* tie-ins* anti-Sovietism* anti-Christianism* mid-Pacific* mid-Atlantic* agri-food* anti-Mexican* anti-Mexicans* thank-yous* anti-union$ pre-taxation$ # changed ? -> $ pre-eminence$ pre-eminences$ non-techie* non-techies* frog-catcher* frog-catchers* dog-catcher? dog-catchers? plus-sized* snotty-nosed* carbon-neutral* non-biblical* non-Catholic* non-Catholics* non-Orthodox* non-orthodox* pan-American* bio-polymer? bio-polymers? giga-ton? giga-tons? mega-city? mega-cities? Pepto-Bismol* anti-imperialist* anti-imperialists* pre-prison* hard-skinned* non-traumatic$ pre-birth* hydro-power? anti-Nazi* anti-Nazis* #Christmas-time? # see CHRISTMAS_TIME geo-chemistry? geo-chemist? geo-chemists? face-palm? face-palms? face-palmed? face-palming? self-dependent* self-dependence* sub-cool? sub-cools? sub-cooled? sub-cooling? Baskin-Robbins* anti-tumor? anti-tumoral? anti-vax* anti-vaxxer* anti-vaxxers* line-breeding? line-breedings? neo-liberal? neo-liberals? neo-liberalism? non-price* agro-industrial* non-English* Myers-Briggs* anti-cancer* auto-completion$ cheap-ass* bar-coded* PCI-compliant* peach-colored* peach-coloured* rust-coloured* rust-colored* auto-inject* auto-injects* auto-injected* auto-injecting* auto-injection* auto-injections* auto-injector* auto-injectors* auto-tune* auto-tunes* auto-tuned* auto-tuning* non-legislative$ re-center$ # changed ? -> $ re-centers$ # changed ? -> $ re-centered$ # changed ? -> $ re-centering$ # changed ? -> $ re-centre$ # changed ? -> $ re-centres$ # changed ? -> $ re-centred$ # changed ? -> $ re-centring$ # changed ? -> $ anti-anxiety? eco-anxiety* anxiety-free* pre-civil* self-deprecating* self-deprecatingly* Mont-Tremblant* semi-autobiographical* pre-veterinary* sweet-scented* well-scented* bi-lingual? bi-lingually? pre-populate* pre-populates* pre-populated* pre-populating* key-logger? key-loggers? re-frame$ # changed ? -> $ re-frames$ # changed ? -> $ re-framed$ # changed ? -> $ re-framing$ # changed ? -> $ gold-smith? black-smith? non-disabled$ non-rhyming$ thumb-sucker? thumb-suckers? Marxist-Leninist* Marxist-Leninists* Marxism-Leninism* cow-girl? cow-girls? geo-history? lily-livered* micro-calcification? pseudo-code? pseudo-codes? privacy-sensitive* rainbow-coloured* rainbow-colored* cream-colored* cream-coloured* work-mindedness* wide-mouthed* simple-hearted* anti-drug$ auto-forward* auto-forwards* auto-forwarded* auto-forwarding* sub-committee? sub-committees? pre-heat$ # changed ? -> $ pre-heats$ # changed ? -> $ pre-heated$ # changed ? -> $ pre-heating$ # changed ? -> $ note-worthily? pre-fillable* auto-bid* auto-bidding* auto-bids* company-wide* industry-wide* non-salary* stock-piling? anal-retentive* pre-contractual$ short-termism* heart-warmer* heart-warmers* micro-transaction? micro-transactions? wide-reaching* all-nighter* all-nighters* mid-game* hyper-charged$ Anglo-Norman* Anglo-Normans* hyper-tensive? nit-picker? nit-pickers? ass-kisser* ass-kissers* labour-intensive* labor-intensive* inter-subjective? inter-subjectively? pre-orgasmic* re-designate$ # changed ? -> $ re-designates$ # changed ? -> $ re-designated$ # changed ? -> $ re-designating$ # changed ? -> $ pre-tick* pre-ticks* pre-ticked* pre-ticking* co-transfer* co-transfers* co-transferred* co-transferring* ex-coworker* ex-coworkers* ex-colleague* ex-colleagues* ex-boss* ex-bosses* sex-crazed* micro-burst? micro-bursts? micro-array? micro-arrays? micro-bus? micro-buses? micro-busses? micro-cell? micro-cells? micro-cellular? micro-crystalline? micro-degree? micro-degrees? micro-densitometer? micro-densitometers? micro-drive? micro-drives? micro-fabrication? micro-fabrications? micro-fauna? micro-fibril? micro-fibrils? micro-fibrillar? micro-fiber? micro-fossil? micro-fossils? micro-gamete? micro-gametes? micro-gametocyte? micro-gametocytes? micro-gametophyte? micro-gametophytes? micro-lensed? micro-mutation? micro-mutations? phyto-plankton? phyto-planktonic? micro-power? micro-scale? micro-scales? micro-political? micro-turbine? micro-turbines? micro-wire? micro-wires? Micro-writer? micro-brewery? micro-breweries? micro-card? micro-cards? micro-cassette? micro-cassettes? micro-code? micro-codes? micro-coded? micro-computer? micro-computers? micro-computing? micro-continental? micro-continent? micro-continents? micro-credit? micro-credits? micro-data? micro-cyclic? micro-domain? micro-domains? micro-entrepreneur? micro-entrepreneurs? micro-filament? micro-generate? micro-generates? micro-generated? micro-generating? micro-generation? micro-generations? micro-generator? micro-generators? micro-layer? micro-layers? micro-mechanical? micro-metrical? micro-metastase? micro-metastases? micro-metastatic? micro-meteoroid? micro-meteoroids? micro-mole? micro-moles? micro-molar? micro-nation? micro-nations? macro-nucleated? micro-nucleated? micro-photography? micro-photographies? micro-photograph? micro-photographs? micro-photographic? micro-photographically? micro-plate? micro-plates? micro-programmer? micro-programmers? micro-program? micro-programs? micro-programmable? micro-programmed? micro-programming? micro-propagation? micro-satellite? micro-satellites? micro-scanning? micro-sequencer? micro-sequencers? micro-spore? micro-spores? micro-sporic? micro-state? micro-states? micro-theory? micro-theories? micro-thermal? micro-tomography? micro-tonal? micro-tonality? micro-tonally? micro-trabecular? micro-trauma? micro-tubular? micro-turbine? micro-turbines? long-bladed* anti-infective* anti-infectives* band-mate? band-mates? anti-communist* anti-communists* error-prone* turf-grass? turf-grasses? sub-mountain? mono-cultural? psycho-educational$ sub-tribe? sub-tribes? sub-account? sub-accounts? semi-chemical? semi-arboreal? semi-classical$ semi-commercial? semi-finished? semi-group? semi-groups? semi-nude? semi-nudity? semi-regular? semi-simple? semi-social? semi-synthetic? sub-classification? sub-classifications? sub-commission? sub-commissions? mid-continent* mid-continents* mid-course* mid-courses* mid-market* mid-markets* child-rearing* β-carotene* β-carotenes* beta-carotene* beta-carotenes* nut-cracker? nut-crackers? blind-fold? blind-folded? blind-folding? blind-folds? re-plan$ # changed ? -> $ re-plans$ # changed ? -> $ re-planned$ # changed ? -> $ re-planning$ # changed ? -> $ jury-rig* jury-rigs* jury-rigging* jury-rigged* risk-prone* cart-wheel? cart-wheeler? cart-wheelers? cart-wheels? cart-wheeled? cart-wheeling? half-hourly* bed-ridden? mid-sleep* mid-dream* mid-age* mid-angle* heart-wrenching* back-pedalled$ back-pedaled$ back-pedalling$ back-pedaling$ razor-thin* white-knuckle* Austro-Columbian* Austro-Columbians* Austro-Prussian* Austro-Prussians* inter-gender? non-operating$ pre-determiner$ # changed ? -> $ pre-determiners$ # changed ? -> $ pre-conceive$ # changed ? -> $ pre-conceives$ # changed ? -> $ pre-conceiving$ # changed ? -> $ pre-conceived$ # changed ? -> $ self-healing* self-heal* self-heals* hyper-stimulate$ hyper-stimulates$ hyper-stimulated$ hyper-stimulating$ hyper-stimulation$ hyper-stimulations$ trans-former? trans-formers? trans-form? trans-forms? trans-formed? trans-forming? speaker-phone? speaker-phones? self-controlling* non-controlling$ ach-laut* ach-lauts* bio-luminescent? toll-free* pan-Arabic* platform-agnostic* device-agnostic* vendor-agnostic* technology-agnostic* software-agnostic* hardware-agnostic* framework-agnostic* browser-agnostic* OS-agnostic* cloud-agnostic* service-agnostic* provider-agnostic* anti-Israel* blood-shed? passive-aggressive* foot-wall? foot-walls? sub-climate? sub-climates? flour-dusted* risk-free* sugar-free* GDPR-compliant* HIPAA-compliant* extra-vagant? nut-meg? nut-megs? nut-megging? nut-megged? arm-chair? arm-chairs? water-melon? water-melons? ANSI-compliant* wind-free* micro-aggressive? micro-aggression? micro-aggressions? micro-aggressor? micro-aggressors? bog-standard* hyper-sexual? hyper-sexuality? non-degree? hyper-sonic? hyper-sonically? electro-shock? electro-shocks? electro-shocked? electro-shocking? hell-diver? hell-divers? beat-boxer? beat-boxers? high-riser* high-risers* bare-boned* pow-wow? pow-wows? pow-wowed? pow-wowing? coco-nut? coco-nuts? straw-berry? straw-berries? tariff-free* uni-brow? uni-brows? kilowatt-hour* kilowatt-hours* pre-announce$ pre-announces$ pre-announced$ pre-announcing$ pre-announcement$ pre-announcements$ sight-seeing? non-sensitive* king-fisher? king-fishers? spoon-bill? spoon-bills? wood-pecker? wood-peckers? sparrow-hawk? sparrow-hawks? Hamito-Semitic* Proto-Semitic* Ethio-Semitic* double-stranded* double-banked* sharp-eyed* kilovolt-ampere* kilovolt-amperes* ram-jet? ram-jets? scram-jet? scram-jets? wrist-band? wrist-bands? wrist-watch? wrist-watches? inter-American* Inter-American* inter-departmental? inter-membrane? inter-island? battle-scarred* fore-shock? fore-shocks? Nutri-score* Nutri-scores* pre-score$ pre-scores$ pre-scored$ pre-scoring$ sweat-pants? suit-case? suit-cases? hand-bag? hand-bags? video-cam? video-cams? geo-centrism? geo-centric? gem-stone? gem-stones? pseudo-element* pseudo-elements* pseudo-entity* pseudo-entities* pseudo-event* pseudo-events* pseudo-acid* Hula-Hoop* Hula-Hoops* hula-hoop* hula-hoops* hula-hooped* hula-hooping* risk-adverse* self-advertiser* self-advertisers* self-affected* tri-motor? birch-bark? birch-barks? loose-limbed* gold-laced* mid-segment? mid-segments? straight-grained* pre-meal$ hand-knitted* hand-knitting* pre-baked$ pre-bakes$ pre-baking$ pre-bake$ pre-axially$ reg-exp? reg-exps? brick-mason? brick-masons? brick-layer? brick-layers? hair-dresser? hair-dressers? micro-biologist? micro-biologists? geo-scientist? geo-scientists? pre-tape$ pre-tapes$ pre-taped$ pre-taping$ anti-epileptic$ anti-epileptics$ non-integer? non-integers? pre-WWII* pre-WWI* micro-bead? micro-beads? Al-Zahrawi* mega-tsunami? mega-tsunamis? auto-renewable* co-drive* co-drives* co-driven* co-drove* co-driving* co-driver* co-drivers* micro-drive? micro-drives? Potsdam-Babelsberg* bad-ass? co-director* co-directors* co-direct* co-directs* co-directed* co-directing* half-time* HIPAA-certified* GDPR-certified* cake-walk? re-execute* re-executes* re-executed* re-executing* ham-handed* dog-faced* self-starter* self-starters* self-starting* second-guesser* second-guessers* de-ice* de-iced* de-ices* de-icing* curb-side? gluten-free* heavy-handedness* self-balancing* dare-devil? dare-devils? Cassini-Huygens* forty-niner* forty-niners* sub-algebra? Adam-Onís* sub-dialect$ sub-dialects$ sub-floor? sub-floors? clutter-free* non-charitable$ non-fungible* fat-fingered* fat-fingering* wide-leafed* wide-leaved* wide-legged* Orléans-Tours* well-formedness* well-foundedness* well-favorednes* weak-mindedness* dead-endedness* evil-mindedness* eye-mindedness* full-bloodedness* left-handedness* neat-handedness* anti-capitalist* anti-capitalists* anti-British* anti-capitalism* anti-androgen* anti-androgens* anti-Western* auto-erotic* auto-eroticism* Athens-Clarke* barrister-at-law* barristers-at-law* Abitibi-Ouest* accident-prone* absent-minded* absent-mindedly* absent-mindedness* absent-mindednesses* non-acrolect* non-acrolects* non-acrolectal* agri-industrial* agri-industry* agri-monetary* agro-industry* agro-industries* agro-industrial* AR-15* AR-15s* AK-47* AK-47s* Alberni-Clayoquot* alt-rock* alt-rocker* alt-rockers* anarcho-primitivism* food-stuff? Google-bot? ever-green? spam-bot? spam-bots? wide-sleeved* full-featured* well-fitted* normal-sized* self-deluded* self-deluder* self-deluders* pre-survey* pre-expose* pre-exposing* pre-exposes* pre-exposed* pre-pandemic* non-discounted* hyper-parameter? hyper-parameters? meta-material$ meta-materials$ curve-ball? curve-balls? gender-affirming* gender-nonconforming* meta-model? meta-models? meta-object? meta-objects? meta-physic? meta-physician? meta-physicians? meta-class? meta-classes? meta-fiction? meta-fictional? meta-plastic? meta-search? meta-thorax? meta-thoraxes? Sino-Japanese* Choupo-Moting* Sino-Balinese* WGN-TV* WLS-TV* brain-teaser* brain-teasers* KLAX-TV* KVLY-TV* WAGA-TV* WBNS-TV* WBNX-TV* WBZ-TV* WCIU-TV* WCMH-TV* WCNC-TV* WDLI-TV* WEWS-TV* WFLD-TV* WGCL-TV* WGN-AM* WGN-TV* WHDH-TV* WHDH-TV* WJW-TV* WJZ-TV* WKRC-TV* WLS-TV* WNET-TV* WOSU-TV* WPVI-TV* WVPX-TV* WXIA-TV* non-Aryan* non-Aryans* shoe-box? neo-Agrarian* Neo-Agrarian* neo-Latin* Neo-Latin* humble-brag? humble-brags? humble-bragged? humble-bragging? non-Latin* Non-Latin* hunky-dory* pre-note* pre-notes* pre-noted* pre-noting* pre-notice* pre-notices* pre-noticed* pre-noticing* pre-bottled* field-testing* Pre-Islamic* pre-Islamic* Pre-Hispanic* pre-Hispanic* Pre-Roman* pre-Roman* Pre-Socratic* pre-Socratic* pre-meeting* pre-pay$ # changed ? -> $ pre-pays$ # changed ? -> $ pre-paid$ # changed ? -> $ pre-paying$ # changed ? -> $ pre-payment$ # changed ? -> $ pre-payments$ # changed ? -> $ pre-Hippocratic* Pre-Hippocratic* pre-dreadnought$ # changed ? -> $ pre-Dreadnought* pre-ejaculate* semi-free* sub-modifier? sub-modifiers? well-packed* meta-cellulose* mid-roll* mid-rolls* semi-well* tele-novela? tele-novelas? alcohol-free* future-proof* sub-atomic? lip-smacking* lip-smackingly* multi-tasker? multi-taskers? golden-doodle? golden-doodles? hydro-powered? system-wide* Ant-Man* #cease-fire$ fortune-telling* multi-discipline? multi-disciplinary? multi-disciplined? ray-finned* pro-cyclical? pro-cyclically? up-to-dately* up-to-dateness* astro-archaeology* re-render* re-renders* re-rendered* re-rendering* high-tech* sun-rayed* spine-rayed* spiny-rayed* soft-rayed* x-rayed* auto-flowering$ swords-woman? swords-women? easy-breezy* net-zero* LGBTQ-friendly* re-exist* re-exists* re-existed* re-existing* multi-processing? multi-programming? multi-processor? multi-processors? multi-process? extra-cellular? extra-territorial? extra-curricular? pre-drink$ pre-drinks$ pre-drank$ pre-drunk$ pre-drinking$ multi-bus? multi-branch$ multi-branched$ multi-drop$ multi-drops$ multi-factor? multi-factorial? multi-factorially? multi-point? multi-polarity? multi-polar? multi-pollutant? multi-profile? multi-scale? multi-screen? multi-stable? multi-way? extra-chromosomal? extra-dimensional? extra-intestinal? extra-neuronal? extra-neuronally? extra-nuclear? extra-nuclearly? extra-orally? extra-planetary? extra-pyramidal? extra-terrestrially? multi-agent$ multi-annual? multi-annually? multi-anode? multi-beam? multi-byte? multi-category? multi-categories? multi-categorical? multi-commodity? multi-crystalline? multi-cylinder? multi-district? multi-electron? multi-environment? multi-environmental? multi-enzyme? multi-enzymes? multi-fold? multi-gene? multi-genes? multi-joint? multi-jointed? multi-linear? multi-map? multi-model? multi-modular? multi-partisan? multi-partner? multi-phased? multi-pole? multi-poles? multi-pronged? multi-protocol? multi-resistant? multi-role? multi-sectional? multi-section? multi-segmented? multi-server? multi-service? multi-standard? multi-substituted? multi-threaded? multi-touch? multi-track? multi-tracked? multi-tracks? multi-tracking? multi-user? multi-valued? multi-vendor? multi-walled? pop-cultural* pre-cultural* anti-cultural* inter-cultural? micro-cultural? mono-cultural? Elastic-Search? people-centric* flame-thrower? flame-throwers? pre-money* mini-van? mini-vans? off-handedly? Service-Now+ trench-stale* geo-block* geo-blocks* geo-blocked* geo-blocking* hyper-competitive* monkey-pox? Moules-frites* micro-payment? micro-payments? mistle-toe? mistle-toes? re-echo* re-echoes* re-echoed* re-echoing* photo-synthesis? photo-syntheses? photo-synthesize? photo-synthesizes? photo-synthesized? photo-synthesizing? photo-synthetic? photo-synthetically? nit-wit? nit-wits? self-hostable* pre-revenue* well-born* anarcho-capitalist* anarcho-capitalists* anarcho-capitalistic* anarcho-communist* anarcho-communists* base-band? base-bands? emission-free* emissions-free* off-roading* off-roader* off-roaders* well-decked* well-heeled* deckle-edged* quarter-century* quarter-centuries* flood-waters? sand-hiller? sand-hillers? corn-cracker? corn-crackers? long-boarder? long-boarders? Mc-Donalds+ fault-tolerant* acid-tolerant* shade-tolerant* frost-tolerant* self-tolerance* out-of-towner* out-of-towners* pell-mell* moto-crosser? moto-crossers? moto-cross? air-lifter? air-lifters? hyper-correct? hyper-correction? hyper-corrections? hyper-correctly? hyper-correctness? Meso-America? Meso-American? Meso-Americans? stop-motion* stop-motions* hydro-plane? hydro-planes? hydro-airplane$ hydro-airplanes$ Timor-Leste* Ruanda-Urundi* eco-region? eco-regions? Objective-C* scatter-brained? self-voiding* anti-reflective* water-repellent* sub-district$ sub-districts$ Uto-Aztecan* Uto-Aztecans* anti-type? anti-types? non-established$ shape-shifter* shape-shifters* shape-shift* shape-shifts* shape-shifted* shape-shifting* fast-growing* roly-poly* roly-polies* ship-worm? ship-worms? Tupper-Ware? Tupper-ware? Indy-Car+ pre-hearing? wire-haired? wiry-coated* red-coated* double-coated* hard-coated* mono-chrome? mono-chromatic? one-nighter* one-nighters* free-associated* free-associating* goal-scorer? goal-scorers? non-alphanumeric* non-alphanumerical* euro-zone? ball-breaker* ball-breakers* ball-buster* ball-busters* robo-pet? robo-pets? Viet-Nam? trend-spotter* trend-spotters* Circle-CI+ retro-active? retro-actively? cess-pool? cess-pools? lady-bug? lady-bugs? ultra-rich? ultra-poor? self-doubting* privacy-oriented* tele-operate? tele-operates? tele-operated? tele-operating? tele-operation? tele-operations? first-aider* first-aiders* neo-Gothic* sharp-edged* neuro-imaging? pro-rated? twice-weekly* closed-mindedly* small-mindedly* take-aways? Tensor-Flow+ Tensor-Flows+ non-capturing* court-martial* court-martials* courts-martial* court-martialled* court-martialed* court-martialing* court-martialling* tuzzy-muzzy* tussie-mussie* tussie-mussies* tuzzy-muzzies* anti-fraud* al-Qaida* sub-aerial? gender-fluid* crypto-volcanic? genderqueer-friendly* Saint-Gobain* super-spreader* super-spreaders* halo-therapy? halo-therapies? faux-hawk* faux-hawks* bottom-liner* bottom-liners* non-Trinitarian* toe-nail? toe-nails? rain-coat? rain-coats? semi-logarithmic? matchy-matchy* electro-optic* electro-optical* electro-optically* anti-money* self-parodic* self-parodistic* polka-dotted* pre-confirmed* high-brow? high-brows? water-skied* water-skiing* Magny-Cours* buzz-word? buzz-words? high-ceilinged* Anglo-Israelism* Anglo-Israelisms* Cap-Haitien* Cap-Haïtien* Petion-Ville* Port-de-Paix* prehensile-tailed* sub-humid? re-parse? re-parsed? re-parses? re-parsing? red-bellied* beer-bellied* Gore-Tex* skinny-dip* skinny-dips* skinny-dipped* skinny-dipper* skinny-dippers* skinny-dipping* Diffie-Hellman* face-plate? face-plates? court-yard? court-yards? crowd-source? crowd-sourced? crowd-sourcing? crowd-sources? hell-scape? panty-hose? sit-com? sit-coms? type-setter? type-setters? video-gram? video-grams? sym-link? sym-links? self-fulfillment* self-fulfilment* non-approved* sub-peak? sub-peaks? info-graphic? info-graphics? true-hearted? gentle-hearted? inter-regional$ blood-thirsty? slam-dunking* slam-dunked* saber-rattling* sabre-rattling* bio-lab? bio-labs? Omega-9* Omega-6* Omega-3* Ritz-Carlton* old-timey* old-timeyness* old-timiness* pseudo-clefting* air-liner? air-liners? one-liner* one-liners* mission-critical* counter-strike? counter-strikes? counter-striked? crypto-friendly* time-barred* heart-stopper* heart-stoppers* self-responsible* rattle-snake? rattle-snakes? sub-state? sub-states? small-pox? Heriot-Watt* sub-licensable* blabber-mouth? blabber-mouths? try-ons* oval-shaped* semi-automated* semi-automation*