Arabic word list for morfologik stemmer and tagger. The word list is generated by Arramooz Project: Generation ========== The command used to generate dictionary are: 1- make verbtags 2- make nountags 3- merge results into one file 4- build morfologik dict by java -cp languagetool.jar -i nouns.dict.tags -info org/languagetool/resource/ar/ -o org/languagetool/resource/ar/arabic.dict Structure: ========== The dictionary contains multiple forms of a word like شرف شرف NS-;M3U-;--- شرفين شرف NS-;M3I-;--- بالشرف شرف NS-;M3I-;-BL الشرفي شرف NS-;M3A-;--L شرف شرف NS-;M3A-;--- شرفي شرف NS-;M3A-;--- الشرف شرف NS-;M3--;--L شرفيك شرف NS-;M3A-;--H Some cases are used as generic like: * one form of attached preposition is generated the Beh one: ب+الشرف * The other forms like Lam and Kaf are extracted by ArabicTagger class. * The Attached conjunction with Waw and Feh are not generated, and will be handled by the same class. * The attached pronouns also are represented by one case which is Kaf one: بلاد+ك * The others like كم, كما، هم، هما are handled by ArabicTagger class.