ARJ LICENSE POLICY May 2003 The ARJ archiver, the REARJ program, the ARJSFX module, the ARJSFXJR module, the ARJSFXV module, the ARJ$DISP program, the DEARJ program, and the associated documentation are copyright (c) 1990-2003 ARJ Software, Inc., all rights reserved. The ARJ software may not be circulated in any incomplete or modified form, nor sold for profit, without written permission of ARJ Software, Inc. ARJ (tm) is a trademark of ARJ Software, Inc. If you distribute this software to others, you are REQUIRED to distribute the ENTIRE package in its ARJ-SECURITY envelope. Because of the requirements of some file distributors, you MAY wrap this ARJ-SECURED package inside another archive such as within a ZIP archive. However, you may NOT distribute the individual files RE-ARCHIVED. This requirement is to ensure the integrity of the software to the end user. RE-ARCHIVAL could allow corrupted files or viruses to be distributed "in our name". You may NOT distribute the registered versions of ARJ.EXE, REARJ.EXE, or DEARJ.EXE except as noted in your ARJ license agreement. As a brief description of ARJ, we suggest the following: "ARJ (tm) is file archiver that compresses files into a disk space saving archive. It is fast, reliable, and has a rich set of features which include Windows 95/98/ME long filename support, file version management, data damage protection, ANSI escape sequence display handler, configurable command options, multiple volume archives (archives that span diskettes) and much more." The use and/or sale of ARJ, ARJ$DISP, DEARJ, REARJ, ARJSFX, ARJSFXV, and ARJSFXJR (ARJ package) is subject to the following terms: ARJ / ARJ32 PRODUCTS: ARJ and ARJ32 are two different products from ARJ Software, Inc. For licensed use, a separate license is required for each product. ARJ is intended for DOS and Windows 95/98/ME. ARJ32 is intended for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. PERSONAL USE: For personal use (at home and non-commercial), ARJ, ARJSFX, ARJSFXV, and ARJSFXJR may be freely used and shared with others. There is no REQUIRED registration fee for non-commercial, non-business, non-institutional, non-government personal use. Instead, we ask that you share the ARJ software with a friend. For personal use, the program REARJ may be freely used only by ARJ users. An ARJ user is one who uses ARJ on a regular basis. Others who wish to use REARJ must purchase a registration for the ARJ package. The user who registers receives several benefits: * Technical support by telephone, fax or mail. You can get help with any questions or problems you encounter in using ARJ. * A REGISTRATION KEY that provides: The REGISTERED version of ARJ (registered display and extra features). The REGISTERED version of REARJ (additional features like listfiles). The REGISTERED version of DEARJ (multiple volume support). * Legal use of the software in a business, commercial, institutional, and government environment. * The satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting the development of good, affordable software. BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM (BBS), WEB SITE, AND FTP SITE USE: ARJ and REARJ may be freely used on commercial and non-commercial electronic file distribution sites (computer bulletin board systems, WEB sites, FTP sites and so on) for the purpose of distributing *.ARJ archive files (not including ARJ self-extracting archives). The ARJ shareware distribution archive (ARJnnn.EXE) may be freely distributed by these sites. ARJ and REARJ may be freely used on non-commercial electronic file distribution sites where ARJ is one of the supported primary archive formats. The use of ARJ and/or REARJ on a BBS where ARJ is not one of the supported primary archive formats requires a registration or site license. Support of ARJ involves allowing ARJ archives as uploads AND making ARJ archives available as downloads. INSTITUTIONAL/COMMERCIAL INTERNAL USE LICENSE/REGISTRATION: Any corporation, institution, government agency or business wishing to use the ARJ software in the course of its internal business must purchase an ARJ registration or SITE LICENSE. Any individual wishing to use the ARJ software within a corporation, institution, government agency or business must purchase an ARJ registration or SITE LICENSE. The SITE LICENSE is provided for those who want to use ARJ on multiple computers. A sample INTERNAL USE LICENSE for the internal use of the ARJ software is included at the end of this document. Please see the ORDERFRM.TXT or write for terms. Any corporation, institution, government agency, or business may use the unregistered shareware version of ARJ only for evaluation purposes and only for a thirty day period. After the thirty day period, you must either register ARJ or discontinue its use. While you are in the process of registering ARJ, you may continue to use the unregistered ARJ program until you receive the registered version. As a clarification, any corporation, institution, or government agency, or business requiring others to use ARJ must license each such user. See the EXTERNAL use section. The INTERNAL use license does NOT license the inclusion of the ARJ software with a hardware/software package that is distributed EXTERNALLY. The unlimited SINGLE LOCATION SITE LICENSE permits ARJ internal use for an unlimited number of computers/users at one street address. This definition of a SINGLE LOCATION SITE is subject to change. The unlimited MULTIPLE LOCATION SITE LICENSE permits ARJ internal use for an unlimited number of computers/users at all locations. Each computer that uses ARJ, DEARJ, ARJSFX, ARJSFXV, or ARJSFXJR in any way requires licensing. In addition, computers that are being backed up with ARJ via a file server require licensing. For example, if computer Z's data is copied to a file server and that file server uses ARJ to archive Z's data, then computer Z needs to be licensed for ARJ. Examples of INTERNAL institutional or commercial use of ARJ: 1) Using ARJ to backup your business programs and/or data. 2) Using ARJ to create archives for storing or transporting business data. 3) Using ARJ on a company supplied home computer for company business. 4) Using ARJ to backup your research programs and/or data. 5) Using ARJ on your home business computer for business purposes. Examples of EXTERNAL commercial or governmental use of ARJ: 1) Using ARJ as a included backup program for an accounting package that you sell to customers. 2) Using ARJ as a compression and decompression program in a home banking package that you give to your bank customers. 3) Using ARJ as a backup program for clients that you support as a consultant. 4) Requiring citizens to use ARJ to archive tax information for governmental use. The above examples should NOT be considered the ONLY types of institutional or commercial use of ARJ. DISTRIBUTION LICENSE: Standard ARJ format archives (*.ARJ) may be distributed without a license. The UNARJ.EXE program distributed separately may be freely used and distributed without a license. ARJ self-extracting archives may NOT be distributed without a distribution license. An internal license is not sufficient. Any corporation, institution, government agency or business wishing to include DEARJ, ARJ$DISP, ARJSFX, ARJSFXV, or ARJSFXJR (self-extracting ARJ archives) as an integral part of a software and/or hardware package to be distributed externally must purchase a DISTRIBUTION LICENSE. The use of ARJ on one computer to build the software and/or hardware package is included in the DISTRIBUTION LICENSE. The above requirement does NOT apply to those who did NOT initiate the inclusion of the ARJ software with the software and/or hardware package. Please write for terms providing your distribution details: 1) Expected distribution numbers in total. 2) The approximate value/price of the package. 3) A brief description of the software/hardware. 4) A description of how ARJ will be used in the distribution. In other words, is the self-extractor being used or is ARJ's multiple volume (-v) feature required. If you wish to use the archiver ARJ or the conversion program REARJ in your application software, the pricing is similar to the INTERNAL LICENSE price schedule. Please write for terms. INSTITUTIONAL/COMMERCIAL EXTERNAL USE: Any corporation, institution, government agency or business wishing to use the ARJ software in the course of its EXTERNAL business must purchase an ARJ EXTERNAL use LICENSE. Please write for terms. Any corporation, institution, government agency or business may use the unregistered shareware version of ARJ only for evaluation purposes and only for a thirty day period. After the thirty day period, you must either license ARJ or discontinue its use. While you are in the process of registering ARJ, you may continue to use the unregistered ARJ program until you receive the licensed version. Examples of EXTERNAL commercial or governmental use of ARJ: 1) Using ARJ as a included backup program for an accounting package that you sell to customers. 2) Using ARJ as a compression and decompression program in a home banking package that you give to your bank customers. 3) Using ARJ as a backup program for clients that you support as a consultant. 4) Requiring citizens to use ARJ to archive tax information for governmental use. The above examples should NOT be considered the ONLY types of institutional or commercial use of ARJ. SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION USE BY INDIVIDUALS: The use of ARJ to create an ARJ format archive (*.ARJ) for the purpose of distributing shareware or freeware to computer bulletin board systems IS NOT considered commercial use. However, any other use of ARJ in connection with a shareware product is commercial use. For example, using ARJ to backup shareware source code is commercial use. The inclusion of the ARJSFX/ARJSFXV/ARJSFXJR modules in software to create self-extracting ARJ archives that are to be distributed requires a distribution license. RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONAL USE: To obtain the donation of a SITE LICENSE and/or DISTRIBUTION LICENSE, please write providing details of your organization's religious and charitable activities and the intended use for ARJ. A free license will be provided to qualifying organizations. Qualifications will be determined on a purely subjective basis. Non-qualifying organizations can always obtain licenses by purchase. Non-religious non-profit organizations promoting causes that do not conflict with our personal faith and ethics may also qualify for a free license. COMMERCIAL SALE: Any software dealer or library may distribute the entire ARJ package in an unmodified form for a fee as long as the price charged for the disk containing ARJ does not exceed US $10.00. You may NOT distribute any version of DEARJ (not the same as UNARJ). Any software dealer or library may distribute the entire ARJ package in an unmodified form when included in a CD-ROM shareware collection. Moreover, permission is freely given for the use of the ARJ software to view and/or install CD-ROM shareware collections where the entire ARJ package is included. No special license is required nor will a special license be granted. With these exceptions, the sale of ARJ or its parts for profit, either alone or together with other software or hardware, requires a licensing agreement possibly providing for royalty payments. Please write for terms. UPGRADE POLICY FOR ARJ: Registered/licensed users of ARJ may upgrade ARJ to the next DOT release (2.7 to 2.8, etc.) by downloading the new versions from the ARJ website. The registration key for the current release of ARJ will be valid for the next DOT release of ARJ. Customers who cannot download from the Internet can obtain the upgrade directly from us for a small diskette fee. See the ORDERFRM.TXT for details. UNLIMITED SITE LICENSE holders will get unlimited free ARJ upgrades. This upgrade policy applies ONLY to the ARJ archiver. It does not apply to JAR or to the ARJ32 archiver. UNARJ SOURCE CODE: Available in a separately distributed archive is the program UNARJ.EXE and its C source code. UNARJ is a simple ARJ archive extraction program. You may freely use, copy, and distribute UNARJ.EXE, provided that no fee is charged for such use, copying or distribution. This source code is intended to promote the building of utilities to support the use of ARJ and ARJ archives. ARJ-SECURITY ENVELOPE USE: This feature is intended for but not limited to software developers who wish to distribute archived software with some assurance that the archived software in a validated ARJ-SECURED archive will be secure. We reserve the right to limit the distribution of ARJ-SECURITY serial codes. This feature may ONLY be used by those who have purchased an ARJ-SECURITY serial number. Please see the ORDERFRM.TXT or write for terms. ARJ ENCRYPTION MODULES: The two ARJ encryption modules, ARJCRYPT.COM and ARJ32_C.DLL, are provided to ARJ users for encrypting ARJ archives. We do not warrantee these modules as to the strength of the encryption. No special license is required to make use of these modules. These modules are not normally included with the ARJ software but are made available upon request and on our website. DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE (ARJ, ARJ$DISP, DEARJ, REARJ, ARJSFX, ARJSFXV, ARJSFXJR, ARJ-SECURITY, AND UNARJ) IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. ARJ SOFTWARE, INC. HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. NEITHER ARJ SOFTWARE, INC. OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR SIMILAR DAMAGES DUE TO LOSS OF DATA OR ANY OTHER REASON, EVEN IF ARJ SOFTWARE, INC. OR AN AGENT OF ARJ SOFTWARE, INC. HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL ARJ SOFTWARE, INC.'S LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF THE CLAIM. Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. See ORDERFRM.TXT for ordering and payment information. ARJ YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: Refer to the file YEAR2000.TXT. SAMPLE INTERNAL SITE LICENSE ---------------------------- DO NOT submit this license with your order. This is for your examination only. We reserve the right to change this license. LICENSOR: ARJ SOFTWARE, INC. P.O. BOX 249 NORWOOD MA 02062 USA ARJ SOFTWARE, INC. herein referred to as the LICENSOR hereby grants [ORGANIZATION NAME] (LICENSEE) ------------------- a site license for [NUMBER OF COMPUTERS LICENSED] computers for the use of the following software programs: ARJ, DEARJ, REARJ, ARJSFX, ARJSFXV, ARJSFXJR. This is a perpetual license for the use of the software within LICENSEE's organization, and is not transferable. You are not obtaining title to the software or any copyright rights. This license allows the internal use and copying of the software by LICENSEE on as many computers as contracted for. You may make as many copies of this software as you need for backup purposes. Distribution, repackaging, or reselling of the software including ARJSFX, ARJSFXV, and ARJSFXJR archives to third parties is not allowed under this agreement. The LICENSOR warrants that it is sole owner of the software and has full power and authority to grant this license herein without consent of any other party. THE LICENSOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. NEITHER THE LICENSOR OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR SIMILAR DAMAGES DUE TO LOSS OF DATA OR ANY OTHER REASON, EVEN IF THE LICENSOR OR AN AGENT OF THE LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE LICENSOR'S LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF THE CLAIM. Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS and shall inure to the benefit of ARJ Software, Inc. and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in MASSACHUSETTS. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts. Company Officer SIGNATURE: ________________________________ and Company Seal ARJ Software, Inc. DATE: ________________________________ SAMPLE LICENSE ONLY end of document