ERRORS.TXT October 2003 The following error messages may appear when using ARJ. A brief explanation of each message follows: does not exist The file could not be found on the disk. This error may occur in a multiple volume extraction if ARJ is trying to extract a split file. If this split file is not the beginning of the file, ARJ will look for the beginning of the file on the disk. If this file is missing, ARJ will report this error. To correct this problem, you need to extract the previous portion(s) of this file. This error will also occur during an extraction to freshen existing files. exists The file already exists on the disk. is not an ARJ archive The file does not have a valid ARJ archive header in the initial portion of the file. This file may not be an ARJ archive or it may be damaged. is not the same date/time The file that is being appended to does not have the correct file date-time stamp. This message occurs during multiple volume extraction when the portion of the file on disk does not match the portion in the archive. This can happen if a multiple volume extraction was interrupted by a "quit" response. is same or newer The file has the same or newer file date-time stamp than the matching file in the archive. is same or older The file has the same or older file date-time stamp than the matching file in the archive. Already a chapter archive The archive being converted to a chapter archive is already a chapter archive. ANSI codepage archive This is a notification message for the user indicating that the archive being created or processed is using the ANSI codepage instead of the normal default OEM codepage. ANSI codepage archives created by ARJ32 may not be processed correctly by ARJ for DOS because of filename translation issues. Archive codepage mismatch The archive being processed was created using a conflicting codepage (ANSI or OEM). ARJ32 in ANSIPAGE mode (-hy) cannot add files to an archive created using the OEM codepage. ARJ for DOS cannot add files to an archive created using the ANSI codepage. Or ARJ attempted to join two archives that use different codepages. Archive name argument missing The ARJ command is missing the name of the ARJ archive filename. Arg table overflow There are more than 64 arguments on the ARJ command line. (ARJ9XRST.EXE) Error (2): File or directory not found. For Windows 95/98, the ARJ support program, ARJ9XRST.EXE was not installed in one of the PATH directories like C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND. Applies only to the 32 bit version of ARJ. ARJ-PROTECT recovery data slightly damaged. ARJ-PROTECT again. ARJ has detected some damage to the ARJ-PROTECT recovery data. You should re-test the archive ("t" command) and then re-ARJ-PROTECT the archive to generate fresh recovery data. Example: ARJ y archive -hk remove ARJ-PROTECT ARJ t archive -hk restore ARJ-PROTECT AUTO ARJ-PROTECT disabled ARJ-PROTECT will no longer be automatically done when an archive is updated. AUTO ARJ-PROTECT enabled (Nx) The archive has been set for AUTO ARJ-PROTECT. This means that the next time the archive is updated, ARJ will automatically ARJ-PROTECT the archive. This message does not indicate the presence of valid ARJ-PROTECT data in the archive. The ARJ "t" command can be used to test for valid ARJ-PROTECT data. The "N" in (Nx) represents the ARJ-PROTECT factor saved in the archive. AUTO ARJ-PROTECT enabled (0x) This indicates that no ARJ-PROTECT factor has been saved in the archive. This happens with older version archives. Bad command syntax The ARJ command line is not correct syntactically. The chosen command or option is not supported. Bad file data The file in the ARJ archive is damaged and has invalid data in it. It is not possible to recover this file in an undamaged format. Bad file data or bad password The file in the ARJ archive is damaged or you may have supplied the wrong password to the "-g" option. Check the password that you specified. Bad header The ARJ archive file description information record is damaged. Bad or missing SECURITY key An invalid or missing security key was provided to ARJ. Check to see if the security key is correct. Break signaled The user pressed Control C or Control BREAK. Can't add a chapter label for size reasons ARJ could not complete the conversion of a standard archive to a chapter archive because there was not enough space allocated or specified to add the chapter label. Can't ARJ-PROTECT an existing unprotected removable volume archive ARJ-PROTECTING an existing multiple volume archive on removable media would cause volumes to overflow the volume size limit, so this is not allowed except for volumes on fixed media (hard disk drive). Can't filename comment a dual-name archive A dual-name archive stores its long filenames in the filename comment field; therefore, that field is not available for storing comments about the individual file. To comment (main comment) a dual-name archive, you must use the "-z" option as in: ARJ c dual-name -z Can't combine mismatched archives (dual-name) ARJ attempted to join a dual-name archive with one that is not a dual-name archive. Can't convert an archive to a dual-name archive A dual-name archive must be so designated at the initial archive creation. An already existing archive cannot be converted since the alternate filenames have not been stored in the archive. Can't copy temp to archive This error usually means that there is not enough disk space to copy the intermediate archive file to its destination drive. ARJ does not purge the intermediate archive file in this situation so that the file can be copied manually to a drive with enough disk space. Can't delete ARJ cannot delete the file . Most likely, the file is in use or is set as readonly. Can't find The file does not exist. Can't find damage in Message changed to "No damage found in ". Can't find restart file: The file does not exist. Can't find restart information During the scan of the specified index file, ARJ could not find a line of text similar to the following: Next volume - 001 1 19931 C:\ARC\VGA640.DRV This can happened if the index file is damaged or was created by a version of ARJ prior to 2.39. Can't get volume label ARJ could not read the volume label of the drive specified. Can't handle ARJ-SECURITY version This version of ARJ encountered an ARJ-SECURITY envelope version of which it does not know how to verify the integrity. Can't make directory ARJ could not create the directory . The name may already exist or the name may be too long. Can't open ARJ cannot open the file . The file may be set to readonly or it may already be in use. The "-hq" option may be useful in some file-in-use situations. In Windows 95, this error may be due to filenames that contain symbols for which there is no MS-DOS equivalent. These symbols are converted to "_" underscores in MS-DOS. DOS programs cannot access these files. This can also occur when accessing long filenames in Windows 95 where a storage media or network driver does not provide full long filename functionality to the operating system. Can't order a multiple volume archive Re-ordering a multiple volume archive is NOT allowed. Can't read file or unexpected end of file This error message usually occurs if the end of the file has been reached when ARJ is expecting more data. Can't rename to ARJ could not rename . The target filename may already exist. Can't reset ARJ could not reset the archive bit attribute of . This error is ignored by ARJ. Can't seek to position in file ARJ could not seek to the position in the file. This file may not be as large as the position specified. Can't update an ARJ-SECURED archive! Modification of an ARJ-SECURED archive is NOT allowed. Can't use -jt1 or -jt2 with -e or -e1 ARJ always uses the filename stored in the archive to access the file during the compare operation. The -e and -e1 options strip significant information from the filename. Can't use -v with -je1 The small self-extraction module does not support multiple volume archives. Can't write file. Disk full? Self-explanatory. Chapter error () This is an internal error in chapter processing and should not happen. This indicates a problem in the program logic. Please notify ARJ Software, Inc. of this problem. CRC error The file in the ARJ archive is damaged and has invalid data in it. It is not possible to recover this file in an undamaged format. If this error is encountered when ARJ initially starts up, this indicates that the ARJ runfile is probably damaged. CRC INFO sections damaged The ARJ data damage protection data is too damaged to use to repair archive damage. Critical device error A DOS critical error has occurred. ARJ has trapped this error condition and returned a error. *** Damaged ARJ-SECURED archive! This ARJ archive has been damaged or corrupted. The contents of the archive are not in the same condition as when it was created. You should not trust that the contents of this archive are as the archive creator intended. Delete argument missing The ARJ delete command requires that a filename or wildspec be specified on the command line. It does not assume "*.*". *** Detected an OBSOLETE ARJ-SECURITY envelope. NOT verified! ARJ has detected a version 1 ARJ-SECURITY envelope. ARJ has not verified the validity of the ARJ-SECURITY envelope because of the obsolescence of version 1 envelopes. Encryption module damage ARJ could not access the encryption module. This error may be the result of corruption of the encryption module. Error (2): File or directory not found. This error message and others similar to the above message will be displayed upon ARJ abnormally terminating. ARJ will display the most recent system error. This error message may clarify the associated ARJ error message. Exceeded chapter limit of ARJ only supports up to 250 chapters within a single archive. Exceeded maximum path size of at The maximum pathname length is limited in size to characters. Exceeded name limit of at The number of filenames encountered by ARJ has exceeded the documented limited of filenames. File is password encrypted ARJ is skipping the current file because it is password encrypted (garbled) and no password has been specified on the command line with the "-g" option. File is too large ARJ cannot build archives or compress files larger than 2.1 gigabytes. This is a DOS file size limit. For archives, try building volumes using -v2000M. Found error(s) ARJ has encountered non-fatal errors. Garbled files are not allowed for SFXJR The small self-extractor module does not support the extraction of garbled files. GCRYPT internal error This error should not occur. Please notify ARJ Software, Inc. Header CRC error The file description header record in the archive is damaged. This cannot be fixed. The use of the "-jr" option will allow the recovery of files after the damaged section. Invalid command: The specified is not a valid ARJ command. Invalid command or option for chapter archives The command or switch option is not appropriate when processing chapter archives. For example, you cannot "j"oin a chapter archive. Invalid comment header This error should never happen. Invalid date string: The date contains an invalid date. It should be specified in YYMMDDHHMMSS format where YY represents the two digit year, MM represents the month, DD represents the day, HH represents the hour, MM represents the minutes, and SS represents the seconds. Invalid multiple volume file sequence ARJ has detected a sequence error in a series of multiple volume archives. This error should never occur. Invalid parameter string: The parameter string is not correct syntactically. Invalid switch: