Microsoft(R) Network Client Download Readme File
I. How to Create a Floppy Disk Installation
Set of the Microsoft Network Client
II. License Agreement
III. What You Should Know Before Beginning Setup
A. Planning for LAN Manager Installation and
Configuration on MS-DOS(R) Computers
B. Planning for LAN Manager Installations on
OS/2 Computers
C. Installing LAN Manager on MS-DOS Workstations
IV. Media-Access Control Drivers
V. TCP/IP Protocol
A. Matching LAN Manager Server Names
to IP Addresses
B. Tuning Microsoft TCP/IP
C. Microsoft TCP/IP and the Sockets Interface
D. Running Microsoft TCP/IP Concurrently With
Other Protocols
VI. Microsoft Data Link Control Protocol
VII. Excluding Memory From Windows
VIII. Using Remote Access Service
VIV. Installing and Configuring NetWare Connectivity
X. Your Guide to Service and Support for
Microsoft Network Client Pack
While we have endeavored to supply as complete and accurate information
lists contained herein do not constitute an endorsement of any
particular manfacturer.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows and
Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other product names
and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Microsoft Network Client Download Readme File
This document explains how to create floppy disk sets for the
Microsoft Network Clients from the disk images that are available
on CompuServe(R), MSDL, or Microsoft's Internet server,
The Microsoft Network Client software contains the following network
clients and software:
LAN Manager Basic Client Software for MS-DOS(R) Clients
LAN Manager Enhanced Software for MS-DOS Clients
LAN Manager Client Software for OS/2 Clients
TCP/IP Protocol Stack
Microsoft Data Link Control (DLC) Protocol
Microsoft Remote Access Service (RAS) Client
NetWare(R) Client Software for MS-DOS Clients
Window Admin tools - WFW (dos) based
MSclient 3.0 for DOS
Brief overview of the Microsoft Client tree:
lanman (LANMAN 2.2c Dos Client)
lanman.os2 (LANMAN 2.2c OS/2 Client)
msclient (MSclient 3.0)
ras (RAS 1.1a Dos Client)
srvtools (Windows admin tools/ Dos based)
Note: there will be specific readme.txt for each product, under there
We suggest that you read the information in this document in its
entirety because it contains important information about setup and
installation and includes the license agreement for the Microsoft
Network Client software.
At the end of this document there is a section titled, "Your Guide
to Service and Support for the Microsoft Network Client Pack." Refer
to this section if you have questions or problems installing the
How to Create a Floppy Disk Installation Set of the Microsoft
Network Client
Before you can run the Setup program to install the Microsoft
Network Client, you must download the appropriate disk image files,
and create floppy disk installation sets of the Network Client files.
For MS-DOS based clients, there are 5 files that you must download.
For OS/2 based clients, there are 4 files that you must download.
Each file is a self-extracting zip file that expands into a disk
image of one of the installation diskettes.
Within the DOS area there are directories for 3.5" disks
Within the respective DOS and OS/2 client download areas, the
filenaming convention is:
DSKx-n.EXE (for MS-DOS based clients)
OS23-n.EXE (for OS/2 based clients)
where x specifies the size of the floppy disk (3 for 3.5" 1.44 MB
floppies, and n specifies the diskette number (1 to 5 for MS-DOS
based client, 1 to 4 for OS/2 based client).
To create a floppy disk installation set, use the syntax shown below
to copy each of the disk images to an external drive.
at the command prompt. The -d indicates that the directories on
DSK3-1.EXE are to be copied onto a disk located in the B drive.
For instance, to create a 3.5 inch (1.44 MB) floppy disk of
DSK3-1.EXE, type
DSK3-1.EXE -d b:
For the Microsoft Network RAS Client 1.1a for MS-DOS, label the
disk as follows:
========== ======================
For the Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for MS-DOS, label each
of the 2 disks as follows: (this is the preferred dos client)
========== ======================
DSKx-1.EXE Setup/Base
DSKx-2.EXE Supp protocol disk
For the Microsoft Windows NT Server tools (DOS Based), label each
of the 3 disks as follows:
========== ======================
DSKx-1.EXE Setup
DSKx-2.EXE Disk2
DSKx-3.EXE Disk3
For the Microsoft Network Lanman 2.2c Client for MS-DOS, label each
of the 4 disks as follows:
========== ======================
DSKx-1.EXE Setup
DSKx-2.EXE Drivers1
DSKx-3.EXE Drivers2
DSKx-4.EXE NetWare(R) Client
For the Microsoft Network Lanman 2.2c Client for OS/2, label each
of the 4 disks as follows:
========== ======================
OS23-1.EXE OS/2 Setup
OS23-2.EXE OS/2 Workstation 1
OS23-3.EXE OS/2 Workstation 2
OS23-4.EXE OS/2 Driver 1
If you do not agree to this license, discontinue use
of the software.
2. Insert the disk labeled Setup in the drive.
3. Switch to the drive.
4. Type setup
The Setup Program will begin. However, please read "What You Should
Know Before Beginning Setup" later in this document before you begin
the Setup program.
License Agreement
If you do not agree to this license, discontinue use of the software.
This License permits you to make and use an unlimited number of copies
of any of the Microsoft software products contained herein (SOFTWARE)
for your internal use provided that (a) the SOFTWARE is not modified
in any way and (b) you maintain the copyright notice on all copies
of the SOFTWARE. You may not rent, lease or otherwise transfer the
SOFTWARE. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble
The SOFTWARE is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication,
or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set
forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)of the Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs
(c)(1)and(2) of the Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights
at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
Manufacturer is Microsoft Corporation/One Microsoft Way/Redmond,WA
98052-6399. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of
What You Should Know Before Beginning Setup
Installation Guide for Clients
This section contains information about installing LAN Manager, the
Network Client setup program, and installing and configuring the
Network Client.
We have also included basic information about running and using the
Network Client once you have successfully installed the software.
See, "Your Guide to Service and Support for the Microsoft Network
Client Pack" at the end of this document to determine whom or where
to call if you need help.
System Requirements
Before installing LAN Manager, check that your system meets the
following requirements. The following tables list the processor
type, memory, and operating system requirements for LAN Manager
The following table shows the processors required for different
LAN Manager configurations.
Processor Requirements
LAN Manager configuration 8086/88 286 386 486
MS OS/2(R) 1.x workstation No Yes Yes Yes
IBM(R) OS/2 2.0 workstation No No Yes Yes
MS-DOS Enhanced workstation Yes Yes Yes Yes
MS-DOS Basic workstation Yes Yes Yes Yes
The following table shows the recommended system memory and disk
storage space for different LAN Manager configurations.
System Memory and Disk Storage Requirements
LAN Manager Minimum free
configuration Recommended memory disk space
MS-DOS Enhanced 640K plus extended or 4 MB
workstation expanded memory
MS-DOS Basic workstation 640K 1 MB
MS OS/2 1.x workstation 4.5 MB 5 MB
IBM OS/2 2.0 workstation 5.5 MB 5 MB
The following table shows operating system requirements for different
LAN Manager configurations.
Operating System Requirements
LAN Manager MS-DOS Microsoft MS OS/2
configuration 3.3 or Windows 1.21 or IBM OS/2
later* 3.0 or later 1.3** 2.0
MS-DOS Enhanced Yes Yes No No
MS-DOS Basic workstation Yes Yes No No
MS OS/2 workstation No No Yes Yes
* PC-DOS version 3.3 or later is also compatible
**IBM OS/2 Standard Edition version 1.2 corrective service disk (CSD)
XR04053 is compatible.
Before Installing LAN Manager
Before you can install LAN Manager, the computer's operating system
must be installed. Before you begin to install LAN Manager, have
these items at hand:
Manuals for the computer.
Manuals for the operating system.
If needed, a supplemental drivers disk that contains a network
adapter driver or a protocol.
Also, before you begin to install LAN Manager, determine the
The amount of random access memory (RAM) installed in the
The manufacturer's name and the model of each network adapter
installed in the computer, and the settings used for each
The names of all protocols that you will be using.
The name of the domain or workgroup (a number of computers
grouped for administrative and security purposes) in which the
computer will be a member.
If you are installing TCP/IP, the addresses and subnet masks.
Planning for LAN Manager Installation and Configuration
on MS-DOS Computers
Whether you will be installing the Microsoft Network Client on MS-DOS
Enhanced, MS-DOS Basic, or OS/2 workstations, we recommend that you
consider the following items before beginning the Setup program.
1. Computer Configuration
a. Hardware
b. Free disk space
c. Adapter cards
2. Make the Fundamental Installation Decisions before installing.
a. software to be installed
b. destination drive of the software
3. Network Adapters Drivers and Protocols including TCP/IP
4. Workstation Settings
a. Computername
b. Username
c. Domain name
5. Running with the Windows Operating System
6. MS-DOS Memory Management.
Fundamental Installation Decisions
When installing, you will be asked which type of LAN Manager
workstation software to install on MS-DOS computers: LAN Manager
Enhanced or LAN Manager Basic.
Enhanced workstations
Can connect to network directories and printers, send and receive
network messages, and use other network resources and services
(such as IPC network named pipes). Named pipes are an interprocess
communication (IPC) method for remote program execution and other
distributed applications. At a LAN Manager Enhanced workstation,
you can issue network commands from the command line or from the
LAN Manager screen. This is the default selection for MS-DOS
Basic workstations
Can use network resources and services, and connect to network
directories and printers. At a LAN Manager Basic workstation,
you can issue network commands only from the command line.
Basic workstations use less memory than Enhanced workstations.
During installation, you will also be asked where on the computer the
LAN Manager software should be installed. If it does not already
exist, the software creates the directory you specify. Any valid
drive and directory name is acceptable. The default is C:\LANMAN.DOS.
Network Adapter Drivers and Protocols
When installing, you'll need to provide information about the computer's
network adapter and network adapter drivers.
LAN Manager uses network device drivers (software that coordinates
between the software and hardware) to operate the network adapter(s)
in the computer. Network adapter drivers control the physical function
of the network adapters, and protocol drivers bind to the network
adapter driver. During installation or configuration, you will be
shown lists of the available network adapter drivers and the
available protocols, and you must choose one or more of each for
installation on the workstation. The network adapter driver you
select must support the network adapter installed in the computer.
You must also select one or more protocols to associate with the
selected network adapter driver. The protocol you select must be
supported by your network.
LAN Manager includes many device drivers that work with many types
of network adapters. Or you can also install network device drivers
from a supplemental drivers disk prepared for LAN Manager installation.
(Usually, the manufacturer of the network adapter supplies this disk,
or you can create a supplemental drivers disk.)
Network adapter driver
You must choose one or more network adapter drivers. The driver(s)
must support the network adapter installed in the computer, and
the settings used for that adapter.
During installation, you can select No Driver as the network
adapter driver. This allows you to complete an installation
without specifying a network adapter driver or a protocol.
However, the computer cannot communicate on the network until
you select a valid network adapter driver and a protocol from
the Setup screen of the installed workstation. The No Driver
option is typically used when setting up a workstation to use
the Remote Access Service to access the network from a remote
site via a modem. When the Remote Access Service is used, no
network adapter card or network device driver is required.
Some network adapter drivers are monolithic. A monolithic driver
acts as both a network adapter driver and a protocol, and it
does not require that another protocol be selected and bound
to it. Only one monolithic driver, the loopback driver, is
provided with LAN Manager. This driver lets a computer with no
network adapter run LAN Manager for testing purposes.
You must also choose one or more protocols to bind to each
selected network adapter driver. If the network adapter driver
is monolithic, however, you cannot choose a protocol to be
bound to it.
A Basic workstation can have only one network adapter with one protocol.
TCP/IP Settings
When you select the TCP/IP protocol, you can specify four TCP/IP
IP address
The internet protocol address, a unique number that identifies
the computer to other computers on the network. The IP address
has four fields separated by periods, in the form:
The range for the first three fields (w, x, and y) is 0 through
255. The range for the last field is 1 through 254. The IP
address setting requires an entry.
Subnet mask
A series of bits used to identify the subnet number portion of
an IP address. The Subnet mask has four fields separated by
periods, in the form:
The range for the first three fields (w, x, and y) is 0 through
255. The range for the last field (z) is 1 through 254. The Subnet
mask setting is required.
Default gateway (router)
The IP address of the default router used. A router is a hardware
device that connects networks together to create an internetwork.
The Default gateway (router) has four fields separated by periods,
in the form:
The range for each of the four fields is 0 through 255. The
Default gateway (router) setting is optional.
Number of NetBIOS sessions
The number of NetBIOS sessions. For MS-DOS workstations, the range
is 1 through 22; the default is 6. An entry is required.
The TCP/IP protocol can be bound to only one network adapter driver for
each workstation. If the TCP/IP protocol is bound to more than one
network adapter driver on a workstation, only the first binding is
effective; all subsequent bindings of TCP/IP to network adapter drivers
are ignored.
If you load three or more protocols, make sure that TCP/IP is not the
last protocol loaded.
For more information about TCP/IP, see "TCP/IP Protocol" later in this
Workstation Settings
During installation and configuration, you must specify various
workstation settings in the Workstation Settings dialog box.
A Basic workstation has only one workstation setting, the computername.
The name by which the network identifies a computer. The
computername can have as many as 15 characters, and it can
contain letters, numerals, and these characters:
! # $ % & ( ) ^ _ ' { } ~
The computername cannot be the same as a domain name. It must be
unique on the local area network or any other network to which
this computer is connected, although it can be the same as the
username. The default is blank (no entry). A computername is
required for both Enhanced and Basic workstations.
For a Basic workstation only, the computername also serves as
the username.
The name by which the network identifies the user and the name to
which you assign permissions to use resources. The username can
have as many as 20 characters, and it can contain letters,
numerals, and these characters:
! # $ % & ( ) ^ _ ' { } ~
The username can be identical to the computername. The default
is blank (no entry). A username is required only for Enhanced
workstations. (For Basic workstations only, the computername
serves as the username.)
Domain name
The name of the domain or workgroup to which a workstation
belongs. It can have as many as 15 characters, and it can
contain letters, numerals, and these characters:
! # $ % & ( ) ^ _ ' { } ~
An entry is required. The default is DOMAIN. An entry is required.
Other domains to monitor
Other Windows NT(TM) Advanced Server or LAN Manager domains in
which a workstation can participate, which means the net view
command will display servers from monitored domains, and this
workstation will receive domain-wide broadcasts sent to those
This workstation can monitor as many as four other domains. An
entry can be any valid domain name. The default is no entry
(blank). This entry is optional.
Services to autostart
Specifies those workstation services that will be started when
the LAN Manager Workstation service is started.
Messenger service
Allows the workstation to send and receive messages over the
network. This can be set to yes (on) or no (off), and is a
valid selection only for Enhanced workstations. The default is
yes (on).
Displays arriving messages in a popup window. Can be set to on
or off; the default is on.
Services Parameters
When installing, you cannot change the services parameters of a
workstation. After installation, you can change the services
parameters using the Configuration menu's Services command.
For an OS/2 workstation, you can set only the Messenger service
Messenger service parameters
Lets the computer send and receive messages on the network.
Message log filename
Specifies a name for the log file that stores messages. The default
is MESSAGES.LOG. The filename must include the .LOG extension.
Message buffer size
Sets the amount of buffer space, in bytes, allocated for sending
and receiving messages. The range is 512 through 62000 bytes;
the default is 4096.
Running LAN Manager with the Windows Operating System
The following parameters apply only to Enhanced workstations running
During installation, after you specify workstation settings, Setup
checks to see whether the Microsoft Windows operating system is
installed on the computer. If the WIN.INI file is not found, you are
prompted to provide the drive letter and path (for example,
If Setup finds that Microsoft Windows is installed, you must choose
whether or not to run LAN Manager with Windows. Choose yes or no;
the default is yes.
If you've chosen to run the Messenger service on the computer, Setup
prompts you to choose how LAN Manager will display messages on this
computer. The settings are Only while the Windows environment is
running or While the Windows environment or MS-DOS is running; the
default is Only while the Windows environment is running. The Only
while the Windows environment is running setting will also display
messages in the Windows operating system's MS-DOS window.
Note: When you select While the Windows environment or MS-DOS is
running, about 20K of this computer's memory will be used for
the message display service. If you choose Only while the
Windows environment is running, about 4K of this computer's
memory will be used for the message display service.
Using Stacker(R) with LAN Manager
If you are using Stacker(R) with LAN Manager, the lines in CONFIG.SYS
that specify Stacker should come before the line that begins device=
and contains \protman.dos. This allows for the possibility that the
network drivers may be on either the stacked or unstacked portion of
the hard drive. Drivers that are loaded before Stacker must exist on
the unstacked portion of the hard drive.
The Stacker lines will look something like this:
devicehigh=c:\stacker\ d:\stacvol.dsk c:\stacvol.dsk
device=c:\stacker\ c:\stacvol.dsk /sync
device=c:\stacker\ d:\stacvol.dsk
MS-DOS Memory Management
You must specify the following information for both Basic and Enhanced
Optimize Memory
If a computer has more than 640K of memory or is running MS-DOS 5.0
or later, during installation the Setup program prompts you to choose
whether or not memory usage should be optimized on this computer.
Memory optimization involves the installation or updating of expanded
or extended memory managers on the computer. You can choose yes or no;
the default is yes.
Using a memory manager with LAN Manager makes additional space
available in MS-DOS conventional memory (the first 640K of memory in
the computer). If you don't use a memory manager, LAN Manager must
load all of its software into conventional memory, using about 50K
for LAN Manager Basic or about 120K for LAN Manager Enhanced.
LAN Manager 2.2 includes two memory managers for MS-DOS: HIMEM.SYS
and EMM386.EXE.
For extended memory, the memory from 1 MB (1024K) to 16 MB
(16384K) on 286 and higher computers. The high-memory area
(HMA) is the first 64K of extended memory; only one application
at a time can use it. HIMEM.SYS coordinates access to the HMA.
Extended memory is also known as extended memory specification
(XMS) memory.
Using LAN Manager with HIMEM.SYS requires:
* MS-DOS version 3.3 or later
* LAN Manager Enhanced or Basic workstation software
* 64K or more of extended memory
If this computer is currently running HIMEM.SYS, LAN Manager
does not replace the existing HIMEM.SYS file.
For emulating expanded memory, a section of extended memory
configured for the Lotus/Intel(R)/Microsoft (LIM) 4.0 expanded
memory specification (EMS) on 386 and higher computers.
EMM386.EXE may be named EMM386.SYS in other applications.
When used with MS-DOS 5.0 or higher, EMM386.EXE also provides
access to upper memory blocks (UMBs) between 640K and 1 MB.
Using LAN Manager with EMM386.EXE requires:
* MS-DOS version 3.3 or later
* 64K or more of extended memory
* No physical expanded memory installed in the computer
* HIMEM.SYS installed
When installing LAN Manager from disk, Setup checks whether the
workstation is already using an extended or an expanded memory
manager, and whether that memory manager is a version supported by
LAN Manager. If not, Setup notifies you that updated memory managers
are now available on the workstation's hard disk.
See the manual(s) for the existing memory manager, and then decide
if you want to install the LAN Manager versions. After you finish
configuring this workstation, you can replace the old memory manager
with the new one by copying the new file over the old file.
If you already use a Microsoft Windows memory manager, you do not
need to replace it with the LAN Manager memory manager, because they
are the same file.
Using Third Party Memory Managers for Workstations
Before running the optimization or configuration program of a third
party memory manager, edit AUTOEXEC.BAT to comment out (add a REM
statement at the beginning of) the net start workstation line and any
lines loading protocols. Then edit CONFIG.SYS to comment out the line
that specifies the path to PROTMAN.DOS. It will look something like
device = c:\lanman.dos\drivers\protman\protman.dos
After the program is finished configuring the system, remove the REM
statements from these lines in both files.
Avoiding R:BASE(R)/LAN Manager Conflicts
On MS-DOS Enhanced workstations that are using Expanded Memory Services
(EMS) and R:BASE, be sure to set lim=no in the [workstation] section
of your LANMAN.INI file (or use the /lim:no switch with the net start
workstation command). This avoids conflicts between R:BASE and LAN
Manager for expanded memory.
Encryption converts usernames and passwords into a coded form for
extra security before transmitting them over the network. When LAN
Manager is installed on MS-DOS workstations, encryption is always
set to on. Encryption uses about 3K of the computer's memory. You can
eliminate that memory use by editing the LANMAN.INI file and removing
the encrypt entry from the wrkservices line in the [services] section.
However, you should usually leave encryption turned on, especially
when you want to encrypt the usernames and passwords that are
transmitted over your network.
Planning for LAN Manager Installations on OS/2 Computers
This section provides information and concepts you should understand
before you begin to install or configure LAN Manager workstation
software on OS/2 computers.
During installation, you will be asked where on the computer the LAN
Manager software should be installed. If it does not already exist,
the software creates the directory you specify. Any valid drive and
directory name is acceptable. The default is C:\LANMAN.
Computer Configuration
First, determine the configuration of the computer on which you will
install LAN Manager.
The processor must be 286 or greater.
The recommended minimum random access memory (RAM) is 4.5 MB
for an OS/2 workstation.
Free hard disk space
An OS/2 workstation must have at least 5 MB hard disk space
Display monitor
Presentation Manager only supports CGA and better monitors. Do not
install OS/2 1.3 on computers using monochrome monitors other than
VGA monochrome monitors.
Network adapter
To communicate over the network, a computer must have at least one
network adapter installed. You must know each adapter that is
installed so that you can determine the appropriate network
adapter driver and protocol, and you must know the settings that
have been used for each network adapter.
OS/2 version
Determine which version of OS/2 you are using.
Network Adapter Drivers and Protocols
When installing, you'll need to provide information about the
computer's network adapters and network adapter drivers.
A device driver is software that coordinates between the computer's
software and hardware. LAN Manager uses a kind of device driver called
network adapter drivers to operate the network adapter(s) in the
computer. Network adapter drivers control the physical function of
the network adapters, and protocol drivers bind to the network adapter
During installation or configuration, you will be shown lists of the
available network adapter drivers and the available protocols, and
you must choose one or more of each for installation on the
workstation. The network adapter driver you select must support the
network adapter installed in the computer. You must also select one
or more protocols to associate with the selected network adapter
driver. The protocol(s) you select must be supported by your network.
LAN Manager includes many device drivers that work with many types
of network adapters. Or you can also install network device drivers
from a supplemental drivers disk prepared for LAN Manager
installation. (Usually, the manufacturer of the network adapter
supplies this disk, or you can create a supplemental drivers disk.)
Network adapter driver
You must choose one or more network adapter drivers. The driver(s)
must support the network adapter installed in the computer, and
the settings used for that adapter.
During installation, you can select No Driver as the network
adapter driver. This allows you to complete an installation
without specifying a network adapter driver or a protocol.
However, the computer cannot communicate over the network until
you select a valid network adapter driver and a protocol from
the Setup screen of the installed workstation.
Some network adapter drivers are monolithic. A monolithic driver
acts as both a network adapter driver and a protocol, and it
does not require that another protocol be selected and bound to
it. Only one monolithic driver, the loopback driver, is provided
with LAN Manager. This driver lets a computer with no network
adapter run LAN Manager for testing purposes.
You must also choose one or more protocols to bind to each
selected network adapter driver. If the network adapter driver
is monolithic, however, you cannot choose a protocol to be
bound to it.
See "TCP/IP Settings" earlier in this document for more information
about the four TCP/IP parameters you can specify.
See "Workstation Settings" earlier in this document for more
information about the parameters you must specify in the Workstation
Settings dialog box.
Installing LAN Manager on MS-DOS Workstations
This setion shows you how to install LAN Manager workstation software
on MS-DOS computers. For planning assistance and for explanations of
configuration choices you can make, see "Planning for Installation and
Configuration" earlier in this document. The workstation configuration
is determined by the choices you make during the installation.
If a computer is running the network version of Microsoft Windows,
see the instructions in "Modifying the Microsoft Windows SETUP.INF
File," later in this document.
This section also shows you how to create LAN Manager Basic boot disks
(floppy disks capable of booting properly equipped computers as LAN
Manager Basic workstations).
Note: Before you install LAN Manager software on a workstation, verify
that the computer's version of MS-DOS is a version supported
by LAN Manager 2.2. If it is not, upgrade MS-DOS to a supported
Installing LAN Manager Software on an MS-DOS Workstation
You can install LAN Manager 2.2 from disk on an MS-DOS computer.
The computer may use the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Note: If you are using Microsoft Windows, do not run LAN Manager Setup
in the Windows "MS-DOS Prompt" window. Exit the Microsoft
Windows operating system before running LAN Manager Setup.
To install LAN Manager 2.2 from disk
1. Start the computer and access the MS-DOS command line (the system
2. Insert the LAN Manager MS-DOS Setup disk into a disk drive. Make sure
that the drive is the current drive by typing driveletter: and
pressing ENTER.
Replace driveletter with the drive that contains the Setup disk.
CAUTION: Do not run the LAN Manager Setup program from another drive
(for example, by typing a:setup).
3. Start the Setup program by typing setup and pressing ENTER.
If the computer has a monochrome or plasma screen, type setup
/mono and press ENTER.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions. If needed, you can access online
help for LAN Manager by choosing the Help button or by pressing F1.
5. When you complete the installation, you will be instructed to reboot
the computer. After you reboot, proceed to "Ater Installing an
MS-DOS Workstation," later in this document.
During installation, the new workstation is configured according to
the choices you made during the installation process. The CONFIG.SYS
and AUTOEXEC.BAT files are updated, and the previous versions of these
files are saved using numerical file extensions (.00n).
After Installing an MS-DOS Workstation
After installing an MS-DOS workstation, you can do the following:
Review the hardware settings for the network adapter in the
PROTOCOL.INI file. If these settings are incorrect or
incomplete, the system will not operate correctly. You may
need to adjust the CONFIG.SYS, LANMAN.INI, and PROTOCOL.INI
Review the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for this computer. If the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file includes lines that call other batch files,
be sure that the lines added by Setup will be run. Move the
lines, or be sure that each call is made with the call
command so that control returns to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file after
running the other batch file.
If you need to review or change the LAN Manager configuration
you have just selected and installed, start the LAN Manager
Setup screen on this computer. After installing, you must
reboot before rerunning Setup.
LAN Manager installs its versions of the NETAPI.DLL, PMSPL.DLL,
and LANMAN21.DRV files into the \LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG directory.
If this computer is running Microsoft Windows 3.1, you must
delete or rename the copies of the NETAPI.DLL, PMSPL.DLL, and
LANMAN21.DRV files that are in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
If you don't delete or rename those files, you will get an
error condition when you start Windows 3.1.
If you install Microsoft Windows 3.1 after installing LAN
Manager 2.2, choose Custom Install, and for the network
setting, choose LAN Manager 2.2.
Carry out other appropriate post-installation tasks as
described in the following sections of this document.
Setting Up the Path on an MS-DOS Workstation
When the Setup program installs a LAN Manager Enhanced or Basic
workstation, it adds the directory you specified for the LAN Manager
software to the computer's search path. By default, the following
directory is added to the path:
For Enhanced workstations: c:\lanman.dos\netprog
For Basic workstations: c:\lanman.dos\basic
If the directory causes the path to exceed 127 characters (an MS-DOS
limitation), the computer may not boot correctly. After the directory is
added, Setup displays a message warning you that the path is too long.
If the path is too long
1. Restart the computer with a bootable floppy disk.
2. Edit the path entry of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to include less than
127 characters (remove directories that you least need in the path).
3. Remove the floppy disk and reboot the computer.
Installing a Mouse Driver
If a mouse is used with a LAN Manager Enhanced workstation, the mouse
driver may cause the screen to turn blank or white after a message
is displayed by the LAN Manager Messaging service.
To prevent this, install the Microsoft Mouse Driver version 7.00 or
later. Be sure the mouse driver is loaded by the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
after the Workstation service is started. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
to load the mouse driver after the workstation starts, as in this
net start workstation
Note that the mouse driver must have a .COM filename extension.
Some mouse drivers (those with a .SYS filename extension) are installed
by the CONFIG.SYS file, which is loaded before AUTOEXEC.BAT. If your
computer installs the mouse driver with CONFIG.SYS, and if you have
a mouse driver with a .COM filename extension available, edit the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file as shown in the previous example, and then delete
the command in the CONFIG.SYS file that installs the mouse driver.
The CONFIG.SYS line looks similar to this:
If you do not have a mouse driver with a .COM filename extension,
disable the mouse, or start the LAN Manager Setup screen and from
the Workstation Settings dialog box, set messaging to off.
Running Netbind Before Loading Applications in MS-DOS
The LAN Manager netbind utility, when added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file
of an MS-DOS workstation, must run before any applications, especially
applications that use extended or expanded memory. If you modify the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file to run an application such as Microsoft Word, be
sure that netbind runs first (place netbind ahead of the command
that starts the application).
Using the Prtsc Utility
Some applications (those using software interrupt 17 to print) may
not send their print jobs to a printer queue until the user exits
the program. These are usually older applications, such as
Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x. To avoid this printing delay, use the
prtsc utility.
The prtsc utility is a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) program that
lets you flush the print buffer. With prtsc, you can press
CTRL+ALT+PRINT SCREEN to send print output to a printer queue without
exiting the application.
Note: If you add prtsc, you cannot stop the workstation using net stop
For LAN Manager Enhanced, prtsc is stored in the LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG
directory. You can type prtsc at the command line, or you can start
it automatically with the Workstation service by including it in the
wrkservices entry in the [workstation] section and in the [services]
section of the LANMAN.INI file.
For example, for the wrkservices entry in the [workstation] section:
Also include the following entry in the [services] section:
For LAN Manager Basic, prtsc is stored in the LANMAN.DOS\BASIC
directory. You can type prtsc.exe at the command line, or you can
start it automatically with the Workstation service by including it
in the LANMAN.INI file following the setname entry. For example:
start rdr $1
setname $1
Sending Messages on a Computer With Multiple Network Adapters
If a LAN Manager Enhanced workstation has more than one network
adapter, messages can be sent through only one network adapter and
protocol combination: lanabase=0, which can be determined by examining
the PROTOCOL.INI file. The workstation can connect to resources on
the networks of the other network adapters, but it cannot send
messages to other users of those networks.
Modifying the Microsoft Windows SETUP.INF File
When installing an MS-DOS workstation, the Setup program checks to
see if Microsoft Windows version 3.x is installed on the computer.
If the Microsoft Windows operating system is installed, Setup looks
for and modifies various files, including the Windows SETUP.INF file.
If Microsoft Windows is installed locally (on the computer's hard
disk), the installation proceeds normally. However, if the network
version of Microsoft Windows is used, Setup cannot locate the Windows
SETUP.INF file on the computer's hard disk and displays an error
message stating that it cannot locate the Windows SETUP.INF file.
The actions you will take to remedy this condition differ, depending
on whether your version of Windows is 3.0 or 3.1.
For Microsoft Windows version 3.0
1. Choose the OK button to acknowledge the error message.
2. Complete the LAN Manager installation.
3. After installation, update the network Windows SETUP.INF file.
Locate the Windows SETUP.INF file in the Windows directory on your
network where the Windows files are stored. Add the following at
the end of the [networks] section of the file, and then save the
modified Windows SETUP.INF file:
lanman22b =2:msnet.drv ,"LAN Manager 2.2
lanman22 =x:lanman21.drv ,"LAN Manager 2.2 Enhanced",
For Microsoft Windows version 3.1
Choose the OK button to acknowledge the error message and complete the
LAN Manager installation.
No further action is necessary, since the Windows 3.1 SETUP.INF file,
as originally distributed, already contains lines necessary for
proper LAN Manager operation.
Media-Access Control Drivers
The following table lists the media-access control drivers shipped with
LAN Manager version 2.2. In addition to the drivers listed, some
manufacturers ship network adapters with other device drivers that
work with LAN Manager. The filename extension, when indicated as
.ext in the table, is .OS2 for OS/2 and .DOS for MS-DOS.
Filename Network adapter(s) supported
--------- ----------------------------
ELNK.ext 3Com(R) EtherLink(R) (3C501)
ELNKII.ext 3Com EtherLink II (3C503)
ELNKII.ext 3Com EtherLink II/16 TP
ELNKIII.ext 3Com EtherLink III
ELNK16.ext 3Com EtherLink 16 (3C507)
ELNKMC.ext 3Com EtherLink/MC (3C523)
ELMC32.ext 3Com EtherLink/MC32 (3C527)
ELNKPL.ext 3Com EtherLink Plus (3C505-B)
TLNK.ext 3Com TokenLink (3C603)
ETHNE.OS2 Accton Technology EtherCoax - 16N
AM2100.ext AMD AM2100
NE2000.ext Amplus Informatica S. A. Amplicard AC 210/AT
NE1000.ext Amplus Informatica S. A. Amplicard AC 210/XT
E20NDIS.ext Cabletron E2010-X
E21NDIS.ext Cabletron E2112
E30NDIS.ext Cabletron E3010-X
E31NDIS.ext Cabletron E3112-X
T20NDIS.ext Cabletron T2015
T30NDIS.ext Cabletron T3015
CPQTOK.ext Compaq(R) 32-Bit DualSpeed Token Ring
NE3200.ext Compaq NE3200
ENET.ext Compex ENET16/U
MAC586.ext DCA(R) 10-megabit twisted pair
MAC586.ext DCA 10-megabit fiber-optic adapter
MAC586.ext DCA 10-megabit 16-bit ISA adapter
IRMATR.ext DCA IRMATrac Token-Ring/Convertible 16/4
DEPCA.ext DEC EtherWORKS Turbo
PC04.OS2 Dowty PC0114
PC04.OS2 Dowty PS0114
ED586.ext Eden Sistemas ED586/32
MACEVX.ext Everex(TM) SpeedLink /PC16 (EV2027)
HPLANB.ext Hewlett Packard(R) Ethertwist(R) 8 TL (PC27250A)
HPLANB.ext Hewlett Packard Ethertwist 8 TP (HP27245)
HPLANB.ext Hewlett Packard Ethertwist 16 TP (HP27247)
HPLANE.ext Hewlett Packard Ethertwist EISA LAN Adapter/32 (HP27248)
HPLAN.ext Hewlett Packard Ethertwist MCA Adapter (HP27246)
HPLANP.ext Hewlett Packard PC LAN Adapter/16+ TL (HP27252A)
HPLANP.ext Hewlett Packard PC LAN Adapter/16+ TP (HP27247B)
HLS6130.OS2 Hughes LAN Systems HLS-6130
IBMNET.ext IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter
IBMNETA.ext IBM PC Network Baseband Adapter/A
IBMNET.ext IBM PC Network Adapter II
IBMNETA.ext IBM PC Network Adapter II/A
IBMTOK.ext IBM Token Ring
IBMTOK.ext IBM Token Ring II
IBMTOK.ext IBM Token Ring /A
IBMTOK.ext IBM Token Ring 4/16
IBMTOK.ext IBM Token Ring 4/16 A
ETHIIE.ext ICL Etherteam 16
EXP16.ext Intel EtherExpress(TM) 16
EXP16.ext Intel EtherExpress 16TP
NE3200.ext Intel EtherExpress 32
I82593.ext Intel Motherboard Lan Module
OLITOK.ext Intel TokenExpress(TM)
SMARTND.ext Madge Networks Smart 16/4 AT RingNode
SMARTND.ext Madge Networks Smart 16/4 EISA RingNode
SMARTND.ext Madge Networks Smart 16/4 MC RingNode
SMARTND.ext Madge Networks Smart 16/4 XT RingNode
NE2000.ext National Semiconductor EtherNODE *16AT
NE2000.ext National Semiconductor AT/LANTIC EtherNODE 16-AT3
NSEISA.ext National Semiconductor Sonic EISA (DP83932EB)
SLAN.ext NCR StarCard (8 bit)
NCR.ext NCR Systems BV WaveLan
NCRTRN.ext NCR Token Ring Adapter
EISA_LM.ext Network Peripherals NP-EISA
AT_LM.ext Network Peripherals NPI-ISA/S
AT_LM.ext Network Peripherals NPI-ISA/P
NE2000.ext Networth Inc. EtherneXt 16-bit UTP adapter
NE2000.ext Novell(R) NE/2 MCA
NE1000.ext Novell NE1000
NE2000.ext Novell NE2000
NE3200.ext Novell NE3200
OLITOK.ext Olicom 16 bit ISA
PRO4.ext Proteon P1340
PRO4.ext Proteon P1342
PRO4.ext Proteon P1346
PRO4.ext Proteon P1347
NDIS139.ext Proteon P1390
NDIS139.ext Proteon P1392
PRO4.ext Proteon P1840
CPQTOK.ext Proteon P1990
MSARC.ext PureData PDI508+
MSARC.ext PureData PDI516+
PDIETH.ext PureData PDI8023-8
PDIETH.ext PureData PDI8023-16
PDIETH.ext PureData PDuC8023
OLITOK.ext PureData PDI9025-16
OLITOK.ext PureData PDE9025-32
OLITOK.ext PureData PDuC9025
WAVELAN.ext PureData PDI90211
WAVELAN.ext PureData PDuC90211
ES3210.ext Racal-Datacom ES3210
NI5210.ext Racal-Datacom NI5210
NI6510.ext Racal-Datacom NI6510
NI9210.ext Racal-Datacom NI9210
RTR16LM.ext Racore Computer Products M8113
RTR16LM.ext Racore Computer Products M8114
RTR16LM.ext Racore Computer Products M8115
RCE.ext RCE France MM031
RCE.ext RCE France MM036
RMMCETH.ext Research Machines MCA Ethernet
RMATETH.ext Research Machines Ethernet AT
SPIDER.ext Spider Communications SC-100E
SMC(R)3016.ext Standard Microsystems Ethernet 3016
SMC_ARC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC(R) ARCNET PC130
SMC_ARC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC ARCNET PC130E
SMC_ARC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC ARCNET PC270E
SMC_ARC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC ARCNET PC550W
SMC_ARC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC ARCNET 600W
SMC_ARC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC ARCNET 650WS
SMCMAC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC 8003EP
SMCMAC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC 8003EPC
SMCMAC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC 8013EPC
SMCMAC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC 8013EWC
SMCMAC.ext Standard Microsystems SMC 8013WC
TCCARC.ext Thomas Conrad TC3045-CX
TCCTOK.ext Thomas Conrad TC4045 (16-bit ISA)
TCCARC.ext Thomas Conrad TC6145 (16-bit ISA)
TCCARC.ext Thomas Conrad TC6245
TNDIS.ext Tiara 10Base-T LanCard/E*AT
TSBETHER.ext Toshiba ToshibaLAN
NCC16.ext Tulip(R) Computers TNCC-16 CAT
UBNEA.ext Ungermann-Bass(R) Access/MC
UBNEA.ext Ungermann-Bass Access/PC-8
UBNEA.ext Ungermann-Bass Access/PC-16
UBNEI.ext Ungermann-Bass NIUpc (PC2030)
UBNEI.ext Ungermann-Bass NIUps (PC3030)
UBNEPS.ext Ungermann-Bass NICps/2
UBNEI.ext Ungermann-Bass NICps/EOTP (PC3035)
UBNEI.ext Ungermann-Bass NICps/EOTP (PC4035)
TOKWD.ext Western Digital(TM) 8-bit Token Ring (WD 8005TR)
TOKWD.ext Western Digital 16-bit Token Ring (WD 8015TR)
I82593.ext * Zenith Data Systems Z.Note 325L Notebook PC
* The .OS2 device driver for this network adapter is not certified
to work with IBM OS/2 2.0; however, it is certified to work with
MS(R) OS/2 1.x. The manufacturer of your network adapter can tell
you if there is a driver available for IBM OS/2 2.0.
If you edit the PROTOCOL.INI file to fine-tune network device driver
options, be sure to precede numeric values with 0x and enclose
hex-based strings in double quotation marks (" "). For example:
iobase = 0x300
netaddress = "02608c000ace"
TCP/IP Protocol
This section describes how computers are identified on a TCP/IP
network and how computernames are matched with IP (internet
protocol) addresses.
Note: For information about installing TCP/IP, see the
documentation provided with the protocol stack.
Before Installing TCP/IP
Microsoft TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol)
is a networking product for LAN Manager workstations and servers
that enables them to connect to other computers on a group of
interconnected TCP/IP networks (called an internetwork or internet).
LAN Manager uses Microsoft TCP/IP to communicate with and use
applications on remote computers on the internet.
Identifying Computers on the Network
You identify a computer on the network by its computername or IP
address. Each computer on the network must have a unique
computername and IP address. A computername is a unique name that
identifies your computer to the network. A LAN Manager computername
can have as many as 15 characters and can contain letters, numbers,
and the following characters:
! # $ % & ( ) ^ _ ' { } ~
No blank spaces are permitted.
Each computer running Microsoft TCP/IP is assigned an IP address that
is used by the internet in all communication with that computer. An
IP address has four 3-digit fields, separated by periods, in the
The first three fields (w, x and, y) represent a range of possible
numbers from 000 through 255.
The fourth field (z) represents a range of possible numbers from 1
through 254.
Every IP address has two parts: the network number, and the node
The network number identifies which network a computer is on.
All computers on a given network must have the same network
The node number identifies a computer within a network (also
called a node). The node number for each computer on a given
network must be unique.
The IP address class determines how Microsoft TCP/IP partitions the
IP address between the network number and the node number. There are
three IP address classes: A, B, and C. Each class has different rules
for how it assigns the network and node numbers.
The following table shows how the different IP address classes
assign the network number and the node number within an IP address.
IP Address Partitioning
IP address class IP address Network number Node number
A w.x.y.z w x.y.z
B w.x.y.z w.x y.z
C w.x.y.z w.x.y z
The class of an IP address can be determined by the value of the first
number in the address (that is, the "w" number). Class A addresses
begin with 127 or less. Class B addresses begin with a number from
128 through 191. Class C addresses begin with a number greater than
or equal to 192.
The following IP address is class C because the first number in the
address (the "w" number) is 192:
In this example the first three numbers (the "w.x.y" numbers, including
periods) form the network number:
The last number (the "z" number) forms the node number:
The following table summarizes the IP addressing scheme.
IP Address Criteria
IP address IP address IP address
Criteria Class A Class B Class C
Maximum number of networks 127 16,384 2,097,152
Maximum number of computers 16,777,214 65,534 254
per network
Network number part First field First two fields First three
Network number range 001-127 28.000- 192.000.000-
191.255 223.255.255
Node number part Last three Last two fields Last field
Node number range 000.000.001- 000.001- 000-254
255.255.254 255.254
Subnet mask*
* If your network uses subnets, you must use the appropriate subnet
mask. (This reduces unnecessary network traffic.) If your network
does not use subnets, then you must use one of the values shown in
the table.
For workstations, as you assign node numbers it is a good idea to
begin with the low end of the node number range and work up. Do not
use 0 or 255 in a node assignment because these numbers are sometimes
used by TCP/IP.
Because IP addresses are unique, they must be assigned according to
the type and class of your network. If you plan to connect your
network to the DARPA Internet, you must get a DARPA Internet address.
To get an IP address, contact:
DDN Network Information Center SRI International Room EJ291
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
If you have a private network, you do not need to get an IP address
from DDN.
Matching LAN Manager Server Names to IP Addresses
When you use Microsoft TCP/IP with Windows NT or LAN Manager, server
names are automatically matched to their corresponding IP addresses
on a local network. To match server names across remote networks that
are connected by routers (also called gateways in TCP/IP
terminology), LAN Manager workstations use the LMHOSTS file. (A
router or bridge is a piece of network hardware that connects
Microsoft TCP/IP loads the LMHOSTS file into the computer's memory
when the computer is started. The LMHOSTS file is a local text file
that lists the IP addresses and names of remote LAN Manager servers
you want to communicate with. If an LMHOSTS file is used to match
servernames to IP addresses, it should list all the names and IP
addresses of the servers you regularly access. The file is stored on
the local computer in the directory specified by netfiles in the
[TCP/IP] section of the PROTOCOL.INI file (the default is
You can create the LMHOSTS file with the addname utility. The addname
utility temporarily adds entries to an LMHOSTS file for use in your
current work session (any new entries added will be deleted the next
time you reboot your computer).
For example, the host table file entry for a node with an address of and a host name of HPDXSG looks like this: HPDXSG
The LMHOSTS file format is the same as the format for host tables in
4.2 BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) UNIX(R) system (/ETC/HOSTS).
This file is often created for local computers at the time that
TCP/IP is installed and configured. The computername is optionally
enclosed by quotation marks (this is necessary for computernames
that have spaces).
To create an LMHOSTS file
1. Use a text editor to create a file named LMHOSTS.
2. In the LMHOSTS file, type the IP address and the host name of
each computer you want to communicate with. Separate the items
with at least one space.
When you use an LMHOSTS file, be sure to keep it up to date and
organized following these guidelines:
Update an LMHOSTS file whenever a computer is changed, added to,
or removed from the network.
Because LMHOSTS files are searched one line at a time from the
beginning, list remote computers in priority order, with the
ones used most often at the top of the file. This increases the
speed of searches for the most often used LMHOSTS entries.
Advanced Concepts
If your network is large enough to use class A or B IP addresses, the
network may be divided into subnets. A subnet is a segment of a
network used to divide a network into more manageable groups. Subnets
may be based on different departments, the type of network media
connecting the computers, and so on.
Each subnet is identified by a specified portion of the node portion
of the IP address of each computer in the subnet. This portion of the
IP address is used as the network number for the subnet.
Using subnets, you divide the number of computers that can be placed
on a network over a number of subnets. This essentially translates
the IP address from 2 (network, node) to 3 (network, subnetwork, node)
A subnet mask specifies which portion of the IP address should be used
as the network number for the subnet. The format of the subnet mask
is the same as the format for IP addressing:
For more information about the subnet mask, see the previous table.
For more information about how to define subnets in your network,
see Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I, by Douglas E. Comer
(Prentice Hall, 1991).
Microsoft TCP/IP uses a modified bnode implementation of RFC1001 and
RFC1002 which implements both broadcast- and session-based
transmissions. The Microsoft implementation uses session transmission
(instead of broadcast transmission) whenever possible to reduce the
number of broadcasts, and thus reduce the network load.
Tuning Microsoft TCP/IP
When you tune a computer, you make tradeoffs between the speed of its
operation and the amount of memory it uses. For example, making a
computer operate faster requires more and larger buffers, and more
processes working within the computer. These buffers and processes,
however, require more memory.
Most computers running Microsoft TCP/IP can be fine-tuned to run more
efficiently. You do this by changing entries and values in the
PROTOCOL.INI file in the LAN Manager root directory on your computer
(usually C:\LANMAN.DOS for MS-DOS computers and C:\LANMAN for OS/2
Before making changes to PROTOCOL.INI, run Microsoft TCP/IP using the
default PROTOCOL.INI values. If the default values do not meet your
networking needs (for example, a computer lacks performance or runs
out of memory), adjust the necessary entries.
There are two factors that cause more memory to be used:
More connections
Bigger window size
Consequently, tuning for minimum memory use is often the opposite of
tuning for speed. To conserve memory, keep window and segment sizes
relatively small. In addition, keep the maximum number of connections
The two entries in the [TCP/IP] section of the PROTOCOL.INI file
that have the most impact on speed and memory allocations are
tcpsegmentsize and tcpwindowsize.
LAN Manager chooses an appropriate value for tcpsegmentsize
that is near optimal, and in general it is best not to modify
this setting.
If you increase the tcpwindowsize setting, Microsoft TCP/IP will
generally run faster (although using more memory). You can use
a smaller tcpwindowsize setting for a greater number of
The other entry that affects the amount of buffer space allocated is
tcpconnections, which specifies the number of Microsoft TCP/IP-based
connections the workstation will accept.
To make the network run faster or use less memory
1. Be sure Microsoft TCP/IP is properly installed on the computer
being tuned.
2. Make a backup copy of the PROTOCOL.INI file.
3. Edit PROTOCOL.INI on the computer to be tuned. Change the values
for one or more of the following entries, depending on what you
want to accomplish:
Note: If you are using a 3C501 adapter (also known as an Etherlink
adapter), we recommend that you set tcpwindowsize and
tcpsegmentsize to 1024. On this adapter the default values
could seriously degrade performance.
Specifies the maximum number of TCP connections for the
computer. This value should not be specified. Instead, allow
it to be calculated by the software.
Specifies the maximum amount of data (in bytes) that can be
accepted by the computer in a single transaction. The value
depends on the number of tcpconnections and the network adapter.
The minimum size is 512 bytes. To conserve memory, keep the
window size less than or equal to 4350. The default is 1450
bytes for MS-DOS, or 4350 bytes for OS/2.
For best performance, LAN Manager chooses a default window size
that is a multiple of tcpsegmentsize. The suggested multiple is
3 or 4, depending on whether tcpsegmentsize is 1450 or 1024,
respectively. For maximum memory conservation, set tcpwindowsize
to 1024.
However, if you use a 3Com EtherLink card (3C501) instead of an
EtherLink II card, be sure to set the window size equal to the
segment size for all applications. Window and segment sizes must
both be equal to either 1024 or 1450. Otherwise, performance can
be seriously degraded.
Specifies the maximum amount of data (in bytes) that can be sent
by the computer in a single packet. The value depends on the
number of tcpconnections. The default that LAN Manager sets for
tcpsegmentsize is near optimal. Modifying this parameter will
not generally enhance performance. The default is 1450 bytes
for either MS-DOS or OS/2.
4. Save PROTOCOL.INI as an ASCII text file, and exit the editor.
5. Reboot the computer so the changes can take effect.
Adjusting Timing and Retry Parameters for Microsoft TCP/IP
In some cases, you may want to adjust the timing and retry parameters
used by the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol. For example, if an MS-DOS
workstation is not using the messaging service, each print job it
sends via Microsoft TCP/IP could result in a lengthy broadcast stream
as the server tries to send a job completed message. By adjusting
the timing and retry parameters for Microsoft TCP/IP, you can reduce
this broadcast stream significantly.
To adjust these parameters, use the following entries in the
This option specifies the number of timer ticks that may occur
during a NetBIOS name query or registration before the
broadcast attempt fails. (There are 55 milliseconds per
The range is 4 to 51; the default is 5.
This option specifies the number of times to retry NetBIOS
name query or registration.
You may specify any number greater than 0; the default is 3.
This option specifies how long the workstation continues
attempting to send a packet. The range is -17; the default
is 8. Generally, you should not use a value lower than 8,
which equates to about one minute. Higher values allow more
time for repeated attempts to send the packet, up to a maximum
of about fifteen minutes.
Microsoft TCP/IP and the Sockets Interface
If your LAN Manager installation includes the TCP/IP utilities, the
files SOCKETS.EXE, WSOCKETS.DLL, and WIN_SOCK.DLL are included in the
NETPROG subdirectory of your LAN Manager root directory to enable
communications between utilities and the TCP/IP protocol.
Both WSOCKETS.DLL and WIN_SOCK.DLL exist to support utilities for
Microsoft Windows; WIN_SOCK.DLL provides backward compatibility for
applications using earlier versions of the Windows operating system.
To use sockets, it must be specified in the [sockets] section of the
TCPUTILS.INI file, and the protocol must be loaded.
The TCPUTILS.INI file is created by the TCP Setup program. The default
values provided by TCP Setup will probably meet your needs. However,
if you decide to change the file, be sure to make a backup copy of
it first.
The [sockets] section of TCPUTILS.INI has the following entries and
Entry Value
drivername= The SOCKETS driver name. This is a required entry,
and the value must be SOCKETS$.
numsockets= The maximum number of sockets to be supported. The
range is 1 through 31; the default is 4.
poolsize= The buffer size (in bytes) used by the sockets driver
for nonblocking send calls. The entry is set when the
system is initialized. The range is 3200 through 28800
bytes; the default is 3200.
maxsendsize= The maximum send size (in bytes) allowed on user
datagram protocols (UDPs) or nonblocking TCP sends.
The range is 32 through 2048 bytes; the default is
In TCPUTILS.INI, as in PROTOCOL.INI, workstation names beginning with
a numeric character must be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ").
Loading Microsoft TCP/IP and Sockets
In order for sockets to load, the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol must already
be loaded. On MS-DOS workstations, you can load and unload Microsoft
TCP/IP with Demand Protocol Architecture (DPA), using the commands
load tcpip and unload tcpip. If you are planning to use a sockets-
based application from within the Windows operating system, you must
load Microsoft TCP/IP before starting the Windows operating system.
Most utilities that use sockets will load sockets before running the
application and unload it when done. However, if you will be using
sockets-based applications frequently and have sufficient memory,
you might prefer to preload the sockets interface, using the command:
To unload sockets
Type sockets /u
Running Microsoft TCP/IP Concurrently With Other Protocols
If you encounter problems running Microsoft TCP/IP concurrently with
other protocols, try changing the order in which the protocols are
loaded. The best way to do this is by using the Setup program, as
described in the earlier section, "Network Device Driver Options."
Remove protocols and then replace them one at a time in the order
you want them to load, returning to the Network Drivers dialog box
after each addition. (If you add several protocols and then return
to the Network Drivers dialog box, those protocols will be loaded
in alphabetical order rather than in the order you selected them.)
Microsoft Data Link Control Protocol
In relation to the OSI model, the Microsoft Data Link Control (DLC)
protocol provides a data link layer interface to the network. The data
link layer is responsible for point-to-point transmission of data.
Terminal emulation applications call Microsoft DLC with the Int 0x5C
(NetBIOS) interrupt vector. Microsoft DLC communicates only through
the terminal emulation applications; it does not communicate with
user applications directly, nor does it use LAN Manager to
communicate with the network. It has no NetBIOS interface. However,
you can load and unload Microsoft DLC in the same fashion as other
NDIS protocols, and Microsoft DLC can co-exist with other protocols.
Microsoft DLC conforms to the Network Driver Interface Specification
(NDIS) 2.0.
On MS-DOS workstations, Microsoft DLC does not need to be kept
resident when you are not using it. You can load and unload it as
needed using the Demand Protocol Architecture (DPA), which is a
feature of LAN Manager 2.1 and higher. To use DPA to load Microsoft
DLC, type load msdlc. To unload Microsoft DLC type unload msdlc.
The following is a partial list of applications that work with
Microsoft DLC:
Attachmate Extra for DOS version 2.23
Attachmate Extra for Windows version 3.3
IBM PC Support Program version 2.2
IBM Personal Communications /3270, version 2.0
IRMA(TM) Workstation for Windows version 1.1.1
Wall Data(TM) Rumba(R) for AS/400 version 1.0
Wall Data Rumba version 3.1
Sample configuration files are included in the
Installing the Microsoft DLC Protocol
Use the LAN Manager Setup program to install the Microsoft DLC protocol
To install the Microsoft DLC protocol driver
1. Start the LAN Manager Setup program.
2. From the Configuration menu select Network Drivers. The Workstation
Configuration dialog box appears.
3. Select the network adapter driver to which you want to bind the
Microsoft DLC protocol. Choose the Add/Remove Protocols button.
The Network Protocols for adapter dialog box appears. Select the
Microsoft DLC driver from the list and choose the OK button.
If Microsoft DLC is not in the list of protocols, choose the Other
Protocol button. Then insert the disk containing MS-DOS drivers,
which has the Microsoft DLC protocol driver, in the drive specified.
Or, if the protocol driver is elsewhere on the network, type the
path to the driver. Choose the OK button.
A list of drivers on the disk will appear. Select the Microsoft
DLC driver and choose the OK button. LAN Manager will copy all
necessary files and modify your initialization files.
4. Exit the LAN Manager Setup program.
5. If your network adapter requires reserved memory, use the memory
manager to exclude the necessary memory blocks from the operating
system. For more information on excluding memory blocks, refer to
"Planning for Installation or Configuration" earlier in this
document, or to the documentation that accompanies your memory
6. In order to use shared folders on an AS/400, you need to use two
device drivers from IBM's PC Support program. To do so, include
these lines in your CONFIG.SYS file:
rem *** The following two PCS drivers are for share folders only:
7. If you are using an AS/400, and you cannot connect, you may need
to set the lan connections retry value in the Control Description
on the AS/400 to 60.
8. Reboot your computer.
The following table summarizes the possible entries and values in the
[msdlc_xif] section of the LAN Manager PROTOCOL.INI file. Required
PROTOCOL.INI entries are drivername, bindings, load, and unload.
Entry Units Range Default
adaptrate milliseconds 0-65535 0
bindings drivers -- no default
bufqelements buffers 1-2048 64
class1timeout seconds 0-65535 120
commands descriptors 1-255 24
denysaps -- 0x02-0xFE 0xF0
drivername -- -- msdlc$
ipackets packets 1-1000 24
load -- -- msdlc[ub]
looppackets packets 1-1000 2
maxgroup packets 1-126 0
maxin packets 1-127 1
maxmember packets 1-127 0
maxout packets 1-127 12
msdlcretries retries 1-65535 8
saps -- 1-255 2
stacksize bytes 512-4096 2048
stations -- 1-255 20
swap -- 0-1 1
timers timers 1-255 12
t1_tick_one 40 milliseconds 1-255 5
t1_tick_two 40 milliseconds 1-255 25
t2_tick_one 40 milliseconds 1-255 1
t2_tick_two 40 milliseconds 1-255 10
ti_tick_one 40 milliseconds 1-255 25
ti_tick_two 40 milliseconds 1-255 125
trxbuffers buffers 0-32 0
trxbufsize bytes 0-16000 0
uipackets packets 2-300 16
unload -- -- msdlc[u] (required)
usedix (Ethernet only) -- 0-1 0
windowerrors errors 0-10 0
xsaps0 -- 0-127 0
xsaps1 -- 0-127 0
xstations0 -- 0-127 0
xstations1 -- 0-127 0
Entries in the [msdlc_xif] section of the LAN Manager PROTOCOL.INI
file have the following meanings:
Specifies the time in milliseconds between runs of the adaptive
window algorithm. For each link, the Microsoft DLC driver uses
the algorithm to match the maxin and maxout values with the
remote station's values as closely as possible. The algorithm
also considers the conditions of the link (such as adapter
receiver buffers, load, and so on).
When no dropped packets are detected, the adaptive window
algorithm increases the send window (see maxout). If dropped
packets are detected (more than the value of windowerrors),
the algorithm decreases the send window. Similarly, the
algorithm adjusts the receive window based on the timeout
expiration of the t2 timer.
Adaptrate should be large in relation to t1 and t2--usually
above one second--but it can be smaller than ti.
A value of 0 turns off the algorithm, meaning that the maxin
and maxout values never change.
Names the driver(s) to which Microsoft DLC binds. The Microsoft
DLC driver can bind to as many as two network adapter drivers.
Use commas to separate the driver names.
Specifies the total number of buffers that may be pooled in the
driver at one time. This is not a per-pool limit, but a limit
across all pools.
Specifies the length of time a network adapter driver should
spend trying to send a UI frame before giving up and freeing
the resources.
Specifies the number of CCB descriptors to allocate for
managing CCBs submitted to the Microsoft DLC driver. Specifies
the number of commands pending simultaneously. The equivalent
entry in the Microsoft NetBEUI protocol is called ncbs.
Specifies a list of SAP values that may not be opened on the
driver. The NetBIOS SAP (0xF0) is denied by default. To allow
the NetBIOS SAP, set no value for denysaps.
Specifies the number of transmission retries that Microsoft
DLC makes before assuming that the receiver's Microsoft DLC
layer is not responding. You can lower the value of this entry
on a highly reliable network, where few packets are dropped.
Raise the value if the network is prone to dropping packets.
The types of network adapters on the network affect reliability
because some have limited buffering capabilities and may drop
packets because of a buffer-resource problem.
Identifies the driver name of the network device driver. The
base portion of the driver's filename, plus a dollar sign, is
the drivername. The Microsoft DLC drivername is msdlc$.
Specifies the number of I-frame packet descriptors that the
Microsoft DLC driver can use to build Microsoft DLC frames.
Specifies whether to load Microsoft DLC into conventional or
high memory. This required value is set during installation.
You can change where Microsoft DLC is loaded later by editing
this entry. The next time Microsoft DLC is loaded, the new
value will take effect.
Specifies the number of frames to be looped back at one time.
Packets are used when the workstation sends a message to itself.
Specifies the maximum number of Group SAPs that may be opened
The default values for maxgroup and maxmember are zero because
most applications do not use Group SAPs. Increase these values
if your applications use Group SAPs.
Specifies the number of packets to be received before sending
an acknowledgment. This number is often called the receive
When the adaptrate entry is present and has a value of zero,
the maxin value is not dynamically adjusted. Otherwise, the
Microsoft DLC driver adjusts the maxin value as described in
the adaptrate entry in this section.
Specifies the maximum number of SAPs that may belong to each
Group SAP.
The default values for maxgroup and maxmember are zero because
most applications do not use Group SAPs. Increase these values
if your applications use Group SAPs.
Specifies the number of packets to send before expecting an
acknowledgment. This number is often called the send window.
When the adaptrate entry is present and has a value of zero,
the maxout value is not dynamically adjusted. Otherwise, the
Microsoft DLC driver adjusts the maxout value as described in
the adaptrate entry in this section.
Indicates the number of SAPs that may be opened simultaneously.
For a description of SAPs see the IBM Local Area Network
Technical Reference. For more information about adjusting the
saps entry, see the stations entry.
Indicates the size, in bytes, of Microsoft DLC's internal stack.
Indicates the number of link stations that may be opened
simultaneously on each SAP.
Each interface application requires a certain number of SAPs
and stations. Because each SAP or station takes up memory, you
should provide just enough for your application to run. Here
are some samples of the number of SAPs and stations needed by
specific applications:
Application SAPs Stations
IBM PC 3270 version 2 for MS-DOS 2 20
IBM PC 3270 version 2 for Windows 2 20
IBM 3270 Workstation version 1.1 2 8
IBM Personal Communication Support (PCS) 1 3
Microcom(R) Relay Gold 5.00 (for MS-DOS) 2 2
Microcom Relay Gold 5.0b (for Windows) 2 2
DCA IRMA Workstation for MS-DOS 3 10
Eicon Access version 3.11 1 1
Dynacomm(R) Elite for MS-DOS 2 4
Rumba version 3.1 2 1
Extra for MS-DOS version 2.23 2 2
Extra for Windows version 3.3 2 8
If you don't know the number of SAPs and stations your
application requires, and you want to minimize the memory
usage of your terminal emulation applications, start with
large values and gradually reduce them until the application
no longer works.
The default is set to saps=3 and stations=20. This is more
than enough for most Microsoft DLC applications. Unused SAPs
and stations are harmless except that they consume memory.
This parameter is only meaningful if Microsoft DLC is bound to
an Ethernet driver. It turns on address bit-swapping when
Microsoft DLC is bound to an Ethernet driver. If you are not
sure what value you need for this entry, please consult the
system administrator for the host system.
If you previously used the DXME0MOD.SYS driver successfully,
this is how to map its xmit_swap parameter to Microsoft's DLC
swap and usedix parameters:
DXME0MOD.SYS Microsoft Microsoft
xmit_swap DLC swap DLC usedix
0 1 0
1 1 1
2 0 0
3 0 1
Specifies the number of timers running at one time using the
Microsoft DLC timer primitives.
Sets the retransmission-timer "short tick" value in units of
40 milliseconds. This timer determines the delay before
retransmitting a link-level frame if no acknowledgment is
The Microsoft DLC protocol uses three timers: t1 (retransmission),
t2 (acknowledgment), and ti (inactivity). Each timer has a
"short tick" rate and a "long tick" rate that individual
commands use in determining timer values. A command such as specifies a timer value with a number range of
1-10 units of milliseconds.
When the number is in the range of 1-5 units of milliseconds,
the actual timer value is:
(number selected) * (short-tick value) * 40 milliseconds
When the number is in the range of 6-10 units of milliseconds,
the actual timer value is:
(number selected -5) * (long-tick value) * 40 milliseconds
Some network application programs adjust these timer entries
automatically. The command can override the
default value.
Sets the retransmission-timer "long tick" value in units of 40
milliseconds. This timer determines the delay before
retransmitting a link-level frame if no acknowledgment is
For an explanation of the relationship among timer entries,
see the t1_tick_one entry in this section.
Sets the delayed-acknowledgment timer "short tick" value in
units of 40 milliseconds. This timer determines the delay
before acknowledging a received frame when the receive window
has not been reached.
For an explanation of the relationship among timer entries,
see the t1_tick_one entry in this section.
Sets the delayed-acknowledgment timer "long tick" value in units
of 40 milliseconds. This timer determines the delay before
acknowledging a received frame when the receive window has not
been reached.
For an explanation of the relationship among timer entries,
see the t1_tick_one entry in this section.
Sets the inactivity-timer "short tick" value in units of 40
milliseconds. This timer determines how often an inactive link
is checked to see whether it is still operational. For an
explanation of the relationship among timer entries, see the
t1_tick_one entry in this section.
Sets the inactivity-timer "long tick" value in units of 40
milliseconds. This timer determines how often an inactive
link is checked to see whether it is still operational.
For an explanation of the relationship among timer entries,
see the t1_tick_one entry in this section.
Specifies the number of internal transmit buffers. Increase this
value only if your configuration issues transmits containing
more buffers than the network adapter driver can accept in one
transfer call.
Specifies the size of internal transmit and receive buffers.
Increasing this value is required only when running applications
that use Group SAPs or that issue transmits containing more
buffers than the media access control driver can accept in one
transfer call.
Specifies the number of data descriptors to allocate for sending
Specifies how to unload Microsoft DLC from memory. This value
should not be changed.
usedix (Ethernet only)
Sets the frame format. Set to zero (the default) for 802.3
Ethernet format. Set to 1 for Ethernet DIX 2.0 (Ethertype
0x80D5) format. (Ethernet DIX frames have an extra type field
instead of the length field.)
Specifies the number of dropped packets that the adaptive
window algorithm allows before it decreases the send window.
(For more information on the adaptive window algorithm, see
the adaptrate entry in this section). For example, if
windowerrors has a value of 1, one packet can drop between
runs of the algorithm without having any effect; if 2 packets
drop, the algorithm decreases the send window.
Keep the value of windowerrors low for a lightly loaded
network, and increase it for a heavily loaded network.
If xsaps0 is defined, then during the call
for adapter #0, this value is compared to the maximum value
for saps specified by the application program and the larger
of the two is used. This is used when you need to run more than
one Microsoft DLC application. The sum of xsaps0 + xsaps1 must
be less than or equal to the value for saps. Increase saps if
necessary. For example, if you want to use two Microsoft DLC
applications and each requires two SAPs, you define xsaps0 = 4.
When the first application issues the call,
it would ask for two SAPs but would get four SAPs because of
this parameter. This way the second application would have
enough SAPs to run.
Similar to xsaps0, but for adapter #1.
Similar to xsaps0, but used for changing the number of link
stations, rather than the number of SAPs. The sum of
xstations0 + xstations1 must be less than or equal to the
value for stations. Increase stations if necessary.
Similar to xstations0, but for adapter #1.
Sample Configuration Files
Sample configuration files are included with the Microsoft DLC files
on your LAN Manager client disks. A readme file in the same directory
explains the uses of the various sample files.
Excluding Memory From Windows
When you install LAN Manager on an MS-DOS computer running Microsoft
Windows version 3.0 or above, the Setup program modifies the
configuration files for correct operation. However, if your computer
has a network adapter that uses shared random access memory (RAM),
you must manually modify SYSTEM.INI, the Windows configuration file.
When you modify SYSTEM.INI, you must exclude the shared RAM memory
area from use by the Windows program. Examples of adapters that use
shared RAM include the following:
Western Digital EtherCard PLUS or EtherCard PLUS/A
IBM Token-Ring Network Computer Adapter (1, 2, or A)
3Com EtherLink II (3C503) and EtherLink 16 (3C507)
This section describes how your computer's SYSTEM.INI file was
modified when you installed LAN Manager and how to manually exclude
a memory area from being used by the Windows program.
To determine whether your network adapter uses shared memory, refer
to that adapter's manual, or contact the vendor.
The information in the sections that follow provides a guide to
configuring network adapters that use shared memory. This information
provides as much detail as possible, but it may not be complete.
Always treat your network adapter manual or vendor as the final
Excluding a Segment of Memory
This section explains how to exclude a segment of memory from use by
the Windows operating system. Specific information about which
segments of memory to exclude for each adapter follows this section.
To exclude a segment of memory from use by Microsoft Windows
1. Determine the starting address and the size of the segment you
want to exclude, and then use the following sections to determine
the segments you need to exclude for your adapter.
Note that the Windows program excludes paragraphs of memory
(represented in four hexadecimal digits). Certain adapters use
memory addresses (represented in five hexadecimal digits) instead
of paragraph addresses. For the calculations here, memory
addresses are simply paragraph addresses with an extra zero, so
the final zeros on any memory addresses should be dropped.
2. Calculate the last address of the segment you want to exclude
using the starting address and the size of the segment.
3. Convert the size of the segment to hexadecimal so that you can
add it to the starting address (which should be in hexadecimal).
For example, 8K is 0x200 in hexadecimal, and 16K is 0x400 in
hexadecimal. The last address to be excluded is then the starting
address in hexadecimal plus the size of the segment in hexadecimal
minus one. (One is subtracted to get the last address of this
segment rather than the first address of the next segment.)
4. Add a line to the SYSTEM.INI file to exclude the memory from the
starting address of the segment to the last address in the segment.
5. Add a line to the SYSTEM.INI file after the section heading
[386ENH] using the starting address and the last address to be
excluded. If the starting address is 0xD000 and the last address
is 0xD1FF, for example, the line in SYSTEM.INI would be:
Note: You should exclude this same address range using the x option
for the EMM386 driver in the CONFIG.SYS file.
Western Digital EtherCard Plus and EtherCard Plus/A
The Western Digital EtherCard Plus and EtherCard Plus/A have a segment
of shared RAM that must be excluded from use by Microsoft Windows.
The starting address of this segment is the shared RAM address; the
size of the segment is the shared RAM buffer size.
The shared RAM address for these network adapters is configured by a
line in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Edit the PROTOCOL.INI file and find
the block of lines under the [WD8003] section. Look for the keyword
RAMADDRESS (Western Digital refers to the shared RAM as the RAM
buffer address). The value after RAMADDRESS is the starting address
of shared RAM for this network adapter.
The following is an example of the lines in a PROTOCOL.INI file for
a Western Digital network adapter. In this example, the shared RAM
address is 0xD000.
The shared RAM buffer size for the EtherCard Plus is 8K (or 0x200),
and the shared RAM buffer size for the EtherCard Plus/A is 16K (or
0x400). In this example, the last address in the segment to exclude
for an EtherCard Plus would be 0xD1FF (0xD000 + 0x200 - 1). The line
needed in the SYSTEM.INI file would be:
IBM Token-Ring Network Adapter (1, 2, or A)
The IBM Token-Ring network adapters have two segments of memory that
must be excluded from use by Microsoft Windows. The first is a segment
of read-only memory (ROM); the second is a segment of shared RAM.
The starting address for the ROM segment is set by a jumper on the
network adapter. For more information about this jumper, see the
manual for this network adapter. The size of the ROM segment is 8K
(or 0x200).
The starting address of the shared RAM segment used by these network
adapters is configured by a line in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Edit the
PROTOCOL.INI file, and find the block of lines that start with the
comment "IBM Token Ring" and include a line like DRIVERNAME=IBMTOK$
Look for the keyword RAM. The value after RAM is the starting address
of shared RAM for this network adapter.
The following is an example of the lines in a PROTOCOL.INI file for
an IBM Token-Ring network adapter. In this example, the shared RAM
address is 0xD000.
RAM = 0xD000
If the block does not contain the keyword RAM, the shared RAM address
is set to the ROM address plus the shared RAM buffer size. The ROM
address and the shared RAM buffer size (8K/0x200 or 16K/0x400) is
set by a jumper on the network adapter. For more information about
these jumpers, see the manual for this network adapter.
For example, assume the ROM address is 0xCC00, the RAM address is
0xD000, and the shared RAM buffer size is 8K (or 0x200). The ROM
segment from 0xCC00 to 0xCDFF must be excluded. The shared RAM
segment from 0xD000 to 0xD1FF must also be excluded. The following
lines show this:
For another example, assume the ROM address is 0xCC00, the RAM address
is not specified, and the shared RAM buffer size is 16K (or 0x400).
The ROM segment from 0xCC00 to 0xCDFF must be excluded. Because no
value is given for the RAM address, the shared RAM address is the ROM
address (0xCC00) plus the shared RAM buffer size (0x400), or 0xD000.
So, the shared RAM segment to be excluded is 0xD000 through 0xD3FF.
3Com EtherLink II (3C503) and EtherLink 16 (3C507) Network Adapters
The 3Com EtherLink II (3C503) and EtherLink 16 (3C507) network adapters
have a segment of shared RAM that must be excluded from use by
Microsoft Windows. The starting address of this segment is the shared
RAM address; the size of the segment is the shared RAM buffer size.
The shared RAM address for these network adapters is configured by a
jumper on the network adapter (3Com refers to the shared RAM address
as the memory base address). If shared RAM is disabled on your network
adapter card (the default setting), you do not have to exclude any
shared RAM from use by Microsoft Windows, so no changes are needed.
If shared RAM is set to a numerical value, use the value set as the
starting address of the segment to exclude. The shared RAM address on
this network adapter is given as a memory address (five hexadecimal
digits). Convert this to a paragraph address (which is needed for the
next step) by dropping the last zero. For more information about this
jumper, see the manual for these network adapters.
The shared RAM buffer size for this 3Com network adapter is 8K (or
0x200). For example, assume the shared RAM address for this network
adapter was 0xC800. Then the last address in the segment to exclude
would be 0xC9FF (0xC900 + 0x200 - 1). The line needed in the
SYSTEM.INI file would be:
Other Types of Network Adapters
If you are using a network adapter not listed here, read the
manufacturer's documentation to determine if the card uses memory
that must be excluded from use by Microsoft Windows. If so, follow
the procedure described in "Excluding a Segment of Memory," earlier
in this section, to exclude the memory indicated by the manufacturer.
Using Remote Access Service
The Remote Access service (RAS) allows off-site PC users transparent
access to network resources via a telephone connection with a network.
This section describes how to install RAS on a workstation running
MS-DOS version 3.3 or later with or without Microsoft Windows versions
3.0 or 3.1. It describes how to use a Windows NT or LAN Manager
network from a remote workstation and how to troubleshoot any problems
that may occur. It also includes information on modifying your modem
information script and configuration files.
When RAS is installed, your workstation has a Phone Book program for
entering and maintaining the names and telephone numbers of remote
networks. You can connect to and disconnect from these networks from
either the command line or the Phone Book program, using one of many
different types of modems.
Once you are connected to a network, you have access to network
resources as if you were in the office, subject to the same privilege
and permission restrictions. You can use net commands, access shared
directories and printers, and use client-server applications. RAS
also saves memory on your workstation, because you don't need to load
multiple protocols to use multiple networks.
For information on using RAS from Windows for Workgroups workstations
or MS-DOS Workgroup Connection workstations, see your Windows for
Workgroups or Workgroup Connection manual(s). For information on
installing RAS on a server, see your Windows NT manuals.
Installing RAS
This section includes information on how to install RAS on workstations
running MS-DOS, with or without Microsoft Windows, and how to install
RAS when you need to use the network in the office and from a remote
If you will only be using your workstation for dialing in to a network,
go directly to the following sections.
If you need to connect to a network both from a remote site and from
your office, your workstation must have a LAN Manager network driver
to access the network from the office, and the RAS drivers to access
the network from a remote site. See "Installing on Dual-Role
Workstations," later in this document.
Installing on MS-DOS
LAN Manager workstation software must be loaded on your workstation
prior to installing RAS.
To install RAS on MS-DOS
1. Insert the RAS installation disk in drive A.
2. Type a:\setup. The Setup box appears on the screen. Use the TAB
key to move around in the Setup box. Pressing ENTER selects the
highlighted option.
If the Setup program detects that a network adapter driver has been
configured, the program asks whether the user plans to use a:
* Network adapter or modem, but not both at the same time.
* Network adapter and modem at the same time.
If you plan to use a computer both at and away from the office,
select the first option. If you plan to use a computer only at
the office, select the second option.
If no network adapter is detected, the Setup program assumes you
will only be using RAS from a remote site.
The system installs the files, and the Add COM Port box appears on
the screen.
3. Specify a port and click the OK button. See the Help screen for
detailed information on port setting choices.
The Configuration box appears on the screen.
4. Choose one or more of the following:
* To accept the configuration defaults as indicated on the screen,
choose the OK button.
* To choose a different port, click the Add Port button, and
specify the port you want to use (for example, COM2).
* To choose a different type of modem, click the Select Modem button,
and select your modem type.
* To load the RAS drivers manually at startup, click on the X.
5. Choose the OK button. The Install Complete box appears on the
6. Restart your computer.
For additional instructions, use Setup Help, or contact your network
Installing on Microsoft Windows
LAN Manager must be loaded on your workstation prior to installing RAS.
Once the software is installed on Microsoft Windows, the RAS Phone
Book will be on your Microsoft Windows version 3.1 screen.
To install RAS on Microsoft Windows
1. Follow the steps in "Installing on MS-DOS."
2. Type win to start the Windows operating system.
3. From the Program Manager, choose File.
4. From the File menu, choose New.
5. From the New Program Object dialog box, choose Program Item.
6. Choose the OK button.
7. In the Description box, enter the following:
8. In the Command Line box, enter the following:
9. Choose the Change Icon.
The Select Icon dialog box appears.
10.In the File Name box, enter one of following:
* If you are running LAN Manager Enhanced, enter:
-- Or --
* If you are running LAN Manager Basic, enter:
If you have installed LAN Manager to a directory other than
C:\LANMAN.DOS, replace C:\LANMAN.DOS with that directory name.
11.Choose the OK button.
12.In the Program Properties dialog box, choose the OK button.
Installing on Dual-Role Workstations
Your workstation must have a LAN Manager network driver to access the
network from the office and the RAS drivers to access the network from
a remote site. However, you only use one set of these drivers at a time.
This section shows you how to unload whichever driver you aren't using.
To set up your workstation to connect
to the network from a remote site
Unload any network protocol drivers used at the office by typing
unload protocol before loading the RAS drivers and attempting a
remote connection.
Note: The unload command will not unload device drivers or
terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs that do not conform
to the LAN Manager Demand Protocol Architecture (DPA), such as
statically loaded protocols. Type load /i to see the names of
the protocols that can be unloaded using the unload command.
Protocols must be unloaded in the reverse order of which they
are listed. If the protocol you are running cannot be unloaded
using the unload command, you may unload it by running the
LAN Manager Setup program, removing that protocol from your
configuration, and rebooting your computer.
Now you can use the commands in "Using the Network," later in this
document, to connect to the network from a remote site.
To set up your workstation to connect
to the network from the office
1. Type rasload /u to unload the RAS drivers and to stop the Workstation
service. Use rasload /u /y to answer yes to all the questions
normally asked when stopping the Workstation service.
2. Type load protocol to load the protocol you need to use to connect
to the Windows NT or LAN Manager network.
If your workstation is in the office and is connected by cable to the
network, the LAN Manager commands described in this manual will work.
Conserving Memory on MS-DOS Workstations
This section describes two ways to conserve memory: unloading the
RAS drivers when you don't need them, and loading the RAS drivers
into upper memory when they are in use.
Unloading the RAS Drivers
Type rasload /u to unload the RAS drivers and stop the Workstation
service. Use rasload /u /y to answer yes to all the questions normally
asked when stopping the Workstation service.
Loading the RAS Drivers Into Upper Memory with LAN Manager
On MS-DOS client workstations, the RAS Setup program adds the following
lines to the [asybeui_xif] section of PROTOCOL.INI:
load="asybeui", "vcommiod[u]", "wantsr[u]"
unload="wantsr /u[c]", "vcommiod /u[c]", "asybeui[du]"
The [u] switch in the LOAD= line allows MS-DOS version 5 or 6 to load
the RAS drivers into upper memory. You can also use a third-party
memory manager to load the drivers into upper memory. For example,
if you are using Quarterdeck expanded memory manager QEMM386(R), you
would insert the QEMM386 LOADHI command as follows:
load="loadhi lanman.dos\drivers\protocol\asybeui\asybeui[cbr]",
"loadhi vcommiod[c]", "loadhi wantsr[c]"
unload="wantsr /u[c]", "vcommiod /u[c]", "asybeui[du]"
The LOAD command accepts the following switches:
Switch Meaning
u When used in the LOAD= line, the program is loaded into
upper memory blocks on MS-DOS version 5 or 6, if possible;
otherwise the program is loaded into conventional memory.
When used in the UNLOAD= line, the program is unloaded.
c No attempt is made to load the program into upper memory
b Binds the protocol to the hardware device driver.
r Registers the protocol with the LAN Manager redirector.
d Deregisters the protocol from the LAN Manager redirector.
The default switches are [ubr]. Before binding, be sure the program
is already loaded; that is, use [u] or [c] before using [b]. Before
registering, be sure that the file is both loaded and bound; that is,
use [u] or [c] and [b] before using [r].
Using the Network
This section includes information on connecting to, using, and
disconnecting from the network, and provides a command summary.
Connecting to the Network
Note: You must load RAS before you start the Windows operating system.
If you are using your computer to connect sometimes by modem and
sometimes by network adapter card, you should not start Windows
from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, or if you prefer, remember to exit
Windows, load RAS, and then return to Windows.
If you are using Microsoft Windows version 3.0 with a serial
mouse, start Windows before using RAS to connect to the network.
If you start Windows after establishing a connection, the
connection may be lost.
To load the RAS drivers manually, start at step 1. If you accepted
the Setup default to load the RAS drivers automatically, start at
step 2.
To connect to a Windows NT or LAN Manager Network
1. If the RAS drivers are not loaded automatically on your workstation,
type rasload at the MS-DOS command prompt.
2. At the MS-DOS prompt, type rasphone to open the Phone Book.
-- Or --
From the Windows interface, click on the RAS Phone Book icon.
3. Create and save a Phone Book entry (use Phone Book Help).
4. Connect to the network (use Phone Book Help).
You can now use the network as if you were in your office.
Note: You can access data files across the telephone connection, but
loading software programs across the network via a telephone
line will cause extremely long delays. Contact your network
administrator for more details.
Disconnecting from the Network
To disconnect from the network
1. At the MS-DOS prompt, type rasphone to open the Phone Book.
-- Or --
From the Windows interface, click on the RAS Phone Book icon.
2. Disconnect from the network (use Phone Book Help).
User Commands
The following commands use RAS to access your LAN Manager or
Windows NT network remotely.
Command Action
rasphone Opens the Phone Book.
rasdial Allows you to connect and disconnect.
rasload Loads the RAS drivers.
rasload /u Unloads the RAS drivers and stops the Workstation
service if necessary.
rasload /u /y Unloads RAS drivers and answers yes to all the questions
normally asked when stopping the Workstation service.
Type /help after any command to get more information about that command.
For example, type "rasdial /help" to learn more about the rasdial
Installing and Configuring NetWare Connectivity
This section describes how to install NetWare Connectivity on a
LAN Manager workstation, how to configure it, and how to free up as
much memory as possible for use by applications.
You must install LAN Manager on a workstation before you can install
NetWare Connectivity.
Before Installing
Before you install NetWare Connectivity, you must make preparations
if any of these situations applies to you:
The computer runs MS-DOS 5.0 and the NetWare Connectivity disks
do not contain either the NET5.COM file or the NETX.COM file.
The computer runs MS-DOS 6.0.
The computer runs Microsoft Windows.
The computer runs Microsoft Windows over-the-net (where the
Windows operating system is in a shared directory on a server).
The computer runs an international version of Microsoft Windows.
See the following subsections for these situations.
Installing With MS-DOS 5.0
During installation you will be prompted for some NetWare files from
your NetWare distribution disks. If you have workstations running
MS-DOS 5.0, you need either the NET5.COM file, the NETX.COM file, or
the NETX.EXE file (see "Using NETX.COM and NETX.EXE," later in this
section for an explanation of the files). However, these files may
not be on the NetWare distribution disks. If this is the case, you
can find NET5.COM and NETX.COM on the MS-DOS 5.0 Upgrade disks (or
obtain any of the three files from Novell); copy the appropriate one
to the root directory of the disk you use for installing NetWare
If you find that a workstation does not have the NET5.COM or
NETX.COM file after you install NetWare Connectivity (because this
file was not on the disk used for installation), simply copy the file
to the workstation. Copy it to the LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG directory on
workstations that have LAN Manager Enhanced, and to the
LANMAN.DOS\BASIC directory on workstations that have LAN Manager Basic.
If you are using NETX.EXE, rather than NETX.COM or NET5.COM, you must
rename this file to NETX.COM prior to installing NetWare Connectivity,
and then rename it back to NETX.EXE after installing NetWare
Installing With MS-DOS 6.0
During installation, you will be prompted for some NetWare files from
your NetWare distribution disks. If you have workstations running
MS-DOS 6.0, you need the NETX.COM file or the NETX.EXE file (see
"Using NETX.COM and NETX.EXE," later in this section for an explanation
of these files). However, these files may not be on the NetWare
distribution disks. If this is the case, you can find NETX.COM or
NETX.EXE on CompuServe (or obtain them from Novell); copy the
appropriate file to the root directory of the disk you use for
installing NetWare Connectivity.
If you find that a workstation does not have the NETX.COM or NETX.EXE
file after you install NetWare Connectivity (because this file was
not on the disk used for installation), simply copy the file to the
workstation. Copy it to the LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG directory on
workstations that have LAN Manager Enhanced, and to the
LANMAN.DOS\BASIC directory on workstations that have LAN Manager Basic.
If you are using NETX.EXE rather than NETX.COM, you must rename this
file to NETX.COM prior to installing NetWare Connectivity, and then
rename it back to NETX.EXE after installing NetWare Connectivity.
Installing With Microsoft Windows
The Microsoft Windows operating system uses a program called SHARE.EXE,
which is specified in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. While SHARE.EXE is loaded,
the NetWare Connectivity installation program cannot install some
To stop using SHARE.EXE
1. Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT, adding rem to the beginning of the line that
contains the SHARE.EXE file.
2. Reboot the computer.
3. Install NetWare Connectivity.
Once NetWare Connectivity is installed, you may remove rem from the
line for SHARE.EXE in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you are using Demand
Protocol Architecture (DPA), also move the line for SHARE.EXE so that
it comes before any LAN Manager entries.
The NetWare Connectivity installation program will edit the Windows
configuration (if installed) to support dual network connectivity for
LAN Manager and NetWare with the Windows operating system.
Installing With Over-the-Net Microsoft Windows
Some special steps must be taken when installing NetWare Connectivity
on computers on which Microsoft Windows has been installed for over-
the-net use (where the Microsoft Windows files reside on a server).
Apply the following steps to each workstation that runs the Windows
operating system over-the-net and runs NetWare Connectivity.
To install NetWare Connectivity with over-the-net Microsoft Windows
1. Before installing NetWare Connectivity on the workstation, copy
the file DUALNET.DRV from the NetWare Connectivity install disk
to the shared WINDOWS directory on the server.
You only have to do this once, regardless of how many workstations
you install.
2. At the workstation, make sure the drive letter you are running the
Windows operating system from off the net is between D and P.
NetWare uses drive letters Q through Z, so if you are running the
Windows operating system off a higher drive letter (W for example),
it will not work properly after NetWare connectivity is installed.
If you are running the Windows operating system off a drive
between Q and Z, you will need to re-install the Windows operating
system using a drive letter between D and P.
3. Run nwsetup as usual -- but when it asks if you want to install
Windows operating system support, choose Cancel.
4. Go into the Windows desktop and run the Windows Setup program.
From the Options menu, choose Change System Settings.
In the Network box on the Change System Settings dialog box,
change the network from Windows NT Advanced Server or LAN Manager
to the appropriate NetWare driver.
Select the OK button.
From the Options menu, select Exit.
Exit the Windows operating system.
If you go back into the Windows operating system before completing
the following steps, you may get several error messages as the
Windows operating system will not be able to load the NetWare
5. In the local WINDOWS directory, modify the WIN.INI file by adding
the nwpopup parameter to the load= line. The line will probably
look like this:
load=winpopup nwpopup
6. In the local WINDOWS directory, modify the SYSTEM.INI file by
changing the network.drv= line to:
7. Add VDUALNET.386 and VLANMAN.386 to the network= line.
Your network= line may look like this:
network=*vnetbios, vipx.386, vNetWare.386, vdualnet.386, vlanman.386
Installing With an International Version of Microsoft Windows
In certain instances, NetWare Connectivity needs to start the
Microsoft Windows setup file. In doing so, it assumes that the filename
is SETUP.EXE. In some international releases of Microsoft Windows,
however, the filename is different, as shown in the table below.
If you are using one of these versions, copy or rename the file to
SETUP.EXE before installing NetWare Connectivity. You can rename the
file back to what it was, or delete the copy, after NetWare
Connectivity is installed.
Name of Name of
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
Language Setup File Language Setup File
Norwegian INSTALL.EXE Turkish KUR.EXE
Installing NetWare Connectivity on a Token-Ring Network
If your network is token-ring and you want to implement source routing
(which is recommended), you must edit the PROTOCOL.INI file before or
after you install NetWare Connectivity on any workstation.
On the NetWare Connectivity disk, the NW directory contains a
PROTOCOL.INI file with sections for the NDIS-compliant IPX protocol.
The PROTOCOL.INI file is configured for Ethernet networks.
To enable source routing
1. Edit the PROTOCOL.INI file in the NETWARE directory to change the
second line from
load = ipxmark [u],ipx[u]
load = ipxmark [u],ipx[u],rout[u]
If you set up a server for over-the-network installation, be
sure the PROTOCOL.INI file in the NW subdirectory of the source
directory has this change to enable source routing.
2. Copy the ROUTE.COM file to the disk you will use for installation,
in the directory containing the NWSETUP.EXE program.
You can obtain the ROUTE.COM file from Novell.
Installing Directly From the Distribution Disk
Installing NetWare Connectivity is a two-step process:
1. Use the NetWare Connectivity Setup program to copy the NetWare
Connectivity files to the workstation and generate a copy of the
IPX protocol that is NDIS-compliant.
If the workstation has Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or later, the
NetWare Connectivity Setup program starts the Windows Setup program,
which copies the files necessary for Windows operating system
support of both LAN Manager and NetWare to the workstation.
2. Use the LAN Manager Setup program to bind the NDIS-compliant IPX
protocol to a network adapter driver.
These steps are explained in detail in the following sections.
Copying NetWare Connectivity Files to the Workstation
To install NetWare Connectivity, you start the NetWare Connectivity
Setup program and copy files from the NetWare Connectivity
distribution disk to the workstation's hard disk.
To copy the NetWare Connectivity files to the workstation
1. Be sure that LAN Manager is already installed on the workstation.
2. Start the NetWare Connectivity Setup program in one of these two
Insert the NetWare Connectivity distribution disk in drive A,
then type the following from the command line:
Start the LAN Manager Setup program, and then choose Install
from the Connectivity menu.
You will be prompted to insert the NetWare Connectivity
distribution disk and specify the disk drive containing the disk.
The NetWare Connectivity Installation dialog box appears.
3. To install NetWare Connectivity, choose the OK button.
NetWare Connectivity files are copied from the NetWare Connectivity
distribution disk to the workstation's hard disk.
After the files are copied, a dialog box appears, prompting you to
insert the Novell NetWare SHGEN-1 or WSGEN disk.
4. Remove the NetWare Connectivity disk from drive A, insert the
SHGEN-1 or WSGEN disk in drive A, and choose the OK button.
The necessary NetWare files are copied to the workstation's hard
disk, and the NDIS-compliant IPX.COM file is generated using
object files from both the Novell NetWare and LAN Manager NetWare
Connectivity disks.
Depending on the version of NetWare, the SHGEN-1 disk may not
contain all the needed files. In this case, you will be prompted
to remove that disk, insert the SHGEN-2 disk, and again choose the
OK button.
Installing Microsoft Windows Support
After copying the NetWare Connectivity files to the workstation, the
next step is to install network support for Microsoft Windows (if the
workstation has Windows version 3.0 or later).
If the workstation does not have Microsoft Windows, skip to "Binding
IPX to a Network Adapter," later in this section. If the workstation
has a version of Microsoft Windows earlier than 3.0, a message box
appears notifying you that Windows operating system support cannot
be installed. If you see this message, choose the OK button, and skip
to "Binding IPX to a Network Adapter," later in this section.
If the workstation has Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or later, the
NetWare Connectivity Setup program copies Microsoft Windows support
files to the workstation's hard disk and checks the workstation's
hard disk for the Microsoft Windows network drivers.
If the Setup program finds the Microsoft Windows drivers for
both NetWare and LAN Manager, a dialog box titled
"Installation Complete" appears.
Choose the OK button. The NetWare Connectivity Setup program
stops, but you still must use the LAN Manager Setup program to
bind the IPX protocol to a network adapter driver. For
instructions, see the following section of this document,
"Binding IPX to a Network Adapter."
If the Setup program does not find the Microsoft Windows drivers
for both LAN Manager and NetWare, you must install the needed
drivers. A NetWare Windows Driver Installation dialog box appears.
To install the Microsoft Windows network drivers
1. In the NetWare Windows Driver Installation dialog box, choose the
OK button.
The Windows Setup program starts, and the Windows Setup main screen
2. Press the UP ARROW key until the Network line is selected, and then
press ENTER.
3. Select either Novell NetWare, LAN Manager Enhanced, or LAN Manager
Basic (depending on which network drivers are needed). You may have
to press the DOWN ARROW key a few times before the correct network
appears in the list box. When you have selected the correct
network, press ENTER.
You return to the Windows Setup main screen. The network you
selected now appears in the Network line.
4. With the Accept the configuration shown above line selected,
press ENTER.
You return to the NetWare Connectivity Setup program.
If Microsoft Windows drivers for both networks are needed, the
Windows Support Installation dialog box appears again, and you
must repeat steps 1 through 4 for the second network.
When all the drivers for both networks are installed, an
"Installation Complete" dialog box appears.
5. Choose the OK button.
The NetWare Connectivity Setup program ends. You now must bind the
IPX protocol to a network adapter driver. For instructions, see the
following section.
Binding IPX to a Network Adapter
To bind the NDIS-compliant IPX protocol to a network adapter, you use
the LAN Manager Setup program--not the NetWare Connectivity Setup
To bind IPX to a network adapter
1. If the LAN Manager Setup program is not already running, start it
by changing directories to the LAN Manager directory (usually the
C:\LANMAN.DOS directory) and typing:
2. From the Configuration menu, choose Network Drivers.
A dialog box titled, "Workstation Configuration" appears.
3. Select the network adapter to which you want to bind the IPX
protocol, and then choose the Modify Config button or the
Add/Remove Protocols button.
The Network Protocols for network adapter card dialog box appears,
listing each protocol installed on the workstation. The protocols
bound to the network adapter you selected are indicated by marked
check boxes.
4. Select the IPX/SPX NDIS Driver check box.
5. Choose the OK button.
The Workstation Configuration dialog box appears again, now showing
IPX as one of the protocols bound to the network adapter selected.
6. Choose the OK button.
The Configuration Complete dialog box appears.
7. Choose the Save button.
The configuration is saved. You are now finished installing
NetWare Connectivity.
8. From the LAN Manager menu, choose Exit Setup to exit the LAN Manager
Setup program.
Installing Over the Network
To install NetWare Connectivity over the network, you must first
prepare a server to be a source server for the installation. To do
this, you first set up a shared directory that contains the NetWare
Connectivity files. Then you install NetWare Connectivity on each
workstation by connecting to the shared directory and starting the
NetWare Connectivity Setup program.
Preparing the Server
To prepare the server, you copy files from the NetWare Connectivity
disks to a directory on the server and then share the directory.
To make installing NetWare Connectivity over the network even faster,
you can copy an NDIS-compliant version of IPX.COM to the source server.
This way, IPX.COM will not have to be generated from object files
each time you install NetWare Connectivity on a workstation.
If you will be installing NetWare Connectivity on workstations that
have Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or later, you can also copy the
Microsoft Windows drivers for NetWare to the shared directory. This
way, you will not have to use the Windows Setup program when installing
NetWare Connectivity on any workstations--the Windows drivers for
NetWare will be copied from the shared directory.
Note: If your network is token-ring, be sure the PROTOCOL.INI file
on the source server has been altered for source routing. Also,
copy the ROUTE.COM file to the server's source directory (the
directory containing the NWSETUP.EXE program). For more
information, see "Installing NetWare Connectivity on a
Token-Ring Network," earlier in this section.
To prepare the source server
1. At the server, log on to the network with a user account that has
administrative privilege on that server.
2. Create the directory that will serve as the source directory. For
example, to create a C:\NWCONN directory on an OS/2 server, type:
mkdir c:\nwconn
3. Share the directory, using the net share command.
Be sure that permissions for the source directory are set so that
everyone who needs access will have it.
4. Copy the contents of the NetWare Connectivity distribution disk to
the server directory. The method you use depends on the operating
system of the server:
For a Windows NT computer or a LAN Manager OS/2 server, insert
the NetWare Connectivity distribution disk in drive A of the
server, and type:
xcopy a:\ source /s
where source is the source directory you created. For example,
the following command copies the files to the C:\NWCONN
xcopy a:\ c:\nwconn /s
For a server that cannot read MS-DOS formatted disks directly,
such as a LAN Manager for UNIX Systems server, insert the NetWare
Connectivity distribution disk in drive A of an MS-DOS or OS/2
workstation on the network.
From the workstation, connect to the source directory you set
up on the server and assign it a local drive letter. For example,
if the source directory is on the SERVER1 server and has the
sharename NWCONN, type:
net use x: \\server1\nwconn
Next, type:
xcopy a:\ x: /s
5. If you have already installed NetWare Connectivity on a workstation
directly from the distribution disk, copy the NDIS-compliant
version of IPX.COM (generated during the previous installation of
that workstation) to the source directory you are preparing (the
directory containing the NWSETUP.EXE program). On the previously
installed workstation, IPX.COM is in the LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG
directory (if the workstation runs LAN Manager Enhanced), or in
the LANMAN.DOS\BASIC directory (if the workstation runs LAN Manager
Each subsequent workstation will copy the NDIS-compliant IPX.COM
instead of generating it.
You can also copy all versions of the NETx.COM, NETX.COM and
NETX.EXE files that your network uses to the source directory you
are preparing. This way, you will not have to use the NetWare
distribution disks at all during installation. If you have a
token-ring network that uses source routing, you should also copy
ROUTE.COM to this directory.
6. If you will be installing NetWare Connectivity on workstations that
have Microsoft Windows version 3.0 or later, copy the Microsoft
Windows drivers for NetWare to the source directory. This way,
when you install over the network you will not have to use the
Windows Setup program.
Copy the NETWARE.DRV, VNETWARE.386, and VIPX.386 files from the
Microsoft Windows distribution disks or from the WINDOWS directory
of a workstation that has Windows operating system support for
NetWare or NetWare Connectivity already installed. Copy these
files to the source directory itself (the directory containing the
NWSETUP.EXE program), not to the NW subdirectory of this directory.
The directory is now ready for use.
Installing Each Workstation
After you have prepared the source directory on a server, you can
install NetWare Connectivity over the network.
To install NetWare Connectivity over the network
1. From the workstation, connect to the source directory you set up
on the server and assign it a local drive letter.
For example, if the source directory is on the SERVER1 server and
has the sharename NWCONN, type:
net use x: \\server1\nwconn
2. Start the NetWare Connectivity Setup program by typing:
The NetWare Connectivity Setup program starts.
3. Follow the instructions in "Copying NetWare Connectivity Files to
the Workstation" (starting with step 3), "Installing Microsoft
Windows Support," and "Binding IPX to a Network Adapter," earlier
in this section.
If you copied the NDIS-compliant IPX.COM or the Microsoft Windows
drivers for NetWare to the source directory, you can skip the
sections of installation that have to do with generating IPX.COM
and using the Windows Setup program.
Installing With an Altered Distribution Disk
To simplify floppy-disk installation of NetWare Connectivity, you can
copy extra files to the floppy disk you use to install NetWare
Connectivity. Using this altered disk to install NetWare Connectivity,
you can skip some steps of the installation process.
After you have installed NetWare Connectivity on one workstation using
the original NetWare Connectivity distribution disk, you can copy the
IPX.COM file generated during that installation to the floppy disk you
use for installation. Copy the IPX.COM file to the directory containing
the NWSETUP.EXE program. This way, when you use that disk to install
NetWare Connectivity on other workstations, the Setup program will
copy to the workstation the IPX.COM you already generated, instead
of generating another copy of it. You will find the NDIS-compliant
IPX.COM file in the LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG directory (if the workstation
runs LAN Manager Enhanced), or in the LANMAN.DOS\REDIR directory (if
the workstation runs LAN Manager Basic).
You can also copy all versions of the NETx.COM, NETX.COM, and NETX.EXE
files that your network uses to the source directory you are preparing.
This way, you will not have to use the NetWare distribution disks at
all during installation. If you have a token-ring network that uses
source routing, you should also copy ROUTE.COM to the NW subdirectory.
If the workstations you install NetWare Connectivity on have Microsoft
Windows version 3.0 or later, you can copy the Microsoft Windows
drivers for NetWare to your installation floppy disk. This way, you
will not have to use the Windows Setup program when you install
NetWare Connectivity. Copy the necessary Windows operating system
files from your Microsoft Windows distribution disks or from the
WINDOWS directory of a workstation that already has Windows operating
system support for NetWare or NetWare Connectivity installed. Copy
these files to the root directory of the disk (the directory
containing the NWSETUP.EXE file):
Deciding How the User Will Start the Workstation
You need to choose between the two ways a user can start NetWare
* The user can use the nwload command to start NetWare Connectivity,
and then use nwunload to unload it when finished using it.
Choose this method if you want the user to be able to unload
NetWare when not using it, so that NetWare occupies memory only
while being used. If you choose this method, tell the user to
load and unload NetWare with nwload and nwunload. Make sure the
user knows that the Windows operating system must not be running
when they issue the nwload or nwunload command. If you want,
you can add nwload to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to have NetWare
start when the computer starts.
If the net start workstation command appears in AUTOEXEC.BAT,
add the nwload command after it. If a command in AUTOEXEC.BAT
starts the Windows operating system, add the nwload command
before it.
If you need to add nwload to AUTOEXEC.BAT, but it is not the
last command in the file, use call nwload instead. The call
command ensures that the rest of AUTOEXEC.BAT will run after
nwload runs. For more information, see your MS-DOS manual(s).
* The user can start IPX.COM and NETx.COM, NETX.COM, or NETX.EXE
directly, as on a NetWare-only workstation.
Choose this method if the workstation has enough memory to run
both LAN Manager and NetWare all the time, and the user will
want both running all the time. This method also lets
experienced NetWare users start NetWare using the commands the
are accustomed to.
You can put the ipx and netx commands into the workstation's
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If the net start workstation command appears
in AUTOEXEC.BAT, add the ipx and netx commands after it. If a
command in AUTOEXEC.BAT starts the Windows operating system,
add the ipx and netx commands before it.
Note that NetWare cannot be started with either method while the
Windows operating system is running. To start NetWare, the user must
first exit the Windows operating system.
The information about NetWare Connectivity in the LAN Manager user
documentation for MS-DOS assumes that nwload and nwunload will be used.
If this is not the case, explain to the users how to start and stop
NetWare Connectivity.
The following sections give more information about each way of
starting NetWare Connectivity.
Using NWLOAD to Run NetWare Connectivity
The nwload command starts the NWLOAD.BAT file, which starts the NDIS-
compliant version of IPX.COM, and the NetWare shell (the netx program),
and logs the user into a NetWare server using NetWare's login utility.
If the user wants NetWare Connectivity to start when the workstation
starts, you can add nwload to the end of the workstation's AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. If the net start workstation command appears in AUTOEXEC.BAT,
make sure that the nwload command appears after it. If a command in
AUTOEXEC.BAT starts the Windows operating system, add the nwload
command before it.
If you need to add nwload to AUTOEXEC.BAT, but it is not the last
command in the file, use call nwload instead. The call command ensures
that the rest of AUTOEXEC.BAT will run after nwload runs. For more
information, see your MS-DOS manual(s).
If necessary, a workstation user could also start NetWare on the
workstation without LAN Manager running by typing either nwload or
the combination of the ipx and netx commands.
NETX.COM and NETX.EXE are versions of the NetWare shell that run on
any version of MS-DOS. A NetWare workstation can run NETX.COM or
NETX.EXE instead of NET3.COM, NET4.COM, or NET5.COM. NetWare
Connectivity supports the use of NETX.COM and NETX.EXE.]
If you want to use NETX.COM or NETX.EXE on a workstation and have the
user use the nwload and nwunload commands to start and stop NetWare
Connectivity, you need to modify the NWLOAD.BAT and NWUNLOAD.BAT
batch files.
1. Edit the NWLOAD.BAT file to remove rem from these two lines, near
the top of the file:
rem netx
rem goto LOGIN
2. Edit the NWUNLOAD.BAT file to remove rem from these two lines:
rem netx /u
rem goto IPXREL
After you make these changes, the nwload and nwunload commands will
Configuring and Personalizing NWLOAD.BAT
The default NWLOAD.BAT file serves the needs of most users. However,
you can configure and personalize it. First, save the default
NWLOAD.BAT file to have as a backup if something goes wrong with your
Adding commands to NWLOAD.BAT ensures that they will be run when the
user starts NetWare Connectivity, and ensures that the user will not
have to remember to type the commands each time.
You can add commands to start applications that require NetWare.
Because NetWare Connectivity runs Novell's own NetWare workstation
software, all NetWare-specific applications can run on the workstation.
Note: NetWare NetBIOS applications will run on workstations running
LAN Manager and NetWare Connectivity. They cannot interoperate
with the same applications running on NetWare-only workstations
and servers, however, because the LAN Manager NetBIOS (used with
NetWare Connectivity) and the NetWare NetBIOS (used on
NetWare-only workstations) cannot communicate with each other.
For more information about batch programs, see your MS-DOS manual(s).
Using IPX and NETX Commands to Run NetWare Connectivity
If the user will not need to unload NetWare Connectivity, you can have
the user start NetWare Connectivity in the same way as a NetWare-only
workstation, using the ipx and netx commands. Or you can put these
commands in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that they will be run
automatically when the workstation starts. Add them toward the end
of AUTOEXEC.BAT but before commands that start the Windows operating
You can also load the IPXNDIS.DOS device driver in the CONFIG.SYS file,
then type ipx to run the IPX protocol. This method of running IPX is
not demand loaded and occupies more memory.
You and the user should know an important difference between starting
NetWare on a NetWare Connectivity workstation and on a NetWare-only
workstation. The default network drive the NetWare Connectivity user
uses to log in to a NetWare server will probably be different from that
used on a NetWare-only workstation. With a NetWare-only workstation,
the login drive is usually the F drive. With NetWare Connectivity, the
drive will be the drive letter following the drive letter set as the
lastdrive in the CONFIG.SYS file. The default (set when you install
NetWare Connectivity) for lastdrive is p; in this case, the login
drive must be the Q drive.
If you change lastdrive, use the appropriate login drive instead of
the Q drive. For more information about lastdrive, see "Setting the
LASTDRIVE Option," later in this section.
If you put the login command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, be sure to
specify the correct drive letter. If the user will type the login
command, be sure he or she knows which drive letter to use.
Using the Fixpath Utility
NetWare Connectivity includes a fixpath utility to ensure that a
workstation's search path remains correct when both LAN Manager and
NetWare are loaded. A problem occurs with the search path when
NetWare is started on the workstation and the NetWare login script
creates search-drive connections to NetWare servers, using commands
such as the following:
map s9:=server/sys
This command not only creates the connection, but it also alters the
user's MS-DOS search path. Elements already in the search path, such
as the LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG directory, may be deleted from the path.
The fixpath utility runs after the user logs on to a NetWare server
and has the login script run. The fixpath utility automatically
restores the path that was present before NetWare was started.
If you use the nwload utility to start NetWare, fixpath will run
automatically. However, if your LAN Manager directory is not
C:\LANMAN.DOS, you must first edit the NWLOAD.BAT file (located in
the NETPROG subdirectory of your LAN Manager directory). Near the
bottom of NWLOAD.BAT is the following line:
Edit this line so that it shows the actual location of your LAN Manager
directory. For example, if your LAN Manager directory is D:\NETWORK,
edit this line so that it reads:
If you don't use nwload, you can still run fixpath yourself after
starting ipx and netx. To run fixpath yourself, type its full path.
For example, if your LAN Manager directory is C:\LANMAN, type the
following to run fixpath:
Setting the LASTDRIVE Option
On a workstation running both LAN Manager and NetWare Connectivity,
the two systems share the drive letters available to be assigned to
network directories. The letters up to and including the letter specified
as lastdrive in the CONFIG.SYS file can be used for LAN Manager
directories; the letters following the lastdrive letter can be used
for NetWare directories.
Note: If the workstation runs the Microsoft Windows operating system,
there is an exception to the drive letter restriction. While
using the Windows File Manager to make network connections,
the user can assign any drive letter (whether it is before or
after lastdrive) to NetWare directories, but will be restricted
to drive letters up to and including lastdrive for LAN Manager
When NetWare Connectivity is installed, it sets the lastdrive entry
in CONFIG.SYS to p. This provides about the same number of drive
letters for LAN Manager as for NetWare.
If a workstation user will need to connect to more than ten LAN Manager
or NetWare directories simultaneously, you might want to change last
drive. If the user will connect to many LAN Manager directories, set
lastdrive to a letter closer to Z. If the user will connect to many
NetWare directories, choose a letter closer to A.
If you change lastdrive, and if the user uses the nwload command to
start NetWare Connectivity, you must also edit the NWLOAD.BAT file.
This is because the NetWare login command in NWLOAD.BAT must use the
drive letter immediately following the drive letter set as lastdrive.
The line you must edit looks like this:
q:login %1
Change it so that it uses the drive letter immediately following the
letter set as lastdrive. For example, if you change lastdrive to u,
edit the NWLOAD.BAT line like this:
v:login %1
Also, if you change lastdrive on a workstation that does not run the
Windows operating system, be sure to tell the user.
Your Guide to Service and Support for Microsoft Network Client Pack
Microsoft Support Network
Advanced Systems Products Support Options
The following support services are available from Microsoft for
Microsoft Advanced Systems products, including Microsoft Mail Server
and its gateways, SQL Server, LAN Manager, Windows NT, Windows NT
Advanced Server, and SNA Server.
Electronic Services
Microsoft Forums
These forums are provided through the CompuServe Information Service,
(800) 848-8199, representative 230 (sales information only). Access
is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
These forums enable an interactive technical dialogue between users
as well as remote access to the Microsoft Knowledge Base of product
information, which is updated daily. These forums are monitored by
Microsoft support engineers for technical accuracy. If you are
already a subscriber, type "GO " at any ! prompt.
MSCLIENT Microsoft Network Client
WINNT Microsoft Windows NT support
MSSQL Support for Microsoft SQL Server
MSWRKGRP Microsoft Mail
MSNETWORKS Microsoft LAN Manager support
MSAPP Support for Microsoft applications
MSWIN32 Information on Win32
MSDR Development-related discussion forum
WINEXT Support for extensions and drivers for Windows
WINSDK Support for Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Microsoft Download Service
Use the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) to access the latest technical
notes on common advanced system products support issues via modem.
MSDL is at (206) 936-6735, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
including holidays (1200, 2400, or 9600 baud; no parity, 8 data bits,
1 stop bit).
Use the Internet to access the Microsoft Driver Library and Microsoft
Knowledge Base The Microsoft Internet FTP archive host (ip address supports anonymous login.
When logging in as anonymous, please offer your complete e-mail name
as your password.
Telephone Support
Microsoft FastTips
An interactive, automated system providing support at no charge through
toll lines and accessed by touch-tone phone. FastTips provides fast
access to answers to common questions and a library of technical notes
delivered by phone recording or fax. FastTips is available 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week, including holidays.
Microsoft Advanced Systems products (800) 936-4400
Priority Telephone Support
Get technical support from a Microsoft engineer. Microsoft offers
pay-as-you-go telephone support from a Microsoft engineer, available
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except holidays. Choose from these
Per Incident: Dial (900) 555-2100. $150.00 per incident.
(Charges appear on your telephone bill.)
Per Incident: Dial (800) 936-5900. $150.00 per incident.
(Charges billed to your Visa, Master Card, or American Express.)
10-pack: Ten incidents for $995 prepaid.
Additional Information
For additional information about Microsoft support options or for a
list of Microsoft Solution Providers, call Microsoft Support Network
Sales and Information Group at (800) 936-3500, Monday through Friday,
6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Pacific time, excluding holidays.
This list includes only domestic support programs.
Microsoft's customer support services are subject to Microsoft's
then-current price, terms, and conditions.